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Having an issue at level 86 (Horde) Bot continues with "Interacting with Innkeeper Lei Lan". The only thing Lei Lan can do is set your hearth. I even clicked on it, but the bot continues to interact. I tried abandoning a quest, the bot reacquires the quest and then goes back to the innkeeper. Also tried stopping and starting the bot four times.

Previous quest completed: "Guess Whose Back"

View attachment 3108 2013-04-05 20.06.txt
Alliance Worgen Profile.

Toon endless try to set Homestone at the NPC.


Hey Cava, i have a problem with your profile [Quest]1to90By[Cava].

My Hunter is lvl39 and i want to quest in Eastern Plaguelands.

> I've load the profile, start honorbuddy and he go to "Thondoril River" (Flypoint).
> Then he run to "Light's Hope Chapel" (yes, he run), sell all items, buy some "Cured Ham Steak", delete the hearthstone and take a new one.
> Then he went to the flypoint in "Light's Hope Chapel" and fly to "Thondoril River".

When he has completed this three steps, he repeat it.

A view into my Honorbuddy:

TaxiMap is opened! Updating known nodes list.
Taking flight path to Thondroril, ?stliche Pestl?nder

There's he fighting with some npcs..

Moving to Type: Sell, Name: Vincent Randolph
[Profile Message]: Compiling Eastern Plaguelands Map Zone
Moving to Type: Buy, Name: Gutcheck
[Singular] Casting Darkflight on Me @ 100.0%
Moving to Type: Buy, Name: Gutcheck
Moving to Type: Buy, Name: Gutcheck
Buying #40 [R?ucherschinkensteak] <- That's Cured Ham Steak (German Version)
Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
Moving to Type: Fly, R: Use, Thondroril, ?stliche Pestl?nder
Bot wird gestoppt!
Bot Stopped! Reason: User pressed the stop button

Thankx for help!

- da3n
Last edited:
There is something Wrong in your Startscript

<If Condition="(Me.LevelFraction &gt;= 5.1)" >
<CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](05-07)[ElwynnForestCava]" />

But in the Scriptsfolder it calls [A-Quest](05-07)ElwynnForest[Cava]
Nightelv Druid lvl6

After cleaning Cache and everything needed today, my Toon always use the Homestone and stays on the same Place to endless try to use the Homestone.


Added profile

hope you enjoy
Hi tumbum
Quest: Healing the Lake - Quest - World of Warcraft

Toon runs to the Crystal but looks like he got stuck there because the Hotspot is inside the Crystal and doesnt interact with it. My second Problem with Draenei, sometimes they follow other Player. So Toon gets him in Target and sometimes not and follows him. There is nothing in the Log about this, but this happens.
You have issues with your interact quest behavior (thats what i think) because your reports are with low level chars i did it all and find no errors and when i pay more attention i can see you have a diferent quest behaviour version than mine, I'm using normal bot release.
your log says:
[18:36:40.111 N] [InteractWith-v413(info) @line 215]: Waiting for Irradiated Power Crystal to respawn.
Excluded Units:
Irradiated Power Crystal [Blacklisted]
[17:07:51.921 D] [InteractWith-v372(debug) @line 215]: Irradiated Power Crystal
probably all errors its because edited/bad quest behaviour?

Alliance Worgen Profile.
Toon endless try to set Homestone at the NPC.
again same problem
[12:37:06.110 N] [InteractWith-v413(info) @line 143]: Interacting with Willa Arnes

There is something Wrong in your Startscript
But in the Scriptsfolder it calls [A-Quest](05-07)ElwynnForest[Cava]
Fixed at revision 256

Quest: Murder Was The Case That They Gave Me - Quest - World of Warcraft
Toon endless interact with the NPC but after the Payment Screen it start again to interact with the NPC.
again interact quest behaviour

Nightelv Druid lvl6
After cleaning Cache and everything needed today, my Toon always use the Homestone and stays on the same Place to endless try to use the Homestone.
fixed at revision 256

Thanks for all reports
Having an issue at level 86 (Horde) Bot continues with "Interacting with Innkeeper Lei Lan". The only thing Lei Lan can do is set your hearth. I even clicked on it, but the bot continues to interact. I tried abandoning a quest, the bot reacquires the quest and then goes back to the innkeeper. Also tried stopping and starting the bot four times.

