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Fury Unleashed II - Premium

Hello nomnon, with buff that led avatar think is better than the blood bath for 1h fury warrior.
Hello nomnon, with buff that led avatar think is better than the blood bath for 1h fury warrior.
It is better depending on how many times you can cast avatar vs bloodbath and whether you can always line it up with a on use trinket and reckless.
My version is still

Version is up for approval.
All notes from till
Settings have been reset.

* General: Added Legal.txt

* Core: Further performance optimization.
* Core: Prevent tree execution during Bladestorm.
* Core: Rearranged variables.
* Core: Removed InvokeShutdown() on Overlays.
* Core: Fixed store compiler issue.

* Arms: Prioritizing Mortal Strike in AoE situations if your target is the actual boss.
* Arms: Added detection for Tier 17 P2 setbonus - Dynamically changing rotation if present.

* Prot: Prioritize Shield Barrier while active mitigation is enabled during Acid Torrent on Oregorger.

My version is still Why not set to
My version is still Why not set to

If I understand things correctly is up for approval and not live quite yet. So I think the HB team needs to look over it and make sure everything is ok with the new version. Such as checking for any malicious code among other things I am sure. I think its HB policy to look it over before the public can access it and another way to protect their customers. I could be wrong but that's how I always imagined things going down.
My version is still Why not set to
Honorbuddy team checks the code each time I release. Once they;ve checked, they will approve and then you have it.

If I understand things correctly is up for approval and not live quite yet. So I think the HB team needs to look over it and make sure everything is ok with the new version. Such as checking for any malicious code among other things I am sure. I think its HB policy to look it over before the public can access it and another way to protect their customers. I could be wrong but that's how I always imagined things going down.

Hello nomnon, with buff that led avatar think is better than the blood bath for 1h fury warrior.
Avatar is already supported :).
Can we get a blacklist for manual cast pause? Every time I need to talk in mumble (frequently as raid lead) my rotation stops. I've just turned it off for now but far from ideal.

I use mouse button 5 on my naga fwiw.

While I'm here I'll inquire about numpad plus and minus hotkeys too :p. (Havent read the last few pages yet so you may have commented on this)
Can we get a blacklist for manual cast pause? Every time I need to talk in mumble (frequently as raid lead) my rotation stops. I've just turned it off for now but far from ideal.

I use mouse button 5 on my naga fwiw.

While I'm here I'll inquire about numpad plus and minus hotkeys too :p. (Havent read the last few pages yet so you may have commented on this)
Already there - check general tab in the gui:

[DisplayName(@"Manual Cast Pause - Ignore Key 1.")]
[DisplayName(@"Manual Cast Pause - Ignore Key 2.")]
[DisplayName(@"Manual Cast Pause - Ignore Key 3.")]
[DisplayName(@"Manual Cast Pause - Ignore Key 4.")]
[DisplayName(@"Manual Cast Pause - Ignore Key 5.")]
Can you let the warrior stop do Rend on adds with low hp and that will be oneshotted? Like the beasts in darmac or adds in operator?
Just bought it to compare with an other routine. The procs seems responsive, the rotation is ok.
I dunno if you manage to do that but it would be really helpfull if we can choose our own keybinds, i i choose for exemple 0 for a spell if press an other spell alt+0 it will cast 0 too.

And finally the fps drop is just insane, almost unplayable.
I will wait for the V3

Edit: i'm having some trouble with arms, do i need to mouse over targets to refresh rend on 2 or 3 targets fights ?
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I want to use my aoe abilities like Bladestorm Raveger and Dragon Roar manually, but when i closed them i cannot enter to bot's rotation. maybe it should be a bit slowly.. Till i included to the rotation procs lost.

and my second problem is / or second explanation is: i always attract a lack of rage. i play arms and fury, fury seems good 1h or 2h but there are some fights that u must play as an arms, i feel like im looking around and examine patterns of room while raiding :)) i think im doing something wrong.
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btw nom, i just checked the manual cast pause ignore key and the key i want to ignore isnt in the list anyhow....... can we add mouse 4 and 5?
Can you let the warrior stop do Rend on adds with low hp and that will be oneshotted? Like the beasts in darmac or adds in operator?

