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about the loot/run out of gold:
i did some tests with some classes, so far till level 60 no1 of then is running out of gold, all chars can Buy bags, Train mout skills, BUY mounts, Buy water/food. Didnt test after level 60 but i think they will have gold for it
i already think about that and opened an post to obtain some feedback from you all about give you all the options to select what you want inside profile, means the idea its not made it (one click and Go) but (user select optiona and Go), the feed back i got is null, so you all dont want it, that means to me you prefer the (one click and go)= all options are preselected by profile.

Maybe i set up a Weak toon. Got mostly Problems to buy Riding. had to grind a bit till i got the Mount. Will try again, there are more Chars to do.
In the [A-Quest](52-54)SwampofSorrows[Cava] script, this part:
<TurnIn QuestName="Safeguarding the Watchers" QuestId="9894" TurnInName="Windcaller Blackhoof" TurnInId="18070" X="-234.2691" Y="5434.766" Z="22.42138" /><TurnIn QuestName="A Damp, Dark Place" QuestId="9788" TurnInName="Ikeyen" TurnInId="17956" X="-215.1667" Y="5433.431" Z="21.95523" />
<TurnIn QuestName="Plants of Zangarmarsh" QuestId="9802" TurnInName="Lauranna Thar'well" TurnInId="17909" X="-215.5434" Y="5437.267" Z="21.42747" />
<TurnIn QuestName="Saving the Sporeloks" QuestId="10096" TurnInName="Lauranna Thar'well" TurnInId="17909" X="-215.5434" Y="5437.267" Z="21.42746" />
<TurnIn QuestName="A Warm Welcome" QuestId="9728" TurnInName="Warden Hamoot" TurnInId="17858" X="-252.3594" Y="5499.21" Z="66.59902" />
<PickUp QuestName="Blessings of the Ancients" QuestId="9785" GiverName="Windcaller Blackhoof" GiverId="18070" X="-234.2691" Y="5434.766" Z="22.42138" />
<If Condition="!HasQuest(9697) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(9697)" >
<PickUp QuestName="Watcher Leesa'oh" QuestId="9697" GiverName="Lethyn Moonfire" GiverId="17834" X="-181.3797" Y="5527.087" Z="29.40778" />
<While Condition="HasQuestAvailable(17834)" >
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="17834" X="-181.3797" Y="5527.087" Z="29.40778" />
<CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/script SelectGossipAvailableQuest(1)" />
<CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/click QuestFrameAcceptButton" />
<PickUp QuestName="What's Wrong at Cenarion Thicket?" QuestId="9957" GiverName="" GiverId="" />
<TurnIn QuestName="Disturbance at Umbrafen Lake" QuestId="9716" TurnInName="Ysiel Windsinger" TurnInId="17841" X="-143.4519" Y="5533.816" Z="31.06597" />
<PickUp QuestName="As the Crow Flies" QuestId="9718" GiverName="Ysiel Windsinger" GiverId="17841" X="-143.4519" Y="5533.816" Z="31.06597" />

The Blessings of the ancient quest isn't available until after Disturbance is turned in.
I'm not sure if this has been posting, but if someone could quickly help me with this problem that'd be great!
Started using Cava's yesterday and it's great, worked fine, but now I'm leveling in Valley of the four winds and it did some quests, but now it's decided to keep spamming the inkeeper at Halfhill? The bot just say's this over and over again: [InteractWith-v419(info) @line 925]: Interacting with Innkeeper Lei Lan

Any one know how to fix this? I've tried the whole delete cache and delete quests and start again, just picks up quests and goes back to doing this :(

(just noticed TumTum's post up above and I think we have the same problem lol)
In the [A-Quest](52-54)SwampofSorrows[Cava] script, this part:

The Blessings of the ancient quest isn't available until after Disturbance is turned in.
True, im still looking to file and asking myself where is my mind when i made that :)
Goblin - lvl3

Quest: Life of the Party

Toon just select the Party Guests but doesnt use the ActionBar.


Orc - Hunter - lvl20

Runs 100% afk till now, had to restart HB and looks like you updated something, now i get QBs Error (VehicleCanSelfHeal.cs) and HB Breaksdown. Cant go on.


Last edited:
Orc - Hunter - lvl20

Runs 100% afk till now, had to restart HB and looks like you updated something, now i get QBs Error (VehicleCanSelfHeal.cs) and HB Breaksdown. Cant go on.
as soon i hit send button i remember about that file ( have the rong one in folder, already fixed)
thanks for report
Goblin - lvl3

Quest: Life of the Party

Toon just select the Party Guests but doesnt use the ActionBar.
Fixed at revision 266 ( didnt test the fix but i think its ok)
Thanks for reporting
as soon i hit send button i remember about that file ( have the rong one in folder, already fixed)
thanks for report

Ok works now.

But still had a Problem with this Toon. The Window with the Information about the right Place of the QBs pop up, all the time. Got this in Default Profile/Cava/Quest ... and one in HB Main Dir/Quest Behavier/Cava
But the Windows comes all the Time.


My honorbuddy just stucks when I try to activate Cava's Plugin ... just installed it inside honorbuddy\Plugins
In the [A-Quest](52-54)SwampofSorrows[Cava] script, this part:

The Blessings of the ancient quest isn't available until after Disturbance is turned in.

Fixed at revision 268
Thanks for reporting
Quest: Wlatz right in

Just to inform you, its again the Problem of "InteractWith". Toon stays infront of the Bomb, its there and i can press it by Hand, but QB InteractWith doesnt work with this.
[07:36:14.468 N] Enabling Check at 09:36:14
[07:36:14.468 D] Checktimer has Finished its Total wait of 5 Minutes, Enabling Item Check for next Opportunity
[07:36:14.468 N] Will Run Next Check At 09:41:14
[07:36:14.468 D] EnableCheck was Passed!
[07:36:14.468 D] Turning off Check Since Done!
[07:36:35.012 N] [InteractWith-v419(info) @line 914]: Waiting for The Ultimate Bomb to respawn.
Excluded Units:
The Ultimate Bomb [NonNavigable]

