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Fury Unleashed II - Premium

Guys I'm not sure what's going on. It seems like that stutter does exist. There's times when my guy seems to sit there and not cast anything when he should. Its not like he's max rage, but something is going on I think. I'm 670, and pulling only like 23k in the new heroic raid. Is that average!? I'm bottom on charts everytime and I don't know what I can do differently. I'm pretty much letting the bot do everything and leaving no moves out. Any ideas?

I'd post log but I'm at work right now. I just thought this was normal dps so I didn't think twice about it at the time

Is Enyo set right? A few of us were having this same issue. If you used it in MoP its completely different now, apparently you can't let it do everything anymore, you have to time cds etc.
Is Enyo set right? A few of us were having this same issue. If you used it in MoP its completely different now, apparently you can't let it do everything anymore, you have to time cds etc.
Does Enyo even have setting to change? I dont really understand what you're saying. Enyo has ticks per second, framelock settings, and a couple other settings?
Does Enyo even have setting to change? I dont really understand what you're saying. Enyo has ticks per second, framelock settings, and a couple other settings?

Depends on your FPS

What should I do with the Ticks per Second?
Ticks per Second should be about equal or less of which your FrameRate (CTRL+R to view in WoW) is. If your PC can handle it, the higher the TPS the better your Routine will work. It's just very minor difference above 30 though.

Hello, well the dps on the boss Kromog is very bad and full of bugs.He uses not ravager, he does not attack the hands of boss.Please fix the bugs.
Hello, well the dps on the boss Kromog is very bad and full of bugs.He uses not ravager, he does not attack the hands of boss.Please fix the bugs.

I have not made it to Kromog yet because my guild sucks but if ravager is an issue for people maybe they could try setting it to a hotkey so that it will drop where your pointer is, just make sure to hold your pointer in a location where ravager can be placed and if that does not work I would try out AM BB for talents until a working ravager is put in.

As for the target hand while gripped issue it seems quite a few of the Cr's we pay for are having the same issue with targeting them. Pretty sure the developers or in our case developer are hard at work on it.
I too call a little troll or some major BS on this claim. Not to take anything away from Nomnomnom but the CR still suffers from insane FPS loss 30-50 depending on the fight, doesn't even work well on one fight(Kromog) and even on fights where the CR worked beautifully with me controlling CD's manually I didn't come even remotely close to a top 50 parse with 685 ilvl gear going 9/10 heroic. I'd seriously love to see some sort of proof, i.e. ss's showing the dmg/dps meters right after the boss kill or something.
Funny because the CR doesn't even attack Kromag nor his hands, and there's numerous bugs on other bosses that would prevent you from ranking. Unless you mean top 50 bottom....wondering how you managed this bad troll :rolleyes:

Kromog, cuz a lock blocked my rune i didnt get i a hand and the healer pushed me to stay alive
and btw if u face i an special direction the cr attacks em

CR still suffers from insane FPS loss 30-50 depending

not for me, FUP beta has a fix for it, and there is an hb plugin that helps, i have stable 40-60 fps in raids with fup

settings are just as they load up expect baldestorm, bladestom i used mannualy



now i know why i barely post in here
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On the blast furnace, is it possible to improve the logic so it doesn't attempt to rend invulnerable mobs like the elementalists when they are bubbled and also the slag elementals when they are dead (it tries to spam rend dead slag elementals).
Not possible - It's a cancast bug/hb bug. Live with it until it's fixed in HB.

yeah to think of it it just that boss in general the CR seems to not work as perfect as other boss. Im sure Nom will look into it when he gets the chance and sort it out :)
Sure thing.

So far the routine is performing very nicely in BRF. I did encounter a problem when my guild downed Heroic Kromog is that when he cast Rune of the Grasping Hand the bot or the cr wont attack the hand thats holding you in place during that phase.
Rune of Grasping hand is being investigated. I didn't reach that fight yet so no idea yet what to do there :D.

any way to add some more hotkey options/buttons?

and yes.. im going from about 100fps to about 30 when ae'ing fwiw. performing better than previously though from a damage standpoint.
What extra keys would you like then?

Any chance of a hotkey to disable/toggle active mitigation? So that we're able to pool rage for specific mechanics (Brakenspore's breath, Franz/Hans tank smash, Oregorger's spit for example) where you'd want to pool to ~60 (or even 120) rage for a full shield barrier or two?