Previous quest completed: "Guess Whose Back"

View attachment 87618

hi Yanosh457
your log says:

[00:35:18.772 N] [InteractWith-v382(info) @line 917]: Interacting with Innkeeper Lei Lan
[00:35:20.459 D] InteractDebug:805288460
[00:35:20.469 D] Interact Done:805288460
[00:35:22.152 N] [InteractWith-v382(info) @line 917]: Interacting with Innkeeper Lei Lan
[00:35:23.872 D] InteractDebug:805288460
[00:35:23.885 D] Interact Done:805288460
and keep with that
this means the bot try interact with npc but never got sucefull internal reply thats why bot keep doing the same thing over and over
[00:35:18.772 N] [InteractWith-v382(info) @line 917]: Interacting with Innkeeper Lei Lan

try report this at right place, and please send me a pm with link for your post so i can follow, i think there is something "not right" with your bot instalation, probably you need reisntall bot from scratch
Hey Cava, i have a problem with your profile [Quest]1to90By[Cava].

My Hunter is lvl39 and i want to quest in Eastern Plaguelands.

> I've load the profile, start honorbuddy and he go to "Thondoril River" (Flypoint).
> Then he run to "Light's Hope Chapel" (yes, he run), sell all items, buy some "Cured Ham Steak", delete the hearthstone and take a new one.
> Then he went to the flypoint in "Light's Hope Chapel" and fly to "Thondoril River".

When he has completed this three steps, he repeat it.

A view into my Honorbuddy:

TaxiMap is opened! Updating known nodes list.
Taking flight path to Thondroril, ?stliche Pestl?nder

There's he fighting with some npcs..

Moving to Type: Sell, Name: Vincent Randolph
[Profile Message]: Compiling Eastern Plaguelands Map Zone
Moving to Type: Buy, Name: Gutcheck
[Singular] Casting Darkflight on Me @ 100.0%
Moving to Type: Buy, Name: Gutcheck
Moving to Type: Buy, Name: Gutcheck
Buying #40 [R?ucherschinkensteak] <- That's Cured Ham Steak (German Version)
Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
Moving to Type: Fly, R: Use, Thondroril, ?stliche Pestl?nder
Bot wird gestoppt!
Bot Stopped! Reason: User pressed the stop button

Thankx for help!

- da3n
Hi da3n
EPL its a big and long map, like previus time when bot start map, bot will clean bags, buy foods/drinks etc
without log i cant say if its something rong or not

what bot must do its:
start at EPL map
go to Light's Hope Chapel
sell all, buy food/drinks set HS
fly back to start
start questing

if you stop bot before he start questing, bot will do this again from beginning
if not, please upload log, without that i realy cant gess where is the problem

Thanks anyway for report
Hey Cava, awesome work so far. Just wanted to stop in and report a bug on this quest; Murder Was The Case That They Gave Me - Quest - World of Warcraft

The bot does not click 'Accept' when the dialogue pops up asking if you're sure you want to give the homeless citizen 2 copper. It just cycles through the dialog over and over.

