OK, a few more Cataclysm dungeon runs to report on before I head over to Pandaland.
Blackrock Caverns - fully AFKable. Toons not all engaging Karsh Steelbender, need to move a few feet forward (?).
Throne of the Tides - fully AFKable but doesn't complete. Tank runs into the gate on the left side gauntlet, needs to target the Tainted Sentries. Sometimes will run the left side gauntlet before the Mindbender Ghur'sha encounter. In this case, it engages the sentries. Thinks the dungeon is complete after talking to Neptulon to start the Ozumat encounter. The Ozumat encounter logic still works if it doesn't restart before then. Doesn't loot Neptulon's Chest (? too far away).
The Stonecore - lots of minor issues but technically AFKable. Need to prioritze Earthcore Stoneshapers (and Force of Earth). Need to avoid Corborus when it's underground. Need to avoid Stonecore Flayer's Flay ability. Need to jump when Crystalspawn Giants finish casting Quake. Need to kill all three groups of Devout Followers before engaging High Priestess Azil (pull them back to the corner?) Need to interrupt Force Grip on High Priestess Azil and avoid Seismic Shard impact site.
The Vortex Pinnacle - again, minor issues except the last. Technically AFKable if geared. Not all toons looting Grand Vizier Ertan's Heart for the quest. No encounter mechanics scripted for Altairus. Toons run right through the mass of Skyfall Stars before Asaad, meaning toons are being pounded by them even while fighting the boss. This last causes many wipes.
Grim Batol - NOT AFKable. Navigation issues when dismounting from the dragons. Frequently not engaging/targeting the bosses (any of them). Need to prioritize Flaming Spirit on Drahga encounter, move away from it if targeted. Use slows/roots if possible. Need to kill both Faceless Corrupters before engaging Erudax. DPS (not the tank or healer) need to nuke down (and slow/root/etc.) the Faceless Corrupter spawned after Shadow Gale.
Lost City of the Tol'vir - fully AFKable. Will only kill one Oathsworn Captain per run and will not hand in the quest so will take 3 runs to complete the quest Targets of Opportunity.
Halls of Origination - fully AFKable. Looks like the mini-bosses in the Hall of Lights are run in order so may run back and forth between them. Really not recommended if in a random group. Maybe rescript to hit the near two platforms, then the far two? Most random groups also run Earthrager Ptah as the second boss before heading back to the Hall of Lights if they do that one at all.
HEROICS - all but End Time are NOT SCRIPTED.
End Time - I haven't tested this one yet. My gear is too low so I'm heading for Pandaland to pick up some greens.