((I assumed it was maybe because of the range... since Ultra and DS are so huge, so I changed the range to 60 but this didn't fix problem)).
<- Fury SMF warrior
Was at deathwing and the bot dont want to fight the boss
Will this ever be updated for the Warrior 2P for T13?
3.0 will feature an option for that.
its not minimal at all .. they made inner rage a rotation req ... it boosted my deepz easily . im already 3/4 t13 required in second weekAwesome. Although, if I did my math right, the dps boost from the free heroic strike is a little minimal, its still something.
Ive tried your class now for an hour. Ive been trying to do the best i can to configure it but it just throw on pull and dont charge! and it dont go after the mob in case if it have been knocked back by for example by a tornado mob in mount hyjal. Im a fury warrior. Could you please assist me how to change so it charges and so it go back to the ranged mob and kill it so it dont die itself?
What time frame are we expecting on updated version of this to work good and have interrupt stuff, etc set for the new heroics and raid?
Expect a completely renewed and, of course, up to date (4.3) version of the CC within the next 10 days!
lol.... so i traded my warrior for a pally because this cc was dead. and now ur working on it again damnit.... XD fuck my life.