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Ok so I am going to ask this again, since it did not get answered the first time.

On the 3rd boss in BRC how can I change it so the tank does not run in as much?

My guys are just 180 ilevel and they are too undergeared for all the damage he does when it stacks.

Hi, Razer,

Your post probably got archived because it didn't have a log attached. If you need assistance, please attach a full log that captures whatever issue you are having. When the post volume gets high, we archive posts without responding. We focus on the posts that provide logs, rather than waste time trying to guess about the issue for those that don't.
Ref: [post=378165][Guide] How to attach your log[/post]

I know it doesnt recommend this, but how is it for tanking with pugs?
Hi, Lashley,

Tanking works as well as any other role—which is to say exceptionally well in most cases.. However, the risk of being exposed as a bot as a PuG tank is ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE higher than for the other roles. We discuss this at length in the [post=1439410]Frequently Asked Questions[/post].

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After the dungeon is completed it doesn't leave the party to requeue, any thoughts as to why? I've read through all of the forum posts and haven't seen any similar issues. Attached is my log, in which where every time my character left the dungeon, it was me manually leaving the group.

Hi, SoccerSurfer0319, and thanks for the log.

We've never experienced this problem. Dungeonbuddy logs the entering and leaving of dungeons, but it doesn't log the entering and leaving of groups. We've opened feature request HB-1017 ("Show full configuration in log") against this.

As to your problem...
you have got a heck of a lot going on here. An exceptional number of plugins (some of which aren't compiling), an alternative Combat Routine, etc. Before we write up a bug report, would you please repeat the problem using only Honorbuddy-shipped components? It will be difficult to get a bug report looked at with so much third-party stuff going on.

Show us a fresh log of the problem from a "clean install", and we'll be glad to write it up.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1579481]SoccerSurfer0319's original post w/log[/post][/size]
In Scarlet Halls there is one of the halls where the BOT always makes weird moves, its like he goes left and right several times before throughgo the door, just make take attention if someone see you.

Right next to the Armsmaster Harlan when the bot do that.

Hi, Ale56man,

It sounds like you've got movement in your combat routine interfering with movement Dungeonbuddy wants to do. Please try configuring it to allow only Dungeonbuddy to guide the movement.

However, there are a few things that interfere with my enjoyment of it.
I have looting turned off, as I queue as a healer in dungeons. However, in the Scarlet Halls, the bot tries to loot the piles of Gold Coins dropped by Scarlet Treasurers, and sometimes I can't loot said piles of gold, while the rest of the party moves on to Flameweaver Koegler.

Hi, Chickengenders,

We've opened HB-1018 ("Scarlet Halls: Piles of Gold Coins should not be looted unless Loot Mode = "Always"") against this issue.

There's also the problem of AOE damage from things like the archers in Scarlet Halls and the Corrupted Waters from Temple of the Jade Serpent preventing the boss from moving forward until the path clears, which is very suspicious for other people. Any help you could offer would be appreciated.

In Scarlet Halls, Dungeonbuddy picks up a target and moves toward the archers. Due to the added weight of the target, the toons spend more time in the fire than we would like, but that's how the encounter is designed. And, in Temple of the Jade Serpent, the Dungeonbuddy tank may stand in the water to get a mob's attention, then it promptly moves towards the safe area near the closed door behind the boss. The other party members should be on 'dry land' most of the time. This can be near the doors with the tank, but most of the time its on the solid ground between the concentric circles of water.

Scarlet Halls is a bit of a 'level jump' (and same may be for Temple of the Jade Serpent). Meaning, the dungeon is a little harder for under-geared toons, which we believe to be your problem. Try acquiring another level or so before you run those dungeons.

I have been running 5 man bot teams in Panda Heroic and all has been doing pretty good. Does it run challenge modes?
Hi, BubbaDad,

Alas, challenge mode is not implements, and there are no plans in the near future to do so. The developers are spread thin at the moment. In addition to regular duties, they are trying to address the upcoming WoD expansion also.

Its still not exiting the dungeons correctly in Scarlet Monastery. Was this fixed because its still not running properly.

Hi, Deathsmind,

If you are referring to HB-932 ("Not exiting some dungeons in "Farm" mode"), this was recently repaired with the following changelog entry:
"Dungeonbuddy will now move a bit past the dungeon's exit portal location to ensure port is taken"

The repair should be available in the next (post-.745) Honorbuddy release.

Mine hangs on "Please wait a moment while Dungeonbuddy is initializing".
Seems it can't / won't load for me anyway to fix ?
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Dark Shaman reset

Summary: Dark Shaman reset issue
Class: Death Knight
CustomClass: Tuanha Death Knight/Singular
Role: DPS
Queue Type: LFR
Party Mode: Off
Dungeon: Siege of Orgrimmar - Gates of Retribution

First off, I am absolutely blown away by Dungeonbuddy. It is amazing how it handles all of the different boss mechanics, movement, etc. Really awesome job!

