Forgotten Depths
Begin cleaning the Trash work well with all Classes
Tortos: Mostly Melee Classes, but saw it on my Shaman too
Tortos-1.jpg) Start of the Fight against Tortos. In this Log my Rogue start infront of Tortos but after the first Groundsmash (sorry forgot the name) my Toon gets even closer to Tortos till (Tortos-2.jpg) he is under the Boss and gets always kicked back infront of him. But Toon repeat this till the Fight is over.
Trash Way
Toon follows the Group and if the Group split up or run the other way with Mount, my Toon will pull every trash in this zone. This is the most dangerous Zone in the whole ini from Boss1 to Boss2. (Map) Possible to avoid the Yellow Zones? If the Tank is on the other Site, all Toons will run over the Yellow Zone and will die instantly.
At all a very good Fight. Swapping the Snake Head Melle and Casters first cast on the Blue one but switch shortly to the right one (in all Raid till now its Green/Red). Sometimes Toon doesnt move away when he got Cinders, but till now nobody cry for this when this burns in the group, they will go away.
Trash Way:
Mostly good ... but (TrashWas-2.jpg) a lot of Groups go the left way and let the Spider spot stay there. Toon will run there and pull, if Toon die on the Was he will run this way and pull and die.
If Toon falls in the middle of the Way he go under this Steel thing and mostly get stuck there (Trashway-3.jpg)
Ok, Gostropod i think works well, as long normal players will die there too
Toon jumps over to the Plattform, most times, when Ji-Kun wasnt activated (destroy the eggs in the middle) he start after a minute to follow him and run in a circle on the plattform. if someone destory the
eggs the toon stay very very near to the boss, till now no pull but looks really bad to other players. better let the toon stay in the group and wait for the final pull (Ji-Kun.jpg).
If there are a lot of Ground Effects and my Toon comes back from Down Draft he running wild left and right around this one till he found enough place to get near to the boss. Possible as Melee just run to the Boss and make Dmg, Ranges needs more Rate, my Hunter is doing the same. Normaly a Caster has no Problem to fight at the cliff of the plattform.
@Ji-Kun - possible to set the Portal infront of the Boss, does it makes sense? and use it if there is one, at the Down Draft phase.
And toon doesnt leave the Instance after finishing, waits 5 Minutes because there are no Tanks.