With the next update we will read out your movement keys dynamical.
But do you really wish to pause the rotation on every missclick for 300ms?
What is with spells that are offgcd like barkskin and stuff. If you choose to use it manual do you want the rotation to stop everything even if its offgcd?
There is a reason why we implemented a "Short Pause Hotkey" list, that way you can simply bind modifier keys like shift/ctrl/alt to stop the rotation or normal keys like "1,2,3,j,k,l,..." or even combinations "shift+3"
my normal short pause key is "ctrl"
So I bind all gcd spells that I wanna use myself, e.g. "Cyclone" to "Ctrl+R"
I'm just a tad confused as to what your saying. So i should bind the short pause key to something like Shift then have my cyclone on 1? So i press shift+1 to cyclone my target?
Then would I need to create a macro for cyclone focus for example? Like shift+2 for cyclone focus?