The SoO Gates of Retribution profile has an issue with melee DPS and the Kor'kron Dark Shaman (i.e. Earthbreaker Haromm and Wavebinder Kardris). Most raids will start by asking a Hunter or Rogue engage the boss inside the building, Feign Death or Vanish, causing the boss to reset outside the building a few seconds later.

As a melee DPS, I've been kicked a few times when this happens because the bot will follow the Hunter or Rogue and engage the boss instead of waiting for it to reset. This looks really obviously like botting. After engaging the boss, I instantly die and the boss then kills the rest of the raid. The group will usually vote kick me when this happens. I do supervise Dungeonbuddy, but if not watching it during this exact moment I will run into this issue. This occurs whether I use Singular or Tuanha combat routines.

Potential solution idea: Please add a 10 second wait timer after the boss has been engaged. This way if the Hunter or Rogue drops threat, the boss will reset, and the profile will not engage the boss. This may avoid this problematic issue.

Here's my log: View attachment 2156 2014-07-26 16.28.txt

If you could please take a look at this issue I would greatly appreciate it. Keep up the great work!
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Mine hangs on "Please wait a moment while Dungeonbuddy is initializing".
Seems it can't / won't load for me anyway to fix ?

Hi, Maniac0481,

It sounds like you are running a very dated version of Honorbuddy.

If this is not the case, and you still need assistance, we'll need to see the full log attached that captures the issue.
Ref: [post=378165][Guide] How to attach your log[/post]


I had again the problem that the bot, I play DD, it run forward and pull many Mob Groups. How can I solve it that it EVER only follow the group?:-(

View attachment 136526

Hi, Tigerlady3012, and many thanks for the log.

You always seem to encounter problems that we cannot solve. And sadly, this time is no exception. After combing through your log, I could find nothing that was out of place. We even made Highvoltz take a look, and he couldn't find any reason for the problem you're reporting either.

The log shows completing Setthek Halls to final boss, and then doing Magister's Terrace. The log truncates right after as the next-to-final boss, Preistess Delrissa is completed.

Keep in mind, the log will not show us your relationship to the others in the party. We can just see that your DungeonBuddy is configured correctly, and the toon appears to be behaving correctly.

Very very sorry, but we've no explanation for the behavior your are reporting. From what the log is showing, everything is working as it is supposed to.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1584400]Tigerlady3012's original post w/log[/post][/size]
Summary: Dark Shaman reset issue
Class: Death Knight
CustomClass: Tuanha Death Knight/Singular
Role: DPS
Queue Type: LFR
Party Mode: Off
Dungeon: Siege of Orgrimmar - Gates of Retribution

First off, I am absolutely blown away by Dungeonbuddy. It is amazing how it handles all of the different boss mechanics, movement, etc. Really awesome job!

The SoO Gates of Retribution profile has an issue with melee DPS and the Kor'kron Dark Shaman (i.e. Earthbreaker Haromm and Wavebinder Kardris). Most raids will start by asking a Hunter or Rogue engage the boss inside the building, Feign Death or Vanish, causing the boss to reset outside the building a few seconds later.

As a melee DPS, I've been kicked a few times when this happens because the bot will follow the Hunter or Rogue and engage the boss instead of waiting for it to reset. This looks really obviously like botting. After engaging the boss, I instantly die and the boss then kills the rest of the raid. The group will usually vote kick me when this happens. I do supervise Dungeonbuddy, but if not watching it during this exact moment I will run into this issue. This occurs whether I use Singular or Tuanha combat routines.

Potential solution idea: Please add a 10 second wait timer after the boss has been engaged. This way if the Hunter or Rogue drops threat, the boss will reset, and the profile will not engage the boss. This may avoid this problematic issue.

Here's my log: View attachment 136769

If you could please take a look at this issue I would greatly appreciate it. Keep up the great work!

Hi, BaturalNoobs.

Many thanks for the great writeup, log, and solution suggestion!

We've opened feature request HB-1032 ("Siege of Orgrimmar, Gates of Retribution (wing3): Accommodating Dark Shaman "reset" tactic") against your issue.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1587088]BaturalNoob's feature request w/log[/post][/size]
Hi, BaturalNoobs.

Many thanks for the great writeup, log, and solution suggestion!

We've opened feature request HB-1032 ("Siege of Orgrimmar, Gates of Retribution (wing3): Accommodating Dark Shaman "reset" tactic") against your issue.

Awesome - thank you. Keep up the great work on Dungeonbuddy!