BETA Honorbuddy v2.5.6937.199

[23:37:48.838 D] Goal: InteractWith: ""Murder Was The Case That They Gave Me""
Interacting with: Homeless Stormwind Citizen, Homeless Stormwind Citizen, West Plains Drifter, Transient
[23:37:48.839 D] Inserted new hook [Combat_Main @0] 40f1d9ae-4510-477d-ba04-eb83c1a7c4b3
[23:37:48.840 D] Inserted new hook [Combat_Only @0] 5f37f883-692f-4502-a4a4-bc3a8dec38eb
[23:37:48.840 D] Inserted new hook [Death_Main @0] b174286b-8e06-4d67-a891-bff0049f63b1
[23:37:48.916 D] [InteractWith-v401(debug) @line 220]: Homeless Stormwind Citizen
[23:37:49.096 N] [InteractWith-v401(info) @line 220]: Interacting with Homeless Stormwind Citizen
[23:37:49.096 D] InteractDebug:951011272
[23:37:49.128 D] Interact Done:951011272
[23:37:51.171 N] [InteractWith-v401(info) @line 220]: Gossiping with Homeless Stormwind Citizen
[23:37:53.041 N] [InteractWith-v401(info) @line 220]: Gossip with Homeless Stormwind Citizen complete.
[23:37:53.361 N] [InteractWith-v401(info) @line 220]: Completing wait of 1s
[23:37:54.299 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[23:37:54.300 D] Removed hook [Combat_Main] 40f1d9ae-4510-477d-ba04-eb83c1a7c4b3
[23:37:54.300 D] Removed hook [Combat_Only] 5f37f883-692f-4502-a4a4-bc3a8dec38eb
[23:37:54.300 D] Removed hook [Death_Main] b174286b-8e06-4d67-a891-bff0049f63b1
[23:37:54.300 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[23:37:54.300 D] Goal: Running Macro
[23:37:54.300 D] [RunMacro-v369(debug) @line 221]: Running macro 1 times
[23:37:54.300 D] Activity: RunMacro 1/1 Times
[23:37:55.824 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[23:37:56.294 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[23:37:56.327 D] Goal: InteractWith: ""Murder Was The Case That They Gave Me""
Interacting with: Homeless Stormwind Citizen, Homeless Stormwind Citizen, West Plains Drifter, Transient
[23:37:56.327 D] Inserted new hook [Combat_Main @0] 899d1913-6ace-418d-9eab-bde3c6af1ef0
[23:37:56.327 D] Inserted new hook [Combat_Only @0] ffe335bf-dc32-4386-9880-2a0b0b0f39db
[23:37:56.327 D] Inserted new hook [Death_Main @0] bb421584-4323-4325-a1ac-afc23b2dc259
[23:37:56.406 D] [InteractWith-v401(debug) @line 220]: Homeless Stormwind Citizen
[23:37:56.647 N] [InteractWith-v401(info) @line 220]: Interacting with Homeless Stormwind Citizen
[23:37:56.647 D] InteractDebug:951011272
[23:37:56.647 D] Interact Done:951011272
[23:37:58.532 N] [InteractWith-v401(info) @line 220]: Gossiping with Homeless Stormwind Citizen
[23:37:59.620 N] [InteractWith-v401(info) @line 220]: Gossip with Homeless Stormwind Citizen complete.
[23:37:59.949 N] [InteractWith-v401(info) @line 220]: Completing wait of 1s
[23:38:00.879 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[23:38:00.879 D] Removed hook [Combat_Main] 899d1913-6ace-418d-9eab-bde3c6af1ef0
[23:38:00.879 D] Removed hook [Combat_Only] ffe335bf-dc32-4386-9880-2a0b0b0f39db
[23:38:00.879 D] Removed hook [Death_Main] bb421584-4323-4325-a1ac-afc23b2dc259
[23:38:00.879 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[23:38:00.879 D] Goal: Running Macro
[23:38:00.879 D] [RunMacro-v369(debug) @line 221]: Running macro 1 times
[23:38:00.879 D] Activity: RunMacro 1/1 Times
Ty for this profiles! Ur the best!!! Ty for making it afkable, not like the other quest profile!!!!

