"I`m wondering why we are not getting any response...also when warrior charges his first hit should be MS..but it`s not. you build so much crit during charge, so MS has to be #1 priority. you have it charging and hitting CS first."
# I dont even.....wat....,No, JUST NO, You should always CS before MS when possible because the less armor the target has the more damage the MS will do.
"It bypasses 100% against PVE 50% against players....and yes MS is always before Cs because of the crit buildup on charge...how do you not know this? I`m refering to PVP"
# The crit buff too MS lasts 7 secs after a charge, rather than blasting an MS in there id even wait upto 5 secs for CS then MS if the situation occured, but id never be stupid enough too waste charge reaching someone if i didnt have CS up too burst with.
"so fully geared....charging then hitting MS im getting 60k crits instead of 30k crits with CS..on a lvl 102 training dummy"
# That is nothing more than bad luck if you are telling the truth, Are you taking into consideration Weapon enchants, Trinket proccs ect? , Also dont test damage for pvp on pve dummy....hit a bloody pvp dummy, the pvp dummy will activate your pvp gears built in item lvl boostand you will get a more accurate idea in general.
"its a chance on Visious strike........does not proc on every charge..... and again it does not matter weather its up or not MS still hits harder after charge."
# Are you just making stuff up at this point? Vicious strike buff is 100% up after every charge, Even the second charge of Double time will get it, Ive yet too charge not have the buff, Also im pretty sure MS doesnt hit harder after a charge without the 2 set vicious strike buff, In past expansion yes, This expansion no, they re purposed it as a 2 set.
"Anyways i havent gone below 60k crits when i charge and hit MS first even with visious strikes up CS then MS im hitting 37-42k shots on dummy....you have to do some tests on it..and you will see where im coming from"
# Let me guess, you charge the dummy press MS with Trinket/Enchant proccs up and get a a big MS, you then wait on charge, Charge again but by this time your internal CD on Enchants/trinkets is in effect and you CS-MS with no proccs and are surprised it hits less?, Get naked, Test your silly theory a 100 times and come back here and post your findings, i dare you.