was trying to use this today, had it all configured for prot but when i pressed start nothing happened, it called the shout and then did nothing, and then honorbuddy kept freezing up. I thought maybe its cos my war is 82 not 85 but i'm not sure. Thoughts?
Do you have a general ETA? And, will it be updatable by SVN?
make sure you completely gemmed and reforged appropiately, you can do this one of two ways addons such as ReforgeLite or websites like wowreforge.com or askmrRobot.com -- there is also Rawr the Elitist jerks calculator if you know how to use it which i find to be most effective .... also to give us idea you should post link to SS of your current setting cause some of the available options aren't exactly optimal for top performance in a raid environmentCurrently 379ilvl equipped warrior doing DS 10man reg and using this CFG I seem to only be able to pull 26k dps tops using Fury TG. Rest of my raid is significantly out dpsing me (35-40k). Any suggestions for why this may be? (currently hit capped and expertise capped)
make sure you completely gemmed and reforged appropiately, you can do this one of two ways addons such as ReforgeLite or websites like wowreforge.com or askmrRobot.com -- there is also Rawr the Elitist jerks calculator if you know how to use it which i find to be most effective .... also to give us idea you should post link to SS of your current setting cause some of the available options aren't exactly optimal for top performance in a raid environment
Is it still bugging out where it just stands there and spams colossus smash all the time? I've had to go back to the default cc for raiding due to this.