Or, any way to disable the use of shield barrier entirely but keep the rotation using shield block? Realise you can disable mitigation entirely, and I have turned off rage dump > SB but it still uses it as part of it's regular rotation (not necessarily a rage dump).

Not sure I'm making much sense, sorry =/
Yes that's possible. I'll add it to the todo list.

- Can confirm it doesnt work on Kromogs "Grasping Grips".
- Also it only casted rend on 2 of the 3 Iron Maidens, couldnt get the CR to cast it on the third one (even with manual targeting).
The third rend should be fixed as of next release. Kromog is being investigated.

i dropped my tps to 15 and use hardlock like anyone else - problem still exists. (i usually run 30 but lowered it to check if it made a diffference). Was never a framerate issue it jsut appears to be one. It hitches/stutters incessently during ae.
Yeah yeah, after 25 posts I understand that there is AoE issues with performance. Being worked on and tested by my testers.

When you get grabbed on Kromog fight the CR doesn't do anything regardless of what you target it, but will continue after you get released. So currently you have to do your own thing when you are grabbed by Rune of Grasping Earth
Being worked on.

I think I'm doing something wrong, the single target dps just isnt there. Here is a log... Its like 22k dps single target as 677 ilvl
View attachment 167224
Hit me up on Skype.

is it like this with all specs? cos for me it seems fine, yes i get a fps drop but its minor, i get a feeling its ppl playing arms
FPS drop is only natural - HB"s wiki also states that there WILL be FPS drops if you use honorbuddy.

It's not just heavy aoe, any aoe gives me the drops, even on newest update.

Attack one mob with no other mobs around=fine

Attack one mob with ANY mobs even in the vicinity, not just the ones in AoE range= 2-10fps

Disable AoE setting in routine= fine but still inconsistent performance when switching mobs and tab targetting

It has to have something to do with some sort of scan going on in the background for mobs in range, checking buffs, etc.
Being worked on.

Hello, I bought your CC, can be according to the refund, money is gone, I still want to buy
Sorry I do not understand what you're trying to say here.

I have not made it to Kromog yet because my guild sucks but if ravager is an issue for people maybe they could try setting it to a hotkey so that it will drop where your pointer is, just make sure to hold your pointer in a location where ravager can be placed and if that does not work I would try out AM BB for talents until a working ravager is put in.

As for the target hand while gripped issue it seems quite a few of the Cr's we pay for are having the same issue with targeting them. Pretty sure the developers or in our case developer are hard at work on it.
The hands thing is most likely a honorbuddy cancast issue. I'll investigate but unsure if I can fix it. Might as well be something the HB team needs to fix.
Thank you for the reply nom. I'm not home now so I can't see my hotkeys nor what I suggested a few days ago in a post here but off the top of my head, three I would love 1) ALT if it's not being used as a modifier (I don't use modifiers) and 2/3) probably easier and more importantly for us razer naga users the 11 and 12 key which when set as numpad mode (ideal) is numpad end and numpad home iirc.

1-10 is already there via keyboard and numpad, just 11&12 ala home/end are missing.

Would be AWESOME to get those in :)

Looking super forward to your next update. I've used fu for a looooong time - I know It in and out and prefer it so I'm looking forward to changing back once all the kinks are worked out (especially the fps loss&hitching)

I know we hate plugging other routines here, and to be clear - stealing code isn't what I'm advocating in any way; but you may want to look into what tuan is doing differently because his routine suffers from next to no performance hit period. Ae or otherwise.
Upcoming release will ease the stress on the pc - fps loss. It's not entirely solvable with the current core. As you all know Im working on the recode as well, but you guys are keeping me busy with the old one as well ;)!
Some information to people with FPS losses:

I had this problem, FPS dropping from 60 to roughly 10-20 FPS when engaging in a fight. I have a fairly strong computer, i7 4770k, 16gb ram, GTX 780ti, SSD drive and a 100 Mbit connection on top of it.
Played around with different settings and changed a couple of settings in game and in HB:

- I disabled Vertical Sync (since it locked my FPS at 60 and not above due to my screen being 60Hz)
- I disabled Max Foreground FPS and Max Background FPS
- I changed to Direct X 11
... this increased my FPS in game without HB.

