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Haslassistant - Mob grinder with Hasla/Group features

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karls please make an auto log out feature if you get flagged as a botter!

yesterday I took a shower was away from my PC for 15 minutes, when i got back I was a prime suspect (crazy i got 5 people to flag me as a bot being gone for 15 minutes). When I returned to my pc a GM was standing on me asking me to move around and do certain movements to show i wasnt botting. I got really lucky and didnt get banned but if i took 1 minute longer in the shower im sure i would have been banned.

GM's only investigate you if a player flags you as a botter so a feature that you can turn on / turn off to auto log out if you get flagged as a botter would make this plugin so much better!

thanks for all the hard work!
Я тоже за исцеление сейчас за 15 часов ни одного вылета работает идеально, еще бы добавить функцию отключить передвижение для библиотеки
I am also for the healing now for 15 hours a single flight works perfectly, another would be to add a function to disable movement for the library
Добавлю больше, пошли 5 сутки, плагин работает идеально. Добавь пожалуйста функцию оставаться на одном месте.
Karls I was thinking, since you will be implementing pvp with the plugin would it be possible to also implement manual walking and only attack when you target, it comes in handy when your on your computer and want to chase the reds manually.

Cheers mate
I like that plugin, but can you add in form "gear" couple fields? where can I add any item to use and set the period of use this item? This function is very needed here
and need option to disable running, for grinding on one place too

And may you add using bookmarks every 30 min? In Euro AA localization it call Talisman? here is it Tyrenos's Index - Archeage Database 1.7, it very useful thing for libruary farming
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Hey there,

I started using this Plugin yesterday to grind mobs. However i found out that the Bot won't use my Potions i tested out "Mage's Vapor" and "Misty Memory".
The log even says "Using some Mage's Vapor to regain mana in combat", but the bot won't use any potion. Anyone knows how to fix this issue?
TOP plugin.

Used handred of times, work's everywhere, not only hasla. who needs to pay again for the Universal fight.. having this great loot fight plugin?

Thanks for your work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
P.S. i just donated you some euro, i invite the rest of people to do the same as you deserve it man!

sadly im poor and cant donate much, anywyas, good job again!
ArcheAge Builder - Arche-Base

this build is a decent grinder, focusing on stamina int and spirit and cast time reducing items.

it can kill alot of mobs before having to rest, you could change the arch lightning for something else but its a nice thing to have as a heavy hitter in group grind situations.

using hasla assistant with this build in auroria and hasla, i only get into trouble when players attack me, or i get a respawn or two. while figthing. but usually the build can handle itself.
tbh this is better then universal fight even tho you dont setup skill rotation/when to cast ects.
What am I doing wrong here?


I set the path the respawn point and the Pew point as stated in the guide.

when my character dies i get the message

Character died Triggering death routine to try to run back to farm spot

Warning: C:\archebuddy\Plugins\Haslassistant\DeathRoutes\ha sla route.db3 doesn't have a 'Respawn' point
No path in the DeathRoutes folder matched your current respawn point
The respawn point i set is the exact point you respawn at west side faction of hasla and the pew point is the first group of mobs that drop hasla tokens. there are very few options with this program so ive tried everything i can possibly think of and this is becoming very frustrating.

The DB3 file is in the proper deathroutes folder in the hasla assistant plugin folder.
It's looking for a haslaroute.db3 in your "C:\archebuddy\Plugins\Haslassistant\DeathRoutes\" folder. Your picture shows a completely different path for where the file is. Your path is "C:\Users\ChrisSSD\Desktop\Haslaassistant\DeathRoutes\" Therefore it's unable to find a proper file. You need to either change the path to the correct file or move it to where the program is looking for it.
Anyone having the problem that when they die, it doesn't trigger the Run Back routine? however if I toggle combat on/off, it does.
Same thing with voyager92.
What I did:

Recompile the source and try again. Worked for a day.. But somewhere along the time the error surfaced.

Recompile. Rinse and repeat (no big deal)

Good plugin!

Edit: I stand corrected, the problem surface again after recompiling. this time based on observation, the "unmarshal" error could be cause when your character dies -> death route run back trigger -> and dies again within 1 min -> doesnt respawn -> Exception caught error "unmarshal"
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Плохо знаю английский, извиняюсь.

Бот неправильно пользует бафы(дар жизни, гимн мудрости, и т.д.). А именно: использует баф на себя, потом убивает 1-2 мобов, и начинает бафать одно и то же, пока не кончится мана. Подскажите, что сделать чтобы он не использовал баф, если такой уже имеется?

Google translate:
Do not know much English, sorry.

Boat improper use buffs (the gift of life, a hymn of wisdom, etc.). Namely uses buff himself, then kill 1-2 mobs, buff and starts the same, until the end of mana. Tell me what to do so that he did not use the buff, if it already has?
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