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Gladiator Suite - Warrior

If you're making a "ur CR stoopid lol his r bettr" post then don't expect an answer.

Spell reflects and interrupts are working correctly. If they don't then it's probably your settings. Heals for example will be only kicked if your target is below 80% hp if you're using default settings.

I don't see how MS before CS would be beneficial since CS allows the following MS to bypass 100% of the armor.
If you think it's better please back up your claim with theorycrafting/testing data.

We will release an update for most of the CRs in the next few days.

Why does the cr put u in glad stance 24/7 in prot spec?

I need to FC so i need to be in def stance.

Thank you.
Also, how does the pause hotkey work.

Sometimes i find myself holding the key down to use it but if its a channel or casting spell it can cancel itself out.
I was wondering how to glad suite to stop switching from gladiator to defence stance over and over. Ive suspended all combat prompts via mills bg farmer but still no luck.

I saw this question asked but it wasnt really asnwered.


I was wondering how to glad suite to stop switching from gladiator to defence stance over and over. Ive suspended all combat prompts via mills bg farmer but still no luck.

I saw this question asked but it wasnt really asnwered.



It was answered nearly a thousand times, right beneath under the question.

Turn of "switch to def stance if no enemy in 10yd range" - its the first setting you can take in the upper left corner.
Also, how does the pause hotkey work.

Sometimes i find myself holding the key down to use it but if its a channel or casting spell it can cancel itself out.
You can sit in def stance by using the force def stance toggle hotkey.

The pause key will pause the rotation for as long as it's held down plus the short pause list time in milliseconds from the general tab.
I'm not sure what you mean by "it will cancel itself out" though
It bypasses 100% against PVE 50% against players....and yes MS is always before Cs because of the crit buildup on charge...how do you not know this? I`m refering to PVP.
so fully geared....charging then hitting MS im getting 60k crits instead of 30k crits with CS..on a lvl 102 training dummy
It bypasses 100% against PVE 50% against players....and yes MS is always before Cs because of the crit buildup on charge...how do you not know this? I`m refering to PVP.

I hate having to point this out but the PVP set gives you an 8 second buff (Vicious Strike - Spell - World of Warcraft) after you charge to increase the crit of your next mortal strike. Using CS before mortal strike is absolutely the correct sequence of actions.
its a chance on Visious strike........does not proc on every charge..... and again it does not matter weather its up or not MS still hits harder after charge.
Anyways i havent gone below 60k crits when i charge and hit MS first even with visious strikes up CS then MS im hitting 37-42k shots on dummy....you have to do some tests on it..and you will see where im coming from
If you're making a "ur CR stoopid lol his r bettr" post then don't expect an answer.

Spell reflects and interrupts are working correctly. If they don't then it's probably your settings. Heals for example will be only kicked if your target is below 80% hp if you're using default settings.

I don't see how MS before CS would be beneficial since CS allows the following MS to bypass 100% of the armor.
If you think it's better please back up your claim with theorycrafting/testing data.

We will release an update for most of the CRs in the next few days.

Yes I thought I failed some settings because there´s no traps reflecting...
but I completly deinstalled HB and all Folders ( routines, botbases etc etc) now i´m playing with standard settings, and no traps reflected :(
I dont know why... Maybe its my Ping? around 35-40ms in Arena... i cant explain this....
"I`m wondering why we are not getting any response...also when warrior charges his first hit should be MS..but it`s not. you build so much crit during charge, so MS has to be #1 priority. you have it charging and hitting CS first."

# I dont even.....wat....,No, JUST NO, You should always CS before MS when possible because the less armor the target has the more damage the MS will do.

"It bypasses 100% against PVE 50% against players....and yes MS is always before Cs because of the crit buildup on charge...how do you not know this? I`m refering to PVP"

# The crit buff too MS lasts 7 secs after a charge, rather than blasting an MS in there id even wait upto 5 secs for CS then MS if the situation occured, but id never be stupid enough too waste charge reaching someone if i didnt have CS up too burst with.

"so fully geared....charging then hitting MS im getting 60k crits instead of 30k crits with CS..on a lvl 102 training dummy"

# That is nothing more than bad luck if you are telling the truth, Are you taking into consideration Weapon enchants, Trinket proccs ect? , Also dont test damage for pvp on pve dummy....hit a bloody pvp dummy, the pvp dummy will activate your pvp gears built in item lvl boostand you will get a more accurate idea in general.

"its a chance on Visious strike........does not proc on every charge..... and again it does not matter weather its up or not MS still hits harder after charge."

# Are you just making stuff up at this point? Vicious strike buff is 100% up after every charge, Even the second charge of Double time will get it, Ive yet too charge not have the buff, Also im pretty sure MS doesnt hit harder after a charge without the 2 set vicious strike buff, In past expansion yes, This expansion no, they re purposed it as a 2 set.

"Anyways i havent gone below 60k crits when i charge and hit MS first even with visious strikes up CS then MS im hitting 37-42k shots on dummy....you have to do some tests on it..and you will see where im coming from"

# Let me guess, you charge the dummy press MS with Trinket/Enchant proccs up and get a a big MS, you then wait on charge, Charge again but by this time your internal CD on Enchants/trinkets is in effect and you CS-MS with no proccs and are surprised it hits less?, Get naked, Test your silly theory a 100 times and come back here and post your findings, i dare you.
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its a chance on Visious strike........does not proc on every charge..... and again it does not matter weather its up or not MS still hits harder after charge.

sir, i'm going to have to ask you to step away from the internet.
Yeah it is >40 and my rage dump is set to 40 rage. The even worst part about it is that if MS comes off cd 1 second before CS it will use MS instantly and then will wait for a whole 5 seconds in order to use CS wth!!! This means it will loose out on several possible CS. You mos def need to change this for MAX damages imho. If you are at 9% haste you can fit 2x MS in 1x CS debuff so it shouldn't wait with CS for MS to come off CD but it should wait for MS for 1-2 seconds than CS and then use 2x MS during debuff. Can you please change this somehow since it really hurts my need for deeps :D! I mean the rotation does well but it could do better. Please correct me if I'm wrong!

Is this considererd? Does anyone else notice that?
Next update MS will be delayed by up to 2 seconds if CS is about to be ready so yes we are addressing that
Awesome. That's the only big issue I've seen lately. I have been running several 10 mins tests now on several logs with different rage dump settings and couldn't find any other big issues anymore. Mostly my rage settings were the problem. The only last thing i sometimes feel bad about that there is no setting to pool some energy if the target gets close to execute range.
Thanks for the quick replies. And keep up the good work.
Any chance you want to make it so the CR wont CS pets? I'm bad and tab target, always have, and it likes to CS pets leaving me hitting my intended target like a wet noodle.
When AOE Mode is disabled, it wont use
- TC as Prot
- WW & Rend as Arms on secondary targets
- WW as Fury on secondary targets

If you have specced into TFB Rend has a much higher prio when your target isnt about to die.
But to answer your question, its not worth it to disable it. If you dont wanna Rend a specific target, you can simply use the "Do Not Dot"-Hotkey for that unit

wil you do holy aswel in paladin or just ret im more of a healer i would buy it if you do Holy pala?
So I'm curious if anyone can explain the "Crown Control Options" Tab. I don't have any of the automated CC checks as I do my cc manually. I've always had the Manuel Hotkey part ALL checked. Is this bad? Should there be a different way of going about it? Any explanation would be thanked.
If you only want to CC manually that's alright. Just add you ingame bolt/fbolt and fear to the pause list.