Please note that the following class tuning hofixes are not active yet. These hotfixes are still undergoing testing and will be implemented as soon as possible.A few days ago they buffed arms considerably.
Not on EU atleast my Execute for ex. hits as regular.They are live, for warriors at least. Check your combat log![]()
Shit shit shit. This routine is the best one I ever tried, for ALL specs. As someone said above I just pwn everyone, even being the tank. Last dungeon pulled 60% of damage lol
Just a few suggestions to make this product even more awesome, suggs for tank:
- When charging into battle the bot uses thunderclap too early, making that the bot missing some mobs. Could you make the bot wait until he arrived to the destination to use thunder clap? XD
- Since he uses abilities on cd he missuses a lot of dragon roars/shockwaves and bladestorms. These abilities are damn useful when starting fight and get all aggro and are very useless if used at the end of the fight. Could you make the bot prevent and save these abilities if the mobs are, for example, nearly dead, like less than 100k of health?
- Could you make the bot to use Heroic strike only when he is in rage cap or when using it leave at least 60 rage? This way the tanking would be improved. A lot of times uses all the rage in Heroic Strike and he doesnt have enough to do Shield block/Shield Barrier. Give these options and the option to disable it completely. After all the tank is supposed to tank, wasting rage in offensive power instead of defensive is not your job.
- The bot should be able to use healthstones and potions. Potion of armor from alchemy and potion of health from first aid (Health tonic). Dont know if I forgot something.
- The bot should be able to use vigilance.
Can we keep this topic clean of the tuanha comments please? As long as you just say "woah xxx is better" but not stating which fight and spec etc it's utterly useless. I have quite a few ranking persons who state the complete opposite of your claims. All it does is bring confusion.
Hi, just bought ur routine - works really well
One question - is there a way to "auto Target and auto Startattack in/outfight" ?
With the Arms 'patch' that's expected to come out in the near future, can we look at implementing Thunderclap into the rotation if glyphed. According to some top warriors its a 800dps increase even on single target fights.
And I love the white knighting, its cute. Nom makes the best stuff around, no doubts, but if there is something that is working slightly better its going to be noticed in a competitive market. FU2 is and has been an amazing product for a while now, I'm very much looking forward to it coming back (for arms) to its shining glory!
For some reason arms has started to thunderclap on single target, is there any reason for this?
Maybe this?
I've combed rankings and i can't see it used by any of the top warriors, the only times i did notice it there was very few casts of it or it just appeared to have been used by mistake (e.g one cast) didn't even appear on tectus logs so i'm not sure where this "Dps increase" was obtained from lolu sure thunder clap is worth on single target? None of the top Arms warriors on butcher are using it =/
I've combed rankings and i can't see it used by any of the top warriors, the only times i did notice it there was very few casts of it or it just appeared to have been used by mistake (e.g one cast) didn't even appear on tectus logs so i'm not sure where this "Dps increase" was obtained from lol