Please update more! Looking forward to it! Donating 500 euro for your effort:)
Hey Cava, awesome work so far. Just wanted to stop in and report a bug on this quest; Murder Was The Case That They Gave Me - Quest - World of Warcraft

The bot does not click 'Accept' when the dialogue pops up asking if you're sure you want to give the homeless citizen 2 copper. It just cycles through the dialog over and over.

BETA Honorbuddy v2.5.6937.199

[23:37:48.838 D] Goal: InteractWith: ""Murder Was The Case That They Gave Me""
Interacting with: Homeless Stormwind Citizen, Homeless Stormwind Citizen, West Plains Drifter, Transient
[23:37:48.839 D] Inserted new hook [Combat_Main @0] 40f1d9ae-4510-477d-ba04-eb83c1a7c4b3
[23:37:48.840 D] Inserted new hook [Combat_Only @0] 5f37f883-692f-4502-a4a4-bc3a8dec38eb
[23:37:48.840 D] Inserted new hook [Death_Main @0] b174286b-8e06-4d67-a891-bff0049f63b1
[23:37:48.916 D] [InteractWith-v401(debug) @line 220]: Homeless Stormwind Citizen
[23:37:49.096 N] [InteractWith-v401(info) @line 220]: Interacting with Homeless Stormwind Citizen
[23:37:49.096 D] InteractDebug:951011272
[23:37:49.128 D] Interact Done:951011272
[23:37:51.171 N] [InteractWith-v401(info) @line 220]: Gossiping with Homeless Stormwind Citizen
[23:37:53.041 N] [InteractWith-v401(info) @line 220]: Gossip with Homeless Stormwind Citizen complete.
[23:37:53.361 N] [InteractWith-v401(info) @line 220]: Completing wait of 1s
[23:37:54.299 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[23:37:54.300 D] Removed hook [Combat_Main] 40f1d9ae-4510-477d-ba04-eb83c1a7c4b3
[23:37:54.300 D] Removed hook [Combat_Only] 5f37f883-692f-4502-a4a4-bc3a8dec38eb
[23:37:54.300 D] Removed hook [Death_Main] b174286b-8e06-4d67-a891-bff0049f63b1
[23:37:54.300 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[23:37:54.300 D] Goal: Running Macro
[23:37:54.300 D] [RunMacro-v369(debug) @line 221]: Running macro 1 times
[23:37:54.300 D] Activity: RunMacro 1/1 Times
[23:37:55.824 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[23:37:56.294 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[23:37:56.327 D] Goal: InteractWith: ""Murder Was The Case That They Gave Me""
Interacting with: Homeless Stormwind Citizen, Homeless Stormwind Citizen, West Plains Drifter, Transient
[23:37:56.327 D] Inserted new hook [Combat_Main @0] 899d1913-6ace-418d-9eab-bde3c6af1ef0
[23:37:56.327 D] Inserted new hook [Combat_Only @0] ffe335bf-dc32-4386-9880-2a0b0b0f39db
[23:37:56.327 D] Inserted new hook [Death_Main @0] bb421584-4323-4325-a1ac-afc23b2dc259
[23:37:56.406 D] [InteractWith-v401(debug) @line 220]: Homeless Stormwind Citizen
[23:37:56.647 N] [InteractWith-v401(info) @line 220]: Interacting with Homeless Stormwind Citizen
[23:37:56.647 D] InteractDebug:951011272
[23:37:56.647 D] Interact Done:951011272
[23:37:58.532 N] [InteractWith-v401(info) @line 220]: Gossiping with Homeless Stormwind Citizen
[23:37:59.620 N] [InteractWith-v401(info) @line 220]: Gossip with Homeless Stormwind Citizen complete.
[23:37:59.949 N] [InteractWith-v401(info) @line 220]: Completing wait of 1s
[23:38:00.879 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[23:38:00.879 D] Removed hook [Combat_Main] 899d1913-6ace-418d-9eab-bde3c6af1ef0
[23:38:00.879 D] Removed hook [Combat_Only] ffe335bf-dc32-4386-9880-2a0b0b0f39db
[23:38:00.879 D] Removed hook [Death_Main] bb421584-4323-4325-a1ac-afc23b2dc259
[23:38:00.879 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[23:38:00.879 D] Goal: Running Macro
[23:38:00.879 D] [RunMacro-v369(debug) @line 221]: Running macro 1 times
[23:38:00.879 D] Activity: RunMacro 1/1 Times
hi Joker76
and thanks for your report
but the problem isnt the profile, you are using a beta version, and not always but sometimes beta versions (like all betas have some test files) doesnt work like espected this particular case its the Behaviour InteractWith example ([23:37:56.647 N] [InteractWith-v401(info) @line 220]: Interacting with Homeless Stormwind Citizen) that version got a small bug, i think that its already fixed, if you run profile again probably will have 0 problems now

