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Gladiator Suite - Warrior

..I just see now the bot has 65% rage .. CS,MS and SD is ready and he spammt wihrlwind?!?! and now he has 0 rage..
Whats your Rage Dump setting?

I've tested your problem a few minutes on a dummy and MS is only delayed for me when CS is almost ready.

Maybe your HB is somehow corrupted, so that the cooldowns won't be read out correctly.
Try a clean install or send me a log
Is there some kind of video to see how to set this one up running.
I can't get it to work using BGFarmer [Miliz] and this CR... how do i get it functionning?
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anyone else gets the feeling that execute is not highest prio for target below 20%?
i've to spam my binded key (also pause key) to land an execute...
new install has nothing help.. i have no problem on a dummy! but in arena! he works fine for a few minutes but then not! i have MS rdy and charge on the monk and he spammt whirlwind.. here is the log! can you help me maybe? :D

Honorbuddy Deutsche v2.5.13198.772 started.
Logging in...
T: 5247303995966013358 H: 303547461
Attaching to D3D9
Attached to WoW with ID 5868
Honorbuddy v2.5.13198.772 started!
Character is a level 100 Human Warrior
Current zone is Sturmschild
Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
Streamed store routines:
* Gladiator Suite Warrior 2.18.0
* Gladiator Suite Hunter 2.11.0
New bot added!: ArchaeologyBuddy
New bot added!: BGBuddy
New bot added!: Dungeonbuddy
New bot added!: Grind Bot
New bot added!: Mixed Mode
New bot added!: Party Bot
New bot added!: [BETA] GrindBuddy
New bot added!: Combat Bot
New bot added!: Raid Bot
ItemForAura - Questhelper - Version 2.0 Loaded.
Gladiator Suite Warrior 2.18.0 by Cokx & Toizi.
Internal Revision: 2.18.0.
Supported World of Warcraft version: 6.1.0.
Your specialization is Warrior Arms and your race is Human.
Framelock is enabled at 15 ticks per second.


Initialized Rotation
Installed plugins
Anti Drown - Disabled
BuddyMonitor - Disabled
DrinkPotions - Disabled
Questhelper - ItemForAura - Disabled
Refreshment Detection - Enabled
Honorbuddy Startup Complete
Settings saved!
Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : Combat Bot
Current zone is Sturmschild (Stormshield - Zone - World of Warcraft)
Initialized Rotation
Next kick percentage: 51%
Not in game
Casting: Defensive Stance on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior
Casting: Battle Shout on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior
Not in game
Stopping the bot!
Bot stopping! Reason: User pressed the stop button
Not in game
[DungeonBuddy]: Checking for profile updates.
[DungeonBuddy]: Checking for script updates.
[DungeonBuddy]: All files are up-to-date.
Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : Combat Bot
Current zone is Sturmschild (Stormshield - Zone - World of Warcraft)
Not in game
Casting: Defensive Stance on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior
Casting: Battle Shout on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior
Casting: Battle Stance on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior
Casting: Hamstring on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior
Casting: Rend on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior
Casting: Defensive Stance on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior
Casting: Taunt on Lvl 100 Alliance Monk
Casting: Battle Stance on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior
Casting: Mortal Strike on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior
Casting: Battle Stance on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior
Casting: Heroic Throw on Lvl 100 Alliance Monk
Casting: Heroic Leap on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior
Casting: Heroic Leap
Casting: Heroic Leap on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior
Casting: Defensive Stance on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior
Casting: Taunt on Lvl 100 Alliance Monk
Casting: Taunt on Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock's pet
Casting: Battle Stance on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior
Casting: Rend on Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock
Casting: Battle Stance on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior
Casting: Hamstring on Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock
Casting: Mortal Strike on Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock
Casting: Rend on Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock's pet
Trying to interrupt Unstable Affliction (by Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock) with Pummel
Casting: Rend on Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock's pet
Casting: Sweeping Strikes on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior
Casting: Whirlwind on Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock
Casting: Colossus Smash on Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock
Casting: Hamstring on Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock
Casting: Execute on Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock
Casting: Mortal Strike on Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock
Casting: Whirlwind on Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock
Casting: Defensive Stance on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior
Casting: Taunt on Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock
Casting: Whirlwind on Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock
Casting: Hamstring on Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock
Casting: Thunder Clap on Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock
Next kick percentage: 62%
Casting: Taunt on Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock's pet
Casting: Rend on Lvl 100 Alliance Monk
Trying to interrupt Drain Soul (by Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock) with Pummel
Casting: Rend on Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock
Casting: Hamstring on Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock
Casting: Mortal Strike on Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock
Casting: Whirlwind on Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock
Casting: Sweeping Strikes on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior
Casting: Bladestorm on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior
Casting: Thunder Clap on Lvl 100 Alliance Monk
Casting: Rend on Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock's pet
Casting: Hamstring on Lvl 100 Alliance Monk
Casting: Rend on Lvl 100 Alliance Monk
Casting: Rend on Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock's pet
Casting: Whirlwind on Lvl 100 Alliance Monk
Casting: Hamstring on Lvl 100 Alliance Monk
Casting: Colossus Smash on Lvl 100 Alliance Monk
Casting: Defensive Stance on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior
Casting: Taunt on Lvl 100 Alliance Monk
Casting: Colossus Smash on Lvl 100 Alliance Monk
Casting: Hamstring on Lvl 100 Alliance Monk
Casting: Colossus Smash on Lvl 100 Alliance Monk
Casting: Thunder Clap on Lvl 100 Alliance Monk
Casting: Heroic Throw on Lvl 100 Alliance Monk
Trying to spell reflect Haunt (by Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock)
Casting: Heroic Throw on Lvl 100 Alliance Monk
Casting: Rend on Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock's pet
Trying to spell reflect Haunt (by Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock)
Casting: Rend on Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock's pet
Casting: Heroic Throw on Lvl 100 Alliance Monk
Casting: Hamstring on Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock
Casting: Colossus Smash on Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock
Next kick percentage: 68%
Casting: Defensive Stance on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior
Casting: Taunt on Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock
Casting: Rend on Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock's pet
Casting: Heroic Throw on Lvl 100 Alliance Monk
Casting: Taunt on Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock's pet
Casting: Execute on Lvl 100 Alliance Monk
Casting: Rend on Lvl 100 Alliance Monk
Casting: Heroic Throw on Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock
Casting: Mortal Strike on Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock's pet
Casting: Execute on Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock's pet
Casting: Battle Stance on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior
Casting: Thunder Clap on Lvl 100 Alliance Monk
Casting: Hamstring on Lvl 100 Alliance Monk
Casting: Mortal Strike on Lvl 100 Alliance Monk
Casting: Whirlwind on Lvl 100 Alliance Monk
Casting: Thunder Clap on Lvl 100 Alliance Monk
Casting: Heroic Throw on Lvl 100 Alliance Monk
Casting: Sweeping Strikes on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior
Casting: Rend on Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock's pet
Casting: Sweeping Strikes on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior
Casting: Rend on Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock's pet
Casting: Thunder Clap on Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock
Casting: Rend on Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock's pet
Casting: Hamstring on Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock
Casting: Colossus Smash on Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock
Casting: Victory Rush on Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock
Casting: Sweeping Strikes on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior
Casting: Execute on Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock
Casting: Sweeping Strikes on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior
Casting: Whirlwind on Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock
Casting: Hamstring on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior
Casting: Rend on Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock
Casting: Hamstring on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior
Casting: Rend on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior
Casting: Whirlwind on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior
Casting: Rend on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior
Casting: Hamstring on Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock
Casting: Mortal Strike on Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock
Casting: Whirlwind on Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock
Casting: Rend on Lvl 100 Alliance Monk
Casting: Hamstring on Lvl 100 Alliance Monk
Casting: Whirlwind on Lvl 100 Alliance Monk
Casting: Mortal Strike on Lvl 100 Alliance Monk
Casting: Defensive Stance on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior
Casting: Taunt on Lvl 100 Alliance Monk
Casting: Mortal Strike on Lvl 100 Alliance Monk
Casting: Rend on Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock's pet
Casting: Hamstring on Lvl 100 Alliance Monk
Casting: Whirlwind on Lvl 100 Alliance Monk
Casting: Heroic Throw on Lvl 100 Alliance Monk
Casting: Heroic Leap on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior
Casting: Colossus Smash on Lvl 100 Alliance Monk
Casting: Defensive Stance on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior
Casting: Taunt on Lvl 100 Alliance Monk
Casting: Defensive Stance on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior
Casting: Sweeping Strikes on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior
Casting: Execute on Lvl 100 Alliance Monk
Casting: Defensive Stance on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior
Trying to spell reflect Fear (by Lvl 100 Alliance Warlock)
Casting: Mortal Strike on Lvl 100 Alliance Monk
Casting: Whirlwind on Lvl 100 Alliance Monk
Casting: Mortal Strike on Lvl 100 Alliance Monk
Casting: Hamstring on Lvl 100 Alliance Monk
Casting: Heroic Throw on Lvl 100 Alliance Monk
Not in game
Casting: Defensive Stance on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior
Casting: Battle Shout on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior
Last edited:
Does anybody have anygood settings profiles for this?

