OK peoples, this is the most up-to-date information I have on the Lich King dungeons before I move on to Cataclysm. Well, that's not quite true, I am also going to see if the scripting can be applied directly to the LK heroics (just change dungeon id).
For Highvoltz, I'd request looking at Gundrak and Azjol-Nerub, only issues that need resolving to make AFKable are not exiting water after Moorabi (seems to just be my boomkin) and not pulling Anub'arak after grouping at the bottom of the ramp.
For the record, anything in green is fully AFKable (dark green includes all quests, light green has questing issues), yellow is nearly AFKable (issues noted) and blue is NOT SCRIPTED.
Utgarde Keep (not all quests, occasional not looting boss correctly)
The Nexus (not all quests, not picking up quest items)
Azjol-Nerub (not all quests, occasional nav problems, not pulling Anub?arak)
Ahk?kahet: The Old Kingdom (does not hand in quest)
Drak?Tharon Keep (not all quests, not handing in quests)
Violet Hold (occasional miss of mobs heading to door, runs into a boss cell at end and does not hand in quest)
Gundrak (not all quests, toons not always exiting water after Moorabi)
Halls of Stone (occasional not looting boss correctly, takes forever to loot chest and start escort to last boss, not all quests - missed Brann's)
Halls of Lightning (occasional not looting boss correctly)
The Oculus
Utgarde Pinnacle (not all quests)
The Culling of Stratholme (follows Arthas after Mal?Ganis, does not hand in last quest)
Trial of the Champion
Forge of Souls
Pit of Saron
Halls of Reflection
[EDIT] - one minor change, for the Novos the Summoner boss fight in Drak'Tharon Keep, have the tank take out the Crystal Handlers and have the dps stack on the stairs to take out those adds coming down.