please, if still have a bug just let me know
Your Questing File is not correct

<If Condition="Me.IsHorde" >
<If Condition="(Me.Race == WoWRace.Goblin &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(25266)) || (HasQuest(25266) &amp;&amp; (Me.ZoneId == 4720))">
<CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](01-12)Goblin[Cava]" />

it in the Script Folder "Scripts\[H-Quest](01-12)Goblin[Cava]"
Alliance - Mage Human - LVL20

Endless Fly from Stormwind => Loch Modan => Iron Forge => Stormwind .. endless, doesnt stop to leave this Rotation of Flying.

*edit* sorry i cant upload a logfile. something from with the board here, very slow, breaks connection and i cant upload a log. will try to upload asap.
Getting these
[07:49:30.080 N] Starting the bot!
[07:49:30.081 N] Currently Using BotBase : Questing
[07:49:30.081 D] Character is a level 1 Dwarf Hunter
[07:49:30.081 D] Current zone is Coldridge Valley
[07:49:30.108 D] Loading profile from C:\hbbeta\Default Profiles\Cava\[Quest]1to90By[Cava].xml
[07:49:30.111 D] Changed tilemap to Azeroth, Tiled: True
[07:49:30.389 D] Styx.HonorbuddyUnableToStartException: Errors in quest behaviors!
at Styx.CommonBot.Profiles.Quest.Order.QuestBehaviorHelper.GetBehaviorInstanceType(String path)
at Styx.CommonBot.Profiles.Quest.Order.CodeNode.FromXml(XElement element)
at Styx.CommonBot.Profiles.Quest.Order.OrderNode.FromXml(XElement element)
at Styx.CommonBot.Profiles.Quest.Order.OrderNodeCollection.FromXml(XElement element)
at Styx.CommonBot.Profiles.Profile..ctor(XElement xml, Profile parent)
at Styx.CommonBot.Profiles.ProfileManager.LoadNew(String path, Boolean rememberMe)
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.Start()
at Honorbuddy.MainWindow.Start()
[07:49:30.388 N] [Compiler Error]: c:\hbbeta\Quest Behaviors\Deprecated\Escort6641.cs(19,18) : error CS0101: The namespace 'Honorbuddy.Quest_Behaviors.Escort6641' already contains a definition for 'Escort6641'
[07:49:30.388 N] [Compiler Error]: c:\hbbeta\Quest Behaviors\Development\Extensions_WoWUnit.cs(36,25) : error CS0101: The namespace 'Honorbuddy.Quest_Behaviors.TEMPLATE_QB' already contains a definition for 'Extensions_WoWPoint'
[07:49:30.388 N] [Compiler Error]: c:\hbbeta\Quest Behaviors\Development\TEMPLATE_QB.cs(950,25) : error CS0101: The namespace 'Honorbuddy.Quest_Behaviors.TEMPLATE_QB' already contains a definition for 'Extensions_WoWPoint'
[07:49:30.389 N] Errors in quest behaviors!
[07:49:30.389 D] Styx.HonorbuddyUnableToStartException: Errors in quest behaviors!
at Styx.CommonBot.Profiles.Quest.Order.QuestBehaviorHelper.GetBehaviorInstanceType(String path)
at Styx.CommonBot.Profiles.Quest.Order.CodeNode.FromXml(XElement element)
at Styx.CommonBot.Profiles.Quest.Order.OrderNode.FromXml(XElement element)
at Styx.CommonBot.Profiles.Quest.Order.OrderNodeCollection.FromXml(XElement element)
at Styx.CommonBot.Profiles.Profile..ctor(XElement xml, Profile parent)
at Styx.CommonBot.Profiles.ProfileManager.LoadNew(String path, Boolean rememberMe)
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.Start()
at Honorbuddy.MainWindow.Start()
[07:49:30.391 D] Stop called!
[07:49:30.391 Q] Bot Stopped! Reason: Errors in quest behaviors!



