disabled both normal T7 and T7-AOE?
if you did, post logs! Nom can't help you without it.
i have the same problem, has always done this
disabled both normal T7 and T7-AOE?
if you did, post logs! Nom can't help you without it.
I reckon a lot of top warriors are using a routine similar to this. Potentially one that doesn't have tc added yet.I've combed rankings and i can't see it used by any of the top warriors, the only times i did notice it there was very few casts of it or it just appeared to have been used by mistake (e.g one cast).....it didn't even appear on tectus logs so i'm not sure where this "Dps increase" was obtained from lol
Be much more interested in 5m runs of each. Very very few times will any fight come near 15m but I guess it's all relative to a degreeI just tested the latest release ( using a 663 fury warrior
Double Time, Enraged Regen, Furious Stikeos, Stormbolt, Vigilance, Bloodbath, Anger Management
15 mins/each on training dummy
FU2 development rotation, cooldown management disabled, Recklessness on Bloodbath: 18.1k dps
FU2 development rotation, cooldown management disabled, Recklessness Always: 17.2k dps
FU2 normal rotation, cooldown management disabled, Recklessness on Bloodbath: 17.2k dps
TuanHa paid, default settings: 17.1k dps
FU2 development rotation, cooldown management enabled, Recklessness Always: 17.0k dps
Singular, default settings: 11.4k dps
It depends on the fight. It's as its always been. Singke target fury, multiple armsFury is not better than Arms in highmaul?
Can you tell me what talents you using and if you could post your setting pretty please cuz im struggling with 15k dps and 659 ilvl![]()
Not anymore. In highmaul and with the gear that drops (stats based), arms has better single target and cleave damage now. So arms for everything unless you have much better fury weapons.It depends on the fight. It's as its always been. Singke target fury, multiple arms
Not anymore. In highmaul and with the gear that drops (stats based), arms has better single target and cleave damage now. So arms for everything unless you have much better fury weapons.
Agree to disagree I guess. I'm 670 fury and 672 arms and I destroy arms .. Well I won't say destroy but it's preferable in about 40% of the fights. This is coming from a lifelong arms warrior at that. My arms weapon is 10 ilvls higher too.
Then there's the logs of course since I know anecdotal evidence is worthless.
It's competitive now single target but superior it is not.
We all pay the same sub so are free to do as we wish but the spreading of opinion as fact or of misinformation is bad juju. Unfortunately super prevalent in wows community.
I will give you this. When this routine is fixed it will be much much closer than it is now. Again speaking single target only.
I'll be responding later this night to most questions and post an update regarding upcoming version of the routine. Got some proper good news for everyone I guess
we are all waiting for the update![]()
Agree to disagree I guess. I'm 670 fury and 672 arms and I destroy arms .. Well I won't say destroy but it's preferable in about 40% of the fights. This is coming from a lifelong arms warrior at that. My arms weapon is 10 ilvls higher too.
Then there's the logs of course since I know anecdotal evidence is worthless.
It's competitive now single target but superior it is not.
We all pay the same sub so are free to do as we wish but the spreading of opinion as fact or of misinformation is bad juju. Unfortunately super prevalent in wows community.
I will give you this. When this routine is fixed it will be much much closer than it is now. Again speaking single target only.