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Gladiator Suite - Druid

Go into the hot key settings and bind a short pause (class config>hotkey>short pause; click add; press any key) to all the keys you use for things like roots, cyclone, displacer beast, etc. This makes it much easier to control the cc. I also have gladiator suite hot keys such as hold bear form and kite travel form bound to the same action bar buttons as the ability or macro I use the do the same thing; in order to make the response time quicker. This works really well for me.
Go into the hot key settings and bind a short pause (class config>hotkey>short pause; click add; press any key) to all the keys you use for things like roots, cyclone, displacer beast, etc. This makes it much easier to control the cc. I also have gladiator suite hot keys such as hold bear form and kite travel form bound to the same action bar buttons as the ability or macro I use the do the same thing; in order to make the response time quicker. This works really well for me.

Thanks Mate - it works perfekt
Got the routine today as a birthday present :) Really happy with most of the aspects (i play feral). But the human form randomly popping is just frustrating. Why would a shirvalla talented feral even go to human form?

edit: also, idk why, but it shifts out of everything except for druid roots. I am new to druid, could there be some logic behind this? My mana is ok at all times. Also, there's another issue for me: when both skull bash and typhoon interrupts are enabled, it sometimes uses them both at the same time.
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Hey Druid players,

Question how does the routine works atm. Works it well? Ore does it needs his love for a wile? Im concidering to buy it thats why i ask. my plan is to play feral and ofc alot arena.

Greetz Bull
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Why does he go out of the cat form for no reason? omg its so annoying and i die all the time cuz of that? i own several of ur crs now and this is really weird....
I like the CR, using feral, just wanted to know how can i disable healing friendly targets aside from myself? When doing ashran for example it casts rejuvenation on anyone thats low and that kills my mana on top of preventing me from exiting combat to get a restealth. Another thing is i can't seem to set a health percentage for when i want to use survival instincts, the box remains blank.

hello, have you guys begun working on this issue?

Edit: inparticular the survival instincts issue.
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I'm doing great using this Routine with my Resto Drood, just got over 2k Rating in 2s and 3s.
But sadly none of the Interface/Notifier Options is working with the Druid CR.
It works with all other Gladiator Suite Routines tho.
We need a hotkey for:
Save cp so we can Maim target/focus(healer). Like Prepare Burst but for cp.
Maim focus(Healer) Hotkey
Rake target/focus(Healer) Hotkey, Support/cc. With Incarnation: King of the Jungle we can use it without stealth. As Night Elf we have Shadowmeld :P
Mighty Bash Target? All skills works fine if i binded them with a modifier because so i hold the pause key(shift....), but without. holding will do nothing if there is no option/keybind in gs,
I don`t want increase the Hotkey active time, so we loose dps.

Bearform does no damage.

Nature's Vigil is so random, i would like to have it as an def/heal cd.
@cokx insert "auto pause on manual cast" like tuanha and don't need all useless Hotkey and no dps lost
With the next update we will read out your movement keys dynamical.

But do you really wish to pause the rotation on every missclick for 300ms?
What is with spells that are offgcd like barkskin and stuff. If you choose to use it manual do you want the rotation to stop everything even if its offgcd?
There is a reason why we implemented a "Short Pause Hotkey" list, that way you can simply bind modifier keys like shift/ctrl/alt to stop the rotation or normal keys like "1,2,3,j,k,l,..." or even combinations "shift+3"

my normal short pause key is "ctrl"
So I bind all gcd spells that I wanna use myself, e.g. "Cyclone" to "Ctrl+R"
With the next update we will read out your movement keys dynamical.

But do you really wish to pause the rotation on every missclick for 300ms?
What is with spells that are offgcd like barkskin and stuff. If you choose to use it manual do you want the rotation to stop everything even if its offgcd?
There is a reason why we implemented a "Short Pause Hotkey" list, that way you can simply bind modifier keys like shift/ctrl/alt to stop the rotation or normal keys like "1,2,3,j,k,l,..." or even combinations "shift+3"

my normal short pause key is "ctrl"
So I bind all gcd spells that I wanna use myself, e.g. "Cyclone" to "Ctrl+R"

any ETA? I'm dying to try the next patch.
With the next update we will read out your movement keys dynamical.

But do you really wish to pause the rotation on every missclick for 300ms?
What is with spells that are offgcd like barkskin and stuff. If you choose to use it manual do you want the rotation to stop everything even if its offgcd?
There is a reason why we implemented a "Short Pause Hotkey" list, that way you can simply bind modifier keys like shift/ctrl/alt to stop the rotation or normal keys like "1,2,3,j,k,l,..." or even combinations "shift+3"

my normal short pause key is "ctrl"
So I bind all gcd spells that I wanna use myself, e.g. "Cyclone" to "Ctrl+R"

Imo; this kind of short pause detection system is much better than tuanha. It's easy to use and much more efficient. Just set up your keys for ccs and cds and go. It works better than Having a blanket pause, Like cokx said. I play resto so i can't speak for feral. But I really like the retro profile. There's just a few things that need polishing for me.

** I could also use a little advice reguarding where all the healing values should be set for arena. Or if I should just leave them alone..
Life bloom comes stock to only cast in me at 100% should life bloom be casting on everyone else to or just me?
With full gear I would increase Genesis to 65-70% again (thats what I run)

The lifebloom options are a bit missleading, since lifebloom can only be placed on 1 target its always been casted on the enemies primary target.

The primary target is calculated by the unit count (excluding healers) they are targeted.
So we assume that the unit which is targeted by the most units is the enemies primary target.
If no primary target exist it will cast lifebloom on the lowest unit based on your settings.
With the next patch I've added a min distance in health percent to swap lifebloom. (the live version also has this option but its only 5 or 10%)
So if your enemies swap targets because they are tabbing through them it will only change lifebloom if the new primary target hp pool is lower than 15-20% of the old primary target
With the next update we will read out your movement keys dynamical.

But do you really wish to pause the rotation on every missclick for 300ms?
What is with spells that are offgcd like barkskin and stuff. If you choose to use it manual do you want the rotation to stop everything even if its offgcd?
There is a reason why we implemented a "Short Pause Hotkey" list, that way you can simply bind modifier keys like shift/ctrl/alt to stop the rotation or normal keys like "1,2,3,j,k,l,..." or even combinations "shift+3"

my normal short pause key is "ctrl"
So I bind all gcd spells that I wanna use myself, e.g. "Cyclone" to "Ctrl+R"

I think there is no point having to do the key bindings to use a CR and key bindings for normal play,the hotkeys need only for spells as vortex/shadowfury ect.
"Auto Pause on Manual Cast" allows you to use all your usual bind with a pause of 100/200ms adjustable,without having problems gcd or spell that does not start when you press the key bindings because the CR has already in other queues.I used a lot of the CR Tuanha but now I switched to use it for your PvP are perfect and I think the only problem with all this is your CR.
if you think I 'm wrong about using the " Auto Pause on Manual Cast " hotkey fix because you always lose 1-2 gcd before the spell starts .
I think it would be better to change hotkey"spell " healer/dps with hotkey"spell " target/focus are more clear and easy to fix
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Could you add the scrolling button as a hotkey ? i mean, not mouse3 when you push it but just when you simply scroll, would be great !