Hi mackr559 and thanks for your time
let me explain (or what i think) its going on
the bot runs from level 34 to 39 at Western Plaguelands
and from 39 to 44 at Eastern Plaguelands
the idea first idea is do all Western Plaguelands to get level 39 , but.... there is some hard quests for some classes thats why i dont allow bot do all ad move bot to Dustwallow Marsh do some quests feom 38 to 39 and then move him to Eastern Plaguelands
all this = big moves, not only from citys, bug also change continents
profile can hande this without problem if you no1 stop him
i mean profile can do this alone:
questing at WPL ->go to Manethil Arbor-> take boat to Kalindor -> quest at Dustwallow Marsh -> go to docks-> take boat to Eastern Kingdowns-> go to EPL -> start questing
the problem is, you stoped bot in midle of movement from WPL to Dustwallow Marsh
when you started profile again, bot want go to Dustwallow Marsh(Kalindor) but its still at Eastern Kingdowns
thats why bot started the stange move:
first moves to StormWind (all moves from? to somewhere start here in SW) probably will pass by ironforge ( its near WPL )
then will fly back to Manethil Arbor
take boat to Kalindor
and finaly will start questing
what i think you can do is: manualy move your char to Dustwallow Marsh(Kalindor) and start bot will be faster im sure
Sidenote: new profiles im writing for Horde have an warning to users dont stop bot when bot is doing this long travels, what bot is doing, and to where
just to avoid things like this