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Dunatank's Warrior CC - An Arms/Fury/Protection CC

Log of trying to attack the target dummy in SW

I can upload one when it's working with fury spec if that helps

disable the sunder option in your arms tab ... its connected to a spell cast check that needs to be debugged for latest hb ver.
Do a bit more reading m8. Has been asked AND said numerous of times. Last tab you have to increase the range to i'd say 60 or so.

sry dudes was in combat with raggi :D

so 60 is perfect? ill gone try it next week... some other users with that amount?
Howdy ppl. You know what... i was out of WoW for some time... so got back and tryed to play warr with this CC... with updated HB it works extremely slow for me... in fact 95% of my life toon just standing while HB processes errors... and only after 10 sec or so it starts doing some damage. Am i alone with this issue or this CC isn't working propertly with latest ver. of HB? I would really apriciate if you could give me a hint how to fix it if you had the same trouble and made it work after all.

upd. CC works with HB ver and bugged for
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This cc is mostly broken in arena. Very often when i go to arenas it start madly targeting everything around me .. specialy if there is mage with pet or hunter or anyone with pet it starts spam autotarget on everything sometimes it works fine but mostly just keeps autotargeting shit i dont wana target. Please fix this.

but in otherhand its great CC for PvP arms warrior. Awasome idd.
this cc is out of date and the creator hasn't showed any appearances on msn lately at all.
Its a great CC for Lazyraider.

But I have a bit of a Problem.

After a fight i'm looking at my Log and see the Bot is missing a lot of BT as Fury.

So when i#m looking at the spellcasting, i can see a small, reaaaally small delay of BT because the bot isnt precasting or spellqueing it. And at the end of the fight it adds up to like 30 missed BT.

Spells like CS get precastet, but BT isnt.

Couldnt find an Option, but is there one where you could place some sort of precast/decision time? Like 200ms before GCD is off?

thanks in advance :)
I used this CC in 25 man DS (LFR) and I was the 2nd best DPS ~ About 25k DPS in ilvl 373. But my helm is crappy (a tanking piece) and I'm using 2 1h weapons (SMF). Should be better dps when I get a better helm and 2 2h weps (I think TG = better dps.) I'd say that this CC is still excellent for 4.3.

But there's something missing :P Interrupts for the new dungeons / DS. I'm sure it's easy to edit the CC and add the new interrupts / reflects anyway.

If the 4.2 rotations are the same as the 4.3 rotations, then this CC is still good... I only have one problem, though.... sometimes the CC doesn't apply Sunder on an enemy on time (even though I ticked the Force Sunder option). Like 5-10 sec later, it'll then apply sunder. Not sure why, maybe because I'm missing rage? or something... I'll investigate more later.
After a somewhat long pause, we are proud to announce we will resume developing Dunatank's Warrior CC!

Expect a completely renewed and, of course, up to date (4.3) version of the CC within the next 10 days!
wownerds Custom Combat Class Development is hiring!

At this stage, we are looking for:

  • 2 Alpha-Testers (Requirements: Level 85 Warrior, willing to change speccs, some experience with HB; C# coding experience is always a great plus!)
  • 1 co-coder (Requirements: Level 85 Warrior, professional C# & Tree-Sharp knowledge!)
  • 1 art designer (Requirements: basic Photoshop experience, C# design experience is always a great plus!)

Your benefits:

  • intense & deep insights into a professionally planned project
  • C# & Tree-Sharp experience gain
  • Pre-release access to Dunatank's Warrior CC
  • Your (forum)name on the first post of this thread as well as in the CC
  • eye-opening experience in Warrior mechanics
  • live contact with people from several countries

If you are interested in supporting us, please send an application via PM, containing:

  • Short introduction about yourself (age, hobbies, computer experience, etc.)
  • Position you are applying for
  • Faction
  • Speccs/Experience with those speccs
  • HB/C# experience


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Been using it since last patch and I must confess my DPS it's really good. I've noticed the issue with Slam when BloodSurge procs, but you can always play that manually. Execute and the Executer buff has some issues too, but again it's easy to manually overcome that.

Also used it in tank mode and it's really good. Auto-target works flawlessly, interruption too, and the 'interrupt at the end of casting' is really good. Impressive work you've done here, thank you very much!
I used this CC in 25 man DS (LFR) and I was the 2nd best DPS ~ About 25k DPS in ilvl 373. But my helm is crappy (a tanking piece) and I'm using 2 1h weapons (SMF). Should be better dps when I get a better helm and 2 2h weps (I think TG = better dps.) I'd say that this CC is still excellent for 4.3.

But there's something missing :P Interrupts for the new dungeons / DS. I'm sure it's easy to edit the CC and add the new interrupts / reflects anyway.

If the 4.2 rotations are the same as the 4.3 rotations, then this CC is still good... I only have one problem, though.... sometimes the CC doesn't apply Sunder on an enemy on time (even though I ticked the Force Sunder option). Like 5-