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I dunno if it's a known issue, but Spoils of Pandaria in The Underhold is really messed up. Bot freaks out not knowing where to go, and after the fight start, keeps spinning around by the Life Hook.
Working DungeonBuddy dungeons ([post=1059505]Back to INDEX[/post])

The Burning Crusade
  • No LFRs.
  • All 5 mans except for The Acatraz, Shattered Halls and the Black Morass.

    [post=1059505]Back to INDEX[/post]

  • any Chance on Black Morass becoming available anytime soon?
I dunno if it's a known issue, but Spoils of Pandaria in The Underhold is really messed up. Bot freaks out not knowing where to go, and after the fight start, keeps spinning around by the Life Hook.

I have the same issue. Here is a log.View attachment 988 2014-07-16 13.19.txt

View attachment 135476

I'm having an issue where DungeonBuddy will not let me queue for raids. It states that I have completed all of the LFR raids for the week. I haven't ran a raid in over 3 weeks. Is there a setting that I am missing? Any help would be appreciated. Log attached.

[21:53:05.394 N] [DungeonBuddy]: Selected 0 raid

This looks like you haven't selected any raids to queue for. Which ones did you select in the bot config?
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It would be great if, when zoning into LFR or a random, and the toon is first and gets the Raid/Party leader, it would pass it off.

I came back today to people yelling at me to mark skull on paragons!

Ok so I am going to ask this again, since it did not get answered the first time.

On the 3rd boss in BRC how can I change it so the tank does not run in as much?

My guys are just 180 ilevel and they are too undergeared for all the damage he does when it stacks.
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After the dungeon is completed it doesn't leave the party to requeue, any thoughts as to why? I've read through all of the forum posts and haven't seen any similar issues. Attached is my log, in which where every time my character left the dungeon, it was me manually leaving the group.


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In Scarlet Halls there is one of the halls where the BOT always makes weird moves, its like he goes left and right several times before throughgo the door, just make take attention if someone see you.

Right next to the Armsmaster Harlan when the bot do that.
Let me start this post by saying that this bot is incredible and one of my favorite botbases for all of Honorbuddy, I babysit it while it runs, and I rarely have issues.

However, there are a few things that interfere with my enjoyment of it.
I have looting turned off, as I queue as a healer in dungeons. However, in the Scarlet Halls, the bot tries to loot the piles of Gold Coins dropped by Scarlet Treasurers, and sometimes I can't loot said piles of gold, while the rest of the party moves on to Flameweaver Koegler.

There's also the problem of AOE damage from things like the archers in Scarlet Halls and the Corrupted Waters from Temple of the Jade Serpent preventing the boss from moving forward until the path clears, which is very suspicious for other people. Any help you could offer would be appreciated.
I have been running 5 man bot teams in Panda Heroic and all has been doing pretty good. Does it run challenge modes?
Its still not exiting the dungeons correctly in Scarlet Monastery. Was this fixed because its still not running properly.
Hi China,

Loving dungeonbuddy immensely have botted 2 teams of 5 from 15-90 great work :) One question do you have dungeon id's for specials like frost lord ahune, Halloween etc? I chose the frost lord boss from the dungeonbuddy drop down list but when the bots entered the dungeon it stopped and said dungeon id not found.

Hi, Alienware96,

Sorry for the belated reply. All DungeonIDs should be listed in the debug tab as shown in the [post=1439410]Frequently Asked Questions[/post].

Initially this year, the Ahune encounter had some problems. However, Highvoltz got it working smoothly and greatly improved the encounter several days before the event was over. Honorbuddy had bug HB-951 ("Incorrect LOS position checks on WoWUnit") that prevented this encounter from proceeding, and we had to wait for that repair first.

Hopefully, the event will be smooth as glass next year. Sorry if you missed it this year!

I have a strange problem, when I am in a raid (spoils of pandaria) the bot never stops running all over the place, and running over to the lift and going up and comes back down. I getting “following quadrant leader” in my log also on (Thok the bloodthirsty) it is running all over the place.

Hi, Adoronron,

There is no way to assist you with problems like this, unless you attach the full log that captures the issue:
Ref: [post=378165][Guide] How to attach your log[/post]

Summary: Bot doesn't leave dungeon after complete
Class: Warrior
CustomClass: Singular
Role: Tank (Prot)
Queue Type: Farming
Party Mode: Off
Dungeon: Shadowfang Keep

I'm farming some wool running SFK with my level 90 prot warrior. The bot enters the dungeon and runs through it just fine. Complete's everything and runs all the way back to the portal but stops just shy of leaving the instance. It will just sit there forever. If I manually nudge it out it will reset and enter the instance and run it again just fine with the same result at the end of just sitting at the portal and not exiting. It does the same thing if inventory gets full and it needs to sell it will run to the portal entrance and just sit there.

I've tried this on a couple different characters and accounts with the same exact result. I turned on verbose logging and ran the instance again just now, log attached.

Hi, Joerogan, and thanks for all the great details!

The log clearly illustrates the problem, and we've opened bug report HB-1012 ("Not exiting Shadowfang Keep, once completed.") against this issue. We've run Shadowfang Keep dozens of times and never seen this problem. The problem could be one of Navigation. But, the bug report has been opened to start an investigation of the issue.

Did this happen every time, or just this once for you?


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1567452]Joerogan's problem report w/log[/post][/size]
In farming mode, when the bot leaves the dungeon to sell it uses a ground mount. Is there a way to force it to use the flying mount?

Hi, Joerogan,

There is no user configurable option for this. I was under the impression that flying mounts were used when appropriate. Please toss us a log that illustrates the issue, and tell us which dungeon(s), and we'll open a feature request.

im having issues running this on my priest, i disabled the angel feathers and its the same thing, the post and log can be found here

Hi, Highboi, and thanks for the link.

The most likely source of this problem is you've got combat movement enabled in both Singular and Dungeonbuddy, and they are fighting for control of the toon. To correct the problem:
  • You want Combat Movement ON in Dungeonbuddy
  • You want movement OFF in Singular


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1567894]Highboi's problem report w/link[/post][/size]
Hey - I'm having issues when running 5 man dungeons, always at one called The escape from Durnholde.
70% of the time, it fails to interact with Thrall - while it's trying to interact, it aggro's mobs - ofcourse the bots are dying while running around like a headless chicken.
This causes death and makes them try again with the same results now because they are pulling alot more mobs they normally don't pull when running straight to Thrall causing them to go on an endless loop.

View attachment 134693

Hi, Happyfriet, and many thanks for the log!

This is a known issue, and still open at the moment. HB-963 ("Old Hillsbrad Foothills: Getting killed by mobs while heading to jailed Thrall"). No ETA.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1568064]Happyfriet's problem report w/log[/post][/size]
Is it possible to remove the warning that pops up every time you get into a LFR and such?

Hi, Johan0805,

No, its this way on purpose, and there is no configurable for it. We feel strongly that you should raid AFK with this bot.