getting these after deleting deprecated + development behaviors:

[07:52:14.886 D] Styx.HonorbuddyUnableToStartException: Can not start quest bot - this profile does not contain a quest order!
   at Bots.Quest.QuestBot.Start()
   at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.Start()
   at Honorbuddy.MainWindow.Start()
[07:52:14.861 N] Starting the bot!
[07:52:14.861 N] Currently Using BotBase : Questing
[07:52:14.861 D] Character is a level 1 Dwarf Hunter
[07:52:14.861 D] Current zone is Coldridge Valley
[07:52:14.874 D] Loading profile from C:\hbbeta\Default Profiles\Cava\[Quest]1to90By[Cava].xml
[07:52:14.876 D] Changed tilemap to Azeroth, Tiled: True
[07:52:14.880 N] Warning: Exception of type 'Styx.CommonBot.Profiles.ProfileException' was thrown.
[07:52:14.881 N] Warning: XML Error: Could not parse 'If' body node! - On line 11 - [<If Condition="Me.IsHorde">
  <If Condition="(Me.Race == WoWRace.Goblin &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(25266)) || (HasQuest(25266) &amp;&amp; (Me.ZoneId == 4720))">
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[H-Quest](01-12)Goblin[Cava]" />
  <If Condition="(Me.LevelFraction &gt;= 85)">
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[H-Quest](85-86)TheJadeForest[Cava]" />
  <If Condition="(Me.LevelFraction &gt;= 26.46)">
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[H-Quest](26-31)StonetalonMountains[Cava]" />
  <If Condition="(Me.LevelFraction &gt;= 23.15)">
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[H-Quest](23-26)Ashenvale[Cava]" />
  <If Condition="(Me.Level &gt;= 20)">
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[H-Quest](20-20)Azshara[Cava]" />
  <If Condition="(Me.LevelFraction &gt;= 17.8)">
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[H-Quest](17-20)NorthernBarrens[Cava]" />
  <If Condition="(Me.LevelFraction &gt;= 13.54)">
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[H-Quest](13-17)NorthernBarrens[Cava]" />
  <If Condition="(Me.LevelFraction &gt;= 10.9)">
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[H-Quest](10-13)NorthernBarrens[Cava]" />
  <If Condition="(Me.LevelFraction &gt;= 8.1)">
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[H-Quest](08-11)Durotar[Cava]" />
  <If Condition="(Me.LevelFraction &gt;= 5.5)">
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[H-Quest](05-08)Durotar[Cava]" />
  <If Condition="Me.Race == WoWRace.Orc">
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[H-Quest](01-05)Orc[Cava]" />
  <If Condition="Me.Race == WoWRace.Undead">
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[H-Quest](01-05)Undead[Cava]" />
  <If Condition="Me.Race == WoWRace.Tauren">
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[H-Quest](01-05)Tauren[Cava]" />
  <If Condition="Me.Race == WoWRace.Troll">
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[H-Quest](01-05)Troll[Cava]" />
  <If Condition="Me.Race == WoWRace.BloodElf">
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[H-Quest](01-05)BloodElf[Cava]" />
[07:52:14.881 N] Warning: XML Error: Could not parse 'If' body node! - On line 59 - [<If Condition="Me.IsAlliance">
  <If Condition="(Me.Class == WoWClass.DeathKnight &amp;&amp; !HasQuest(13188) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(13188))">
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](55-58)DeathKnight[Cava]" />
  <If Condition="Me.Race == WoWRace.Pandaren &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(30989)">
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](01-12)Pandaren[Cava]" />
  <!--  <If Condition="Me.Race == WoWRace.Worgen &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(26385)"> -->
  <If Condition="Me.Race == WoWRace.Worgen &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(28517)">
