Hey Cava, i have a problem with your profile [Quest]1to90By[Cava].
My Hunter is lvl39 and i want to quest in Eastern Plaguelands.
> I've load the profile, start honorbuddy and he go to "Thondoril River" (Flypoint).
> Then he run to "Light's Hope Chapel" (yes, he run), sell all items, buy some "Cured Ham Steak", delete the hearthstone and take a new one.
> Then he went to the flypoint in "Light's Hope Chapel" and fly to "Thondoril River".
When he has completed this three steps, he repeat it.
A view into my Honorbuddy:
TaxiMap is opened! Updating known nodes list.
Taking flight path to Thondroril, ?stliche Pestl?nder
There's he fighting with some npcs..
Moving to Type: Sell, Name: Vincent Randolph
[Profile Message]: Compiling Eastern Plaguelands Map Zone
Moving to Type: Buy, Name: Gutcheck
[Singular] Casting Darkflight on Me @ 100.0%
Moving to Type: Buy, Name: Gutcheck
Moving to Type: Buy, Name: Gutcheck
Buying #40 [R?ucherschinkensteak] <- That's Cured Ham Steak (German Version)
Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
Moving to Type: Fly, R: Use, Thondroril, ?stliche Pestl?nder
Bot wird gestoppt!
Bot Stopped! Reason: User pressed the stop button
Thankx for help!
- da3n