ALL Horde Races/Classes (1-20) Full AFK *New*Pack (01-20)
Hi conetopia
there are few reports at single post let me try adress all
Link Updated, thanks for reporting
- lvl 5 on a blood elf paladin.
- In that General starting area. (West side on map)
- Quest Felendren the Banished
- Suppose to kill a few Ghosts, and a Few Guards at the top floor with the lvl 5 Elite boss guy.
- Bot seems to walk up to green crystal and try's to sit underneath it.
- What should be done, is the bot should kill Ghosts while its walking up this place.
- and then by the time it gets to the top it will have the 8 Ghosts up... otherwise don't have the bot walk up there.
- then at the top have it try to Focus the guards and then the elite.
there are 2 quests at that place
Felendren the Banished
Tainted Arcane Sliver
runing normaly bot will kill boss at top, pick item for second quest, kill mobs for first quest and use HS
for some reason but cant make path for top
all OK so far at this point:
[05:36:56.429 D] Successfully generated path from {10302.04, -6227.13, 26.62367} to {10152.22, -6006.758, 110.1539} in 5.917 seconds
but bot got suck here
[05:38:14.770 D] [STUCK] Got stuck at <10171.62, -6000.998, 68.04876> on map 530
and then:
[05:38:19.587 D] Could not generate full path from {10163.38, -6004.789, 60.25126} to {10152.22, -6006.758, 110.1539} (time used: 0 milliseconds)
[05:38:19.778 D] Could not generate full path from {10162.6, -6005.641, 58.35027} to {10152.22, -6006.758, 110.1539} (time used: 0 milliseconds)
this is something profiles cant do , this isnt something i can fix the idea is all of us report the path issues to devs so they can fix it
- Warning : go into the honorbuddy folder and go into the default profiles folder and then make a new folder called Cava . use the SVN checkout or what ever to basically Generate the Cava's scripts ect and all that stuff. " if the cava folder is not located there, and is located on your desktop or some other place, lots of stuff will not work.
if you read my first post, its there black on white
- ?Create a folder named Cava inside Default Profiles (Must be Inside Default Profiles, because quest behaviors)
but now with plugin there is no more problems, plugin will install cava folder at right place
thanks for your time reporting that issues