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](01-05)Worgen[Cava]" />
  <If Condition="(Me.LevelFraction &gt;= 88)">
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](88-89)TownlongSteppes[Cava]" />
  <If Condition="(Me.LevelFraction &gt;= 87.75)">
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](87-88)Kun-LaiSummit[Cava]" />
  <If Condition="(Me.LevelFraction &gt;= 87)">
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](87)KrasarangWilds[Cava]" />
  <If Condition="(Me.LevelFraction &gt;= 86)">
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](86-87)ValleyoftheFourWinds[Cava]" />
  <If Condition="(Me.LevelFraction &gt;= 85)">
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](85-86)TheJadeForest[Cava]" />
  <If Condition="(Me.LevelFraction &gt;= 67.2)">
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](67-68)Blade'sEdgeMountains[Cava]" />
  <If Condition="(Me.LevelFraction &gt;= 65.9 )">
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](65-67)Nagrand[Cava]" />
  <If Condition="(Me.LevelFraction &gt;= 64.45 )">
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](64-65)TerokkarForest[Cava]" />
  <If Condition="(Me.LevelFraction &gt;= 62.4 )">
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](62-64)Zangarmarsh[Cava]" />
  <If Condition="(Me.Level &gt;= 60)">
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](60-62)HellfirePeninsula[Cava]" />
  <If Condition="(Me.LevelFraction &gt;= 58.15 )">
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](58-60)BlastedLands[Cava]" />
  <If Condition="(Me.LevelFraction &gt;= 54.7 )">
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](54-58)Winterspring[Cava]" />
  <If Condition="(Me.LevelFraction &gt;= 52.18 )">
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](52-54)SwampofSorrows[Cava]" />
  <If Condition="(Me.LevelFraction &gt;= 49.55 )">
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](49-52)BurningSteppes[Cava]" />
  <!--  <If Condition="(Me.LevelFraction &gt;= 48.1)">
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](48-49)Felwood[Cava]" />
  <If Condition="(Me.LevelFraction &gt;= 47.61)">
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](47-48)Tanaris[Cava]" />
  <If Condition="(Me.LevelFraction &gt;= 46.95 )">
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](46-49)SearingGorge[Cava]" />
  <If Condition="(Me.LevelFraction &gt;= 39.20 )">
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](39-44)EasternPlaguelands[Cava]" />
  <If Condition="(Me.Level &gt;= 34 )">
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](34-39)WesternPlaguelands[Cava]" />
  <If Condition="(Me.LevelFraction &gt;= 31.25 )">&gt;
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](31-34)TheHinterlands[Cava]" /></If>
  <If Condition="(Me.Level &gt;= 30 )">
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](30-31)TheHinterlands[Cava]" />
  <If Condition="(Me.Level &gt;= 25 )">
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](25-26)Wetlands[Cava]" />
  <If Condition="(Me.Level &gt;= 23 )">
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](23-25)Wetlands[Cava]" />
  <If Condition="(Me.LevelFraction &gt;= 21.58 )">
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](21-23)Wetlands[Cava]" />
  <If Condition="(Me.LevelFraction &gt;= 19.65)">
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](19-21)Wetlands[Cava]" />
  <If Condition="Me.Race == WoWRace.NightElf || Me.Race == WoWRace.Draenei || Me.Race == WoWRace.Worgen">
    <If Condition="(Me.Level &gt;= 18.55 )">
      <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](18-21)Darkshore[Cava]" />
    <If Condition="(Me.LevelFraction &gt;= 16.80)">