NVM it's not actually working anymore. Going back to TuanHA.
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don't buy it !!! it's realy not a good profile at all i'm 2200 warrior and if i let the routine play i'm OUTADAMAGED !!!!!!!
because when I press the button of the burst in arms not used immediately avatar and reck but expects the CS even though the car is disabled prepare burst ? if I press burst is why I have to pull everything in that moment and not after 10 sec
because when I press the button of the burst in arms not used immediately avatar and reck but expects the CS even though the car is disabled prepare burst ? if I press burst is why I have to pull everything in that moment and not after 10 sec
If you just want to use every CD you can use a macro and add it to the short pause list
hi there,

i have just purchased this rotation, but the fps drop is insane, i have no issues at all without this rotation but when i enable it, fps is getting nearly %80 below. Could you fix this problem ?
I think Warrior is the most self-explaining CR out of the Gladiator Suites. Even with default settings its decent. I would recommend using Stormbolt manually.
@Toizi or @cokx i have 3 cr's from u, 2 alt before buddystore, can i do it streaming like the buddystore crs? i'm german and btw i'm now glad on hunter ty ;)
Sup, maybe im dumb as fuk, but i bought this routine a few months ago. How can i implement it into my buddystore? the last time i used it, it was supposed to loaded via SVN
@Toizi or @cokx i have 3 cr's from u, 2 alt before buddystore, can i do it streaming like the buddystore crs? i'm german and btw i'm now glad on hunter ty ;)
Sup, maybe im dumb as fuk, but i bought this routine a few months ago. How can i implement it into my buddystore? the last time i used it, it was supposed to loaded via SVN
You can PM me the email you paid with and I can send you the gift codes
Been running this profile for 2 days now, so far it's gr8. Had my 15700 conquest cap in 1.5 days running this profile on a fresh 100 dinged warrior. Now, doing some random BGs topping all of them.

don't buy it !!! it's realy not a good profile at all i'm 2200 warrior and if i let the routine play i'm OUTADAMAGED !!!!!!!

I've been doing 5s doing twice as much dmg as the rogue and mage i was playing with. Same in 3's, here's a picture of a random BG to show it's damage. This is with ilvl 640.