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Gladiator Suite - Druid

Druid 2.4 has been submitted and is waiting for approval



- The CR is now HB Build 766 compatible
- Fixed a few Shapeshifting bugs
- Shapeshifting now uses Powershifting to prevent getting catched in human form
- excluded Healer from primary target and primary friendly target counter
- Movementkeys will now be read out dynamically.
- Added Short Pause Hotkey delay option
- Added missing rogue/feral offensive spells to the "Offensive Cooldowns List"
- Updated breakable CC list
- Added BarkSkin Roots to our DRTracker
- "Bear Form: Burst on Me" will now instantly switch to Bear Form if someone is using offensive CD's against you instead of waiting untill you drop below 80% HP
- Improved Bear Form Kite Hotkey
> Bear Form Kite Hotkey will no longer use Lifebloom
> Bear Form Kite Hotkey wont shapeshift snares/roots anymore
> Bear Form Kite Hotkey now supports Shapemender glyph
> Bear Form Kite now uses all available spells that are usable in Bear Form
- Improved Force Bear Form Toggle
> Force Bear Form Toggle now supports Shapemender glyph
> Force Bear Form Toggle now uses all available spells that are usable in Bear Form
> Force Bear Form Toggle and Bear Form Kite Hotkey can now be used together to periodically buff Rejuv on yourself
- added "Don't Dot" to our notifier system
- added "Dont Dot Healer" toggle
- Added Totem Stomp delay option
- Updated the default SpellID lists for CC and Roots
- Added Dash support for Travel Form Kite Hotkey (If you have the Dash buff it will now use Cat Form instead of Travel Form)
- Added an option to only break snares/roots with Travel Form beside the "always use Travel Form while moving"
- Improved range check (The spellrange is now ~99.9% correct)

- Added an option for Rake Stun

- Improved Lifebloom behaviour
- Added Swiftmend before NSHeal when activated via the hotkey and Soul of the Forest is your T4 Talent
- Added Natures Cure CC to Travelform/Bearform Kite hotkeys
- Fixed Moment of Clarity
- Improved the usage of Clearcasting for Resto Druids
- Improved Swiftmend logic
- Fixed Natures Cure delay, values greater than 100 are now possible
- Updated the default Natures Cure lists for WoD
- Natures Cure is now handled as a dynamic cd and has an overall higher priority
- Added Natures Cure to the Resto Dmg hotkey (since we can dispel in catform)

- Removed DR check on Solarbeam Healer
Druid 2.4 has been submitted and is waiting for approval



- The CR is now HB Build 766 compatible
- Fixed a few Shapeshifting bugs
- Shapeshifting now uses Powershifting to prevent getting catched in human form
- excluded Healer from primary target and primary friendly target counter
- Movementkeys will now be read out dynamically.
- Added Short Pause Hotkey delay option
- Added missing rogue/feral offensive spells to the "Offensive Cooldowns List"
- Updated breakable CC list
- Added BarkSkin Roots to our DRTracker
- "Bear Form: Burst on Me" will now instantly switch to Bear Form if someone is using offensive CD's against you instead of waiting untill you drop below 80% HP
- Improved Bear Form Kite Hotkey
> Bear Form Kite Hotkey will no longer use Lifebloom
> Bear Form Kite Hotkey wont shapeshift snares/roots anymore
> Bear Form Kite Hotkey now supports Shapemender glyph
> Bear Form Kite now uses all available spells that are usable in Bear Form
- Improved Force Bear Form Toggle
> Force Bear Form Toggle now supports Shapemender glyph
> Force Bear Form Toggle now uses all available spells that are usable in Bear Form
> Force Bear Form Toggle and Bear Form Kite Hotkey can now be used together to periodically buff Rejuv on yourself
- added "Don't Dot" to our notifier system
- added "Dont Dot Healer" toggle
- Added Totem Stomp delay option
- Updated the default SpellID lists for CC and Roots
- Added Dash support for Travel Form Kite Hotkey (If you have the Dash buff it will now use Cat Form instead of Travel Form)
- Added an option to only break snares/roots with Travel Form beside the "always use Travel Form while moving"
- Improved range check (The spellrange is now ~99.9% correct)

- Added an option for Rake Stun

- Improved Lifebloom behaviour
- Added Swiftmend before NSHeal when activated via the hotkey and Soul of the Forest is your T4 Talent
- Added Natures Cure CC to Travelform/Bearform Kite hotkeys
- Fixed Moment of Clarity
- Improved the usage of Clearcasting for Resto Druids
- Improved Swiftmend logic
- Fixed Natures Cure delay, values greater than 100 are now possible
- Updated the default Natures Cure lists for WoD
- Natures Cure is now handled as a dynamic cd and has an overall higher priority
- Added Natures Cure to the Resto Dmg hotkey (since we can dispel in catform)

- Removed DR check on Solarbeam Healer

Are any of these changes affected by the new version of HB that was literally just released?
Dang honor buddy, how long does it take to push through an update. Iv been checking the forum posts every day this week waiting for the CR to get released. Now its out! lol. Thanks Cokx, been following your work since you were doing pqr stuff. I really enjoy this profile in its current state and am excited for the update to get pushed through.
Hmm, im not sure if it is different because im in the U.S, when i log on to the store's webpage, it still shows 2.3 as the latest version in the change log, and when i start up HB, after it checks the store it still shows 2.3. you just submitted it a few hours ago, i dont mind the wait. and appreciate your teams work.