P.S. If it helps, the relevant section is on lines 539-558 of Dungeon Scripts/Mists of Pandaria/Raids/Gates of Retribution.cs
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  • Summary: Stuck at ghost at entrance
  • Class: Paladin
  • CustomClass: Tuanha Paladin
  • Role: DPS
  • Queue Type: LFR
  • Party Mode: Off
  • Dungeon: Siege of Orgrimmar - Gates of Retribution
My fault, but I went afk while running Dungeonbuddy in LFR. My toon died on Thok in The Underhold, waited while the group killed him and released. As the bot flew to the instance entrance as a ghost, the Gates of Retribution queue popped and was accepted. Unfortunately, the bot kept getting stuck and was unable to port into the new instance. The group was asking where I was and finally kicked me after a couple minutes. Hopefully my account doesn't get banned. Again, I realize this was my fault.

[13:36:07.386 D] Activity: Moving to corpse
[13:37:02.580 N] We are stuck! (<1216.259, 597.2636, 402.1307>)
[13:37:02.692 D] [Stuck] Trying to ascend.
[13:39:11.807 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward, JumpAscend
[13:42:25.019 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: [ShouldRequeue: False] queue: True, PartyMode Off And Not InParty: True,  PartyMode Leader And Everyone IsAlive: False, Do VendorRun: False, Cant Do Vendor Run: False, IsTank: False, Can Queue As Tank: False
[13:42:41.432 N] We are stuck! (<1216.318, 596.8282, 404.8789>)
[13:42:41.560 D] [Stuck] Trying strafing left.

Here's my log:

View attachment 5388 2014-07-28 08.14.txt

I think there's a bug when the bot dies at the end of one instance, releases, accepts and joins another instance and tries to fly back in. I've never seen Dungeonbuddy get stuck at the SoO instance entrance as a ghost before, so maybe this is why. Any chance the team can take a look at this?

P.S. I've since added LogMeOut to log out for 10 consecutive stucks.
  • Summary: Stuck at ghost at entrance
  • Class: Paladin
  • CustomClass: Tuanha Paladin
  • Role: DPS
  • Queue Type: LFR
  • Party Mode: Off
  • Dungeon: Siege of Orgrimmar - Gates of Retribution
My fault, but I went afk while running Dungeonbuddy in LFR. My toon died on Thok in The Underhold, waited while the group killed him and released. As the bot flew to the instance entrance as a ghost, the Gates of Retribution queue popped and was accepted. Unfortunately, the bot kept getting stuck and was unable to port into the new instance. The group was asking where I was and finally kicked me after a couple minutes. Hopefully my account doesn't get banned. Again, I realize this was my fault.

[13:36:07.386 D] Activity: Moving to corpse
[13:37:02.580 N] We are stuck! (<1216.259, 597.2636, 402.1307>)
[13:37:02.692 D] [Stuck] Trying to ascend.
[13:39:11.807 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward, JumpAscend
[13:42:25.019 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: [ShouldRequeue: False] queue: True, PartyMode Off And Not InParty: True,  PartyMode Leader And Everyone IsAlive: False, Do VendorRun: False, Cant Do Vendor Run: False, IsTank: False, Can Queue As Tank: False
[13:42:41.432 N] We are stuck! (<1216.318, 596.8282, 404.8789>)
[13:42:41.560 D] [Stuck] Trying strafing left.

Here's my log:

View attachment 136903

I think there's a bug when the bot dies at the end of one instance, releases, accepts and joins another instance and tries to fly back in. I've never seen Dungeonbuddy get stuck at the SoO instance entrance as a ghost before, so maybe this is why. Any chance the team can take a look at this?

P.S. I've since added LogMeOut to log out for 10 consecutive stucks.

Hi, BaturalNoobs,

Thanks for such a great writeup, problem description, and log!

Indeedy, DungeonBuddy is a very complex bot, and race conditions such as you describe could exist. We've opened bug report HB-1034 ("Race condition, trying to enter once instance as ghost, and other dungeon queue pops?") against the issue.

We imagine this one may be very difficult to repair and test, as getting a 'queue to pop' at just the right moment is beyond the control of Honorbuddy's developers.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1588128]BaturalNoob's problem report w/log[/post][/size]
Seems to not be Queuing after the tripwire event.

Testing further and then edit for log and information.
Hello, and thanks for a great bot.

I was wondering if there was any sort of chance that a "simple" script will be produced for Proving Grounds?
I have no clue how to do it myself, but it strikes me as a managable task compared to a full raid?! ;)

Thanks in advance
Hello, and thanks for a great bot.

I was wondering if there was any sort of chance that a "simple" script will be produced for Proving Grounds?
I have no clue how to do it myself, but it strikes me as a managable task compared to a full raid?! ;)

Thanks in advance

Hi, Nummus83,

We don't quite see the point of this. The "Proving Grounds" encounter is designed for you to learn your class (e.g., wean you away from botting assistance). Honorbuddy doesn't benefit from this in the slightest.

There don't seem to be any meaningful rewards that come from this encounter. Can you provide some compelling reasons why Dungeonbuddy should automate this encounter?

Is there any way for dungeenobuddy ti pickup quest and turn in ? With any script, any profile or anything, in that case could someone share? been searching for a long time, would be great to get gear at all my toons while 5maning it cheers:)