      <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](16-18)Darkshore[Cava]" />
    <If Condition="(Me.LevelFraction &gt;= 11.58)">
      <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](11-16)Darkshore[Cava]" />
  <If Condition="Me.Race == WoWRace.Human || Me.Race == WoWRace.Pandaren">
    <If Condition="(Me.LevelFraction &gt;= 16.35)">
      <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](16-19)RedridgeMountains[Cava]" />
    <If Condition="(Me.LevelFraction &gt;= 15.60)">
      <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](15-16)RedridgeMountains[Cava]" />
    <If Condition="(Me.LevelFraction &gt;= 10.7)">
      <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](10-14)Westfall[Cava]" />
    <!--<If Condition="(Me.LevelFraction &gt;= 7.2)" >
      <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](07-10)ElwynnForest[Cava]" />
    <If Condition="(Me.LevelFraction &gt;= 5.1)">
      <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](05-07)ElwynnForest[Cava]" />
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](01-05)Human[Cava]" />
  <If Condition="Me.Race == WoWRace.Dwarf || Me.Race == WoWRace.Gnome">
    <If Condition="(Me.LevelFraction &gt;= 16.66)">
      <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](16-19)LochModan[Cava]" />
    <If Condition="(Me.LevelFraction &gt;= 13.94)">
      <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](13-16)LochModan[Cava]" />
    <If Condition="(Me.LevelFraction &gt;= 12.55)">
      <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](12-13)LochModan[Cava]" />
    <If Condition="(Me.LevelFraction &gt;= 10.75)">
      <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](10-12)LochModan[Cava]" />
    <If Condition="(Me.LevelFraction &gt;= 8.2)">
      <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](08-10)DunMorogh[Cava]" />
    <If Condition="(Me.LevelFraction &gt;= 5.4)">
      <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](05-08)DunMorogh[Cava]" />
  <If Condition="Me.Race == WoWRace.Dwarf">
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](01-05)Dwarf[Cava]" />
  <If Condition="Me.Race == WoWRace.Gnome">
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](01-05)Gnome[Cava]" />
  <If Condition="Me.Race == WoWRace.NightElf">
    <If Condition="(Me.LevelFraction &gt;= 5.5)">
      <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](05-11)Teldrassil[Cava]" />
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](01-05)NightElf[Cava]" />
  <If Condition="Me.Race == WoWRace.Draenei">
    <If Condition="(Me.LevelFraction &gt;= 5.43)">
      <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](05-11)Azuremyst Isle[Cava]" />
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](01-05)Draenei[Cava]" />
  <If Condition="Me.Race == WoWRace.Worgen">
    <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[A-Quest](01-05)Worgen[Cava]" />
[07:52:14.881 N] Warning: XML Error: Could not parse 'If' body node! - On line 216 - [<If Condition="Me.Race == WoWRace.Pandaren">
  <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Scripts\[N-Quest](01-12)Pandaren[Cava]" />
[07:52:14.882 N] Changing current profile to [Quest] 1 to 90 By [Cava] $Rev: 257 $:
[07:52:14.886 N] Can not start quest bot - this profile does not contain a quest order!
[07:52:14.886 D] Styx.HonorbuddyUnableToStartException: Can not start quest bot - this profile does not contain a quest order!
   at Bots.Quest.QuestBot.Start()
   at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.Start()
   at Honorbuddy.MainWindow.Start()
[07:52:14.887 D] Stop called!
[07:52:14.887 Q] Bot Stopped! Reason: Can not start quest bot - this profile does not contain a quest order!
Last edited: