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Gladiator Suite - Druid

hi i am a big fan of gladiator and I have all the routines.
recently create a rogue and I was wondering if there will be some routine for rogue pvp?
I just love tho try this Routine, I did use Thuan for a long time, but not to happy with it in PVP. Now im wondering anyone got some nice settings for Resto druid RBG/Talents ? :D
Great routine
I play Horde, and in BG Alterac Valley it auto attack Frostwolfs ( id 10981 )
is it a bug or have i done something wrong
I'm still going OOM playing Balance with this in longer RBG team fights, but I'm not entirely sure which spells/abilities are doing it. Other Boomkins I'm watching don't seem to have this issue. Are there certain unneeded abilities I should disable to prevent this? Running mostly stock settings.
I'm still going OOM playing Balance with this in longer RBG team fights, but I'm not entirely sure which spells/abilities are doing it. Other Boomkins I'm watching don't seem to have this issue. Are there certain unneeded abilities I should disable to prevent this? Running mostly stock settings.

that would be dispells destroying your mana and off heals :D have it dispell only ccs as boomie and not bother healing
that would be dispells destroying your mana and off heals :D have it dispell only ccs as boomie and not bother healing

I looked through the heals tab and the only one it says for others is an off heal on Healers at 30. Or so I thought. I might not be seeing the proper thing. I disabled that but I wasn't seeing a huge difference. Maybe it's rejuvenation spam?
I just love tho try this Routine, I did use Thuan for a long time, but not to happy with it in PVP. Now im wondering anyone got some nice settings for Resto druid RBG/Talents ? :D

Still tweaking, it's "ok" so far, I do recommend disabling Prowl and using that manually as it seems to trigger at some inopportune times.

edit: quoted wrong post.
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hotkey:"solarbeam target/foucus" and "ursols vortex mouse pos" dont work for balance

plz fix it, thank you
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Hey guys! Currently playing 2v2 as feral druid with a frost dk and we've got some truble. I'm pretty lost when it comes to configuring this thing, any chance some kind soul out there would care to hand me their .xml-file containing preferable settings?

Thanks alot!
Druid 2.5 has been submitted and is waiting for approval

- Added Audio Notifier
- Fixed shapeshifting for Feral
- Travel Form Kite is now usable in combination with Force Bear Form
- Overall rotation improvements for 6.1
if i accidentally refunded this routine? how can i buy it back? i just cannot buy it now
You cannot buy a product after you refunded it once. You agree to that multiple times during the purchase/refund process
Hi guys what are you thinking about make shamy cr?
Shamans are pretty strong atm
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As feral, there's no real way to efficiently stop the CR from dispelling Corruption or whatever when we go oom, it seems like the CR will lock it self into trying to cast spells that require mana. (or just trying to dispel non stop)
Going oom is only really noticeable vs locks and it's beyond annoying and makes the CR completely unplayable.

The CR also typhoons Penance (useless since 99% of priests glyph it) and it uses Typhoon + Bash from time to time. I see it more often on CC than heals I think.

These needs to be addressed in my opinion. If there's a setting to solve any of these problems, forgive me :P
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how does the hotkey settings file look like ? for me there are priest spells in it , is this normal ? can anyone upload the hotkey setting file ?
LF EU Horde Resto Druid players with Kockx CR to push ratings. Leave me PM
how does the hotkey settings file look like ? for me there are priest spells in it , is this normal ? can anyone upload the hotkey setting file ?
Yes it's normal. The druid CR was originally based off our priest and the keys just haven't been renamed.
If we were to change it now everybody would have to set all the bindings again so we just left it like that
Yes it's normal. The druid CR was originally based off our priest and the keys just haven't been renamed.
If we were to change it now everybody would have to set all the bindings again so we just left it like that

okay thanks, just wondering because i have some problems with my hotkeys the cyclone on healer or dps doesnt work properly, dps hotkey and some other work fine just the clone doesnt work for me for some reason
okay thanks, just wondering because i have some problems with my hotkeys the cyclone on healer or dps doesnt work properly, dps hotkey and some other work fine just the clone doesnt work for me for some reason

Are you sure that the Crowd Control Options are set up correctly?
By default it will never cyclone your target so if you target an enemy before using the cyclone hotkey it won't ever work.