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It goes back in forth from sw to ironforge
i understand you are trying help with that explanations about what bot is doing , but to be more especific i realy need look inside log to realy know step by step whats logic, why bot is doing that moves and only after i know where is the problem i can fix it. So please upload your log
Hi mackr559 and thanks for your time

let me explain (or what i think) its going on

the bot runs from level 34 to 39 at Western Plaguelands
and from 39 to 44 at Eastern Plaguelands
the idea first idea is do all Western Plaguelands to get level 39 , but.... there is some hard quests for some classes thats why i dont allow bot do all ad move bot to Dustwallow Marsh do some quests feom 38 to 39 and then move him to Eastern Plaguelands

all this = big moves, not only from citys, bug also change continents
profile can hande this without problem if you no1 stop him
i mean profile can do this alone:
questing at WPL ->go to Manethil Arbor-> take boat to Kalindor -> quest at Dustwallow Marsh -> go to docks-> take boat to Eastern Kingdowns-> go to EPL -> start questing

the problem is, you stoped bot in midle of movement from WPL to Dustwallow Marsh

when you started profile again, bot want go to Dustwallow Marsh(Kalindor) but its still at Eastern Kingdowns
thats why bot started the stange move:
first moves to StormWind (all moves from? to somewhere start here in SW) probably will pass by ironforge ( its near WPL )
then will fly back to Manethil Arbor
take boat to Kalindor
and finaly will start questing

what i think you can do is: manualy move your char to Dustwallow Marsh(Kalindor) and start bot will be faster im sure

Sidenote: new profiles im writing for Horde have an warning to users dont stop bot when bot is doing this long travels, what bot is doing, and to where
just to avoid things like this
Hey Cava,

Thanks for your work. I used the 85 - 90 (Horde) and I must say you done a great job. When will the 87 - 90 (Horde) be ready? Donation from me inc enjoy the burgers :).

Hey Cava,

Thanks for your work. I used the 85 - 90 (Horde) and I must say you done a great job. When will the 87 - 90 (Horde) be ready? Donation from me inc enjoy the burgers :).

realy thanks for your words and donation
Added all races all classes for Horde side levels 1 to 20

Hope you enjoy
a good progress you have there.. well my human warrior that i intend to make will make use of this :)

Sidenote: i'm BACK!
First of all thank you Cava, for making awesome profile. I have been running 85-90 MoP profile on my feral druid. So far only one problem. Whenever two quest rewards are available (one for balance and one for feral), bot always choose balance reward. I double checked and talented2 plug-in has Druid-Feral selected. Any idea?

First of all thank you Cava, for making awesome profile. I have been running 85-90 MoP profile on my feral druid. So far only one problem. Whenever two quest rewards are available (one for balance and one for feral), bot always choose balance reward. I double checked and talented2 plug-in has Druid-Feral selected. Any idea?

Thanks for your words
quest rewards isnt profile issues, thats bot side
but i think isnt talent plugin issue also
maybe im rong but i think thats something about Weight Sets
i advice you to ask for help or how to fix that issue, asking to bot devs

CAVA! - your profile's are great!!
..but i had a problem..

The profile [Quest]1to90By[Cava] is questing my worgen hunter (level 6) - there are to many npc's (i die every time - i had to run into the church), so i had to stop honorbuddy and run to the npc (in the church) to submit the quest.

Now it's time to start honorbuddy again with the profile [Quest]1to90By[Cava]. - but honorbuddy wirte an error:

[LoadProfile-v369(fatal) @line 88]: Profile 'C:\UPRIVATE\PRIVATE\PRIVATE\PRIVATE\Honorbuddy\Default Profiles\Cava\Scripts\[A-Quest](05-08)Worgen[Cava].xml' does not exist. Download or unpack problem with profile?
Fatal error. Stopping Honorbuddy.
Bot Stopped! Reason: Fatal error in custom behavior LoadProfile-v369.

...the profile [A-Quest](05-08)Worgen[Cava].xml exists! ..i have all profile's!

Please help me dude.

Thanks da3n

CAVA! - your profile's are great!!
..but i had a problem..