Hi Aressandoro,

I'll do some work on FUP2 tomorrow, I'll make an exclude option HP (Current Health). I'm not sure if you want a setting or a pre-defined number. Let me know!

Just bought it to compare with an other routine. The procs seems responsive, the rotation is ok.
I dunno if you manage to do that but it would be really helpfull if we can choose our own keybinds, i i choose for exemple 0 for a spell if press an other spell alt+0 it will cast 0 too.

And finally the fps drop is just insane, almost unplayable.
I will wait for the V3

Edit: i'm having some trouble with arms, do i need to mouse over targets to refresh rend on 2 or 3 targets fights ?

Hi Gigofar,

Could you attach a log for me regarding the fps drop?

I want to use my aoe abilities like Bladestorm Raveger and Dragon Roar manually, but when i closed them i cannot enter to bot's rotation. maybe it should be a bit slowly.. Till i included to the rotation procs lost.

and my second problem is / or second explanation is: i always attract a lack of rage. i play arms and fury, fury seems good 1h or 2h but there are some fights that u must play as an arms, i feel like im looking around and examine patterns of room while raiding :)) i think im doing something wrong.

Hi Rohan61,

Attach a log for me ! Thanks

with the sims that i have run avatar is better than bloodbath since 6.1 from what i can tell its even better if you have a scabbard as the cooldowns align is there any way you could add a on trinket use or on avatar use option to the routine to coordinate the trinket with avatar. I did try to use on aura which didn't seem to work and on boss when you use on boss for both trinket and avatar the routine will pop the trinket right away but wait until the trinket is gone till it pops avatar atm i just use avatar manually on bosses when trinket is used so i can get the most dps out of the trinket.

Edit: just to make sure i covered everything i obviously also tried setting trinkets and avatar to always with the same results the routine will not use them together.
Item: Scabbard of Kyanos
Aura: Sword Technique
Aura ID: 177189

Hi Brownbie,

I'll work on a solution to sync up certain cooldowns with trinket procs (will be an option). However some cooldowns require other requirements and it will be almost waste to add "Only use on trinket procs", I'll see what I can do for Avatar though!

In case you want to know :: Me and Nom is a team, he asked me to takeover for a while. If you have any questions or need help with anything, let me know!

Regarding the FPS issues, I'm looking into it.
Is there anyway you are able to implement a system that executes mobs <20% without having them targeted? Such as how the rend dotting works but instead sniping executes with a toggle on/off option?
This would dramatically increase the damage output of the routine.
Hi Aressandoro,

I'll do some work on FUP2 tomorrow, I'll make an exclude option HP (Current Health). I'm not sure if you want a setting or a pre-defined number. Let me know!

Can you put some options for this?
Like if we create a list with all names of mobs to not rend and use that list with a check/uncheck, and a current % life too.
Also if you can add an option to execute near mobs that have <20% that works like rend would be awesome. I mean that he should execute a near mob also if you don't target it. Maybe with an option to check/uncheck should be very good!
I also think that sometimes the routine don't bloodthirst as it should. Can you check this too? Seems that sometimes we have to bloodthirst manually because the routine will do, but with some delay.
Thanks alot!!
For Klep and the rest of you guys who post the same things over and over. This is one of nomnomnom's more recent posts from page 153.

New features like extra hotkeys will be in FUP3 - Not in FUP2. I honestly want to sped as less time as possible on FUP2 to complete FUP3 as soon as possible.

So it seems like we are kinda stuck with FUP2 the way it is pending a disaster to the routine until FUP3 comes out which will hopefully be soon... I honestly think people come on here just to complain instead of reading what the developer has answered to the last time they asked their questions.

Edited due to being a bit rude prior.
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