Summary: Dark Shaman reset issue
Class: Death Knight
CustomClass: Tuanha Death Knight/Singular
Role: DPS
Queue Type: LFR
Party Mode: Off
Dungeon: Siege of Orgrimmar - Gates of Retribution
First off, I am absolutely blown away by Dungeonbuddy. It is amazing how it handles all of the different boss mechanics, movement, etc. Really awesome job!
The SoO Gates of Retribution profile has an issue with melee DPS and the Kor'kron Dark Shaman (i.e.
Earthbreaker Haromm and
Wavebinder Kardris). Most raids will start by asking a Hunter or Rogue engage the boss inside the building, Feign Death or Vanish, causing the boss to
reset outside the building a few seconds later.
As a melee DPS, I've been kicked a few times when this happens because the bot will follow the Hunter or Rogue and engage the boss instead of waiting for it to reset. This looks really obviously like botting. After engaging the boss, I instantly die and the boss then kills the rest of the raid. The group will usually vote kick me when this happens. I do supervise Dungeonbuddy, but if not watching it during this exact moment I will run into this issue. This occurs whether I use Singular or Tuanha combat routines.
Potential solution idea: Please add a 10 second wait timer after the boss has been engaged. This way if the Hunter or Rogue drops threat, the boss will reset, and the profile will not engage the boss. This may avoid this problematic issue.
Here's my log:
View attachment 136769
If you could please take a look at this issue I would greatly appreciate it. Keep up the great work!