The profile [Quest]1to90By[Cava] is questing my worgen hunter (level 6) - there are to many npc's (i die every time - i had to run into the church), so i had to stop honorbuddy and run to the npc (in the church) to submit the quest.

Now it's time to start honorbuddy again with the profile [Quest]1to90By[Cava]. - but honorbuddy wirte an error:

[LoadProfile-v369(fatal) @line 88]: Profile 'C:\UPRIVATE\PRIVATE\PRIVATE\PRIVATE\Honorbuddy\Default Profiles\Cava\Scripts\[A-Quest](05-08)Worgen[Cava].xml' does not exist. Download or unpack problem with profile?
Fatal error. Stopping Honorbuddy.
Bot Stopped! Reason: Fatal error in custom behavior LoadProfile-v369.

...the profile [A-Quest](05-08)Worgen[Cava].xml exists! ..i have all profile's!

Please help me dude.

Thanks da3n
Fixed at revision 249
Thanks for reporting
Now i'm questing with the profile [A-Quest](08-13)Worgen[Cava].

Should i refresh the file "Cava" with SVN? ..and restart the profile [Quest]1to90By[Cava] ??

Thank you for the fast answer!

Now i'm questing with the profile [A-Quest](08-13)Worgen[Cava].

Should i refresh the file "Cava" with SVN? ..and restart the profile [Quest]1to90By[Cava] ??

Thank you for the fast answer!

if bot is questing let him go, less times you interrupt bot better

the error is fixed, means next time you or some1 else run profile the error is gone, latter profile will warning you about one escort quest my advice is you to help bot
if bot is questing let him go, less times you interrupt bot better

the error is fixed, means next time you or some1 else run profile the error is gone, latter profile will warning you about one escort quest my advice is you to help bot
ok, now it works! thank you dude!


Quest: Natural Enemies - Quest - World of Warcraft

Maybe there is another way. But normaly the Toon has to kill the "Bog Lords" to loot Bog Lord Tendril - Item - World of Warcraft, but the Looting was turned off, i know why, so Toon just run and grind around.

Hmmm maybe think about to put up a Looting Profile, if you create a new Toon on a new Server without Gold, you need every single selling Gray/Green Stuff to get Money for Flying/Mounts and maybe Bags.


Last edited:

Quest: Natural Enemies - Quest - World of Warcraft

Maybe there is another way. But normaly the Toon has to kill the "Bog Lords" to loot Bog Lord Tendril - Item - World of Warcraft, but the Looting was turned off, i know why, so Toon just run and grind around.

Hmmm maybe think about to put up a Looting Profile, if you create a new Toon on a new Server without Gold, you need every single selling Gray/Green Stuff to get Money for Flying/Mounts and maybe Bags.

the idea for that itens is bot collect then while is doing quest Withered Flesh and that item is in protected itens while using that profile (line 1389)

Later (at line 1554) bot already have itens for quest Natural Enemies he just pick quest and turn in
Hmmm maybe think about to put up a Looting Profile, if you create a new Toon on a new Server without Gold, you need every single selling Gray/Green Stuff to get Money for Flying/Mounts and maybe Bags.

i just finished horde pack with profiles 1 to 20, they have loot ON if user want it, will wait for some feedback to decide if incoming profiles will be with No loot or loot selected by user
the idea for that itens is bot collect then while is doing quest Withered Flesh and that item is in protected itens while using that profile (line 1389)

Later (at line 1554) bot already have itens for quest Natural Enemies he just pick quest and turn in

Yes i understand, but not every Bog Lord drops the Item. In my situation, Toon do this Quest but dont have enough of the needed Items, kills the Bog Lords but dont loot em. With looting the Lords its possible to get the needed Item to finish Natural Enemies.

Toon follows "Empoors`s Bodyguard" and try all the way to kill him, but he is Green.



Toon follows "Empoors`s Bodyguard" and try all the way to kill him, but he is Green.

quest By Any Means Necessary works that way
char speak with npc Empoor, fight with him, turn in quest and accept Wind Trader Lathrai

at moment char fight Empoors`s Bodyguard will help empoor and as soon they resign they change to nom fight npcs, if bot still want fight with one or other i think thats not profile issue, but more CR issue, just to be sure please use a diferent Combat Routine