Biggest change came to HB bot config. In Enyo, I noticed that enabling Hardlock (no matter what TPS I set it to) caused my FPS to drop to 15-20 in a fight.
So I disabled Hard Lock and just enabled Soft Lock set to 45 TPS.

Before changes I had 30-60 FPS idle, 10-20 FPS in a fight.

After changes I had 75-125 FPS idle, 50-60 FPS in a fight.

Have yet to try it in BRF, but will do tonight and will report if it helped much. Although I do agree with others that FU2 is heavier on FPS than other CRs. Looking forward to the recode, thanks for your hard work!
Unless absolutely a necessity, I'd strongly advise against using softlock for FUP. It might gain you fps, but also loss in dps.

FUP2 - Update will probably hit tomorrow which will ease on your systems. It will not entirely solve the fps drops though.
FUP3 - Steady progress but will take a while before its releasable.

Some information to people with FPS losses:

I had this problem, FPS dropping from 60 to roughly 10-20 FPS when engaging in a fight. I have a fairly strong computer, i7 4770k, 16gb ram, GTX 780ti, SSD drive and a 100 Mbit connection on top of it.
Played around with different settings and changed a couple of settings in game and in HB:

- I disabled Vertical Sync (since it locked my FPS at 60 and not above due to my screen being 60Hz)
- I disabled Max Foreground FPS and Max Background FPS
- I changed to Direct X 11
... this increased my FPS in game without HB.

Biggest change came to HB bot config. In Enyo, I noticed that enabling Hardlock (no matter what TPS I set it to) caused my FPS to drop to 15-20 in a fight.
So I disabled Hard Lock and just enabled Soft Lock set to 45 TPS.

Before changes I had 30-60 FPS idle, 10-20 FPS in a fight.

After changes I had 75-125 FPS idle, 50-60 FPS in a fight.

Have yet to try it in BRF, but will do tonight and will report if it helped much. Although I do agree with others that FU2 is heavier on FPS than other CRs. Looking forward to the recode, thanks for your hard work!

Got a similar system build to you (ive an i7 3930k CPU though, gtx780ti, 240gb ssd etc)

Go into NVidia control panel & change settings in there for WoW (specifically vsync) I've had much better fps since :)
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was yesterday again in blackrock foundry and again have issued with my routine that he pauses very often its like nonstop pause highly on boss firelord karzag and the spells often are thunderclap and whirlewind dont know why again here are some logs maybe i get a answer finally from u nom or help dont want to saound rude but its annoying this pauses and dmg crap stats was arms yesterday and tried fury also on firelord and again very often pauses stutter issues..maybe someone know some answers

View attachment 2444 2015-02-08 23.46.txtView attachment 5464 2015-02-09 03.02.txtView attachment 1628 2015-02-09 02.55.txt
did he fix the FPS issue yet? This is the first CR I've seen where the support is not quite as quick in response.

He said he is working on it and there will be an improvement in the next release. Normally nom is very quick to respond and update. It is probably not as quick as normal as he mentioned before that he is working on FUP3 which likely means a complete work over. I am very excited for FUP3 to release even if it may not be for a while. In the meantime the CR still works great and I can parse in the 85th-99th percentile on warcraft logs on every fight I have done in BRF so far using this CR. 7/10H bosses downed so far using this CR and every boss in the top 85th-99th percentile is pretty damn good in the first week of BRF I would say. Yes there is a bit of lag for AoE sometimes and a few tweaks to work out, but only dipping down to 10FPS-30FPS at worst is not the end of the world and is certainly manageable until it can be fixed.

This is by far the best warrior CR out there for raiding, trust me I have tried many and compared them, including bots outside of HB. I have tried at least 8 or more other what are suppose to be the best raiding warrior bots/rotation assistants/CRs out there and none can compare to FUP2. Some of them are much more expensive too but still do not compare. There was only one or two that came close but even then one would crash sometimes and was slow to update after patches. They are still 2k-3k DPS behind this testing on a dummy and was not nearly as configurable so some fights you were kinda screwed. Another one that was kinda close lacked options and proper hotkeys etc.. It also has had a bad reputation of getting people banned in the past so I would not trust it. Overall nothing compares to FUP2+HB in terms of overall DPS, configuration choices and options, hotkeys, stability and account safety. FUP3 will only set the standard higher when it comes out.