Streamed store routines:
* Gladiator Suite Warrior 2.16.0
* Gladiator Suite Priest 2.13.0
* Gladiator Suite Mage 2.18.0
* Gladiator Suite Hunter 2.8.0
* Gladiator Suite DeathKnight 2.7.0
* Gladiator Suite Druid 2.3.0
* Gladiator Suite Warlock 2.8.0
Hello Cokx
I do have the combat suite Druid,
I have a simple question, is there a way to set up so when I go to BEAR or CAT form, it stay like that?
For exemple; when I know a kidney shot is coming I want to keep the bear form.
or when the dampening is high and I want to secure kill in 2s with HOTW in cat form.

thanks for the help
nice cr also!
Hello Cokx

i'm resto drood

when i bind a hotkey (B) to Force bearform cr told me "Force bear form Enabled" but my toon don't switch to bear form...
even if my starting form is travell form or cat form.

Same for Bear form kite....

Hello Cokx
I do have the combat suite Druid,
I have a simple question, is there a way to set up so when I go to BEAR or CAT form, it stay like that?
For exemple; when I know a kidney shot is coming I want to keep the bear form.
or when the dampening is high and I want to secure kill in 2s with HOTW in cat form.

thanks for the help
nice cr also!

Force Bear Form toggle is what you looking for
Spam Damage hotkey
under the Hotkey tab

Hello Cokx

i'm resto drood

when i bind a hotkey (B) to Force bearform cr told me "Force bear form Enabled" but my toon don't switch to bear form...
even if my starting form is travell form or cat form.

Same for Bear form kite....


Ehm whats your client language?
Force Bear Form toggle is what you looking for
Spam Damage hotkey
under the Hotkey tab

Ehm whats your client language?

Fr ))

when i try with english client all is ok
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Force Bear Form toggle is what you looking for
Spam Damage hotkey
under the Hotkey tab

thanks a lot I will try it soon, will help get 2.4 in 2s if it work for sure

In another subjet, thinking about doing a shammy resto cr ?

Edit; It doesn't work well, because I have set up for exemple Lifebloom at 90%, if some is below 90% ( wich will be all the time in 2s with damp ) hes gonna shift out of cat form to cast lifebloom so I miss a lot of bust time,
the only way I found to help with bust is casting wrath with HOTW wich deal decent dmg but probably not as much as cat form.
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Spam Damage hotkey (left side 3rd from top):
will prevent you from casting anything else then dmg and shapeshift abilities.
It's NOT a toggle you have to hold it down (thats how I do it) or spam it.

Toggle Resto Damage (right side middle):
will let you cast dmg spells when the cr has nothing else todo

For both counts:
If you are in <10yds range it will use cat abilities > 10yds it will cast spells

Make sure you use the right hotkey
Spam Damage to actually deal dmg and shit on healing spells (this key needs to be spammed or pressed until you are finished with doing dmg)

Toggle Resto Damage to en/disable dmg spells if the bot has nothing else to do
As restoration it still attempts to cast on targets that are out of range or out of line of sight in rated battlegrounds/random battlegrounds/ashran. I have not tested in arena as I am wary of using it in arena.

It also spams whatever ability it tries to use several times during global cooldown, making an odd clicking sound and producing the ingame error message "Spell is not ready yet" and similar error messages. Just a nuisance really, doesn't seem to affect the rotation.
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Hi guys! I'm pretty new to the druid routine, but if any one of you could share some setting tips for balance druid and how to play with it, i'd be really grateful ^^, just so I can help my friends get above 1.6k ^^' PM me, and thank you for your help! ^^
Hey, I Bought a couple of your other gladiator Suite's and Love them but i just did not particularly enjoy the druid profile much so not even an hour into the purchase of it I requested a refund via the button on my buddy store page and that was on the 5th of this month 2/5/2015 and I still yet to receive any credit adjustment on my card in fact I called them about it and they said that you have not even made an attempt to reversal the charges or send a reimbursement to my account. Like I said before I bought even a few other of your Suites so I'm all about the support of the profiles your making love em but it would just be good business if you would correct this issue for me and please issue a refund as I've been very patient up till now. 15 days after the request. Please help.
Hey, I Bought a couple of your other gladiator Suite's and Love them but i just did not particularly enjoy the druid profile much so not even an hour into the purchase of it I requested a refund via the button on my buddy store page and that was on the 5th of this month 2/5/2015 and I still yet to receive any credit adjustment on my card in fact I called them about it and they said that you have not even made an attempt to reversal the charges or send a reimbursement to my account. Like I said before I bought even a few other of your Suites so I'm all about the support of the profiles your making love em but it would just be good business if you would correct this issue for me and please issue a refund as I've been very patient up till now. 15 days after the request. Please help.
The developers are not in any way involved with the payment process.
You have to contact the buddy support ([email protected])
Force Bear Form toggle is what you looking for
Spam Damage hotkey
under the Hotkey tab

Ehm whats your client language?


did you plan to fix force bear form not working with fr client ? (same with cat form)

Hi all

Is there an option in the CR to disable auto attacking when out of combat? I love the tenacity of the balance routine when there are hostiles near by however i was hoping to find an option to stay out of combat unless manually engaging like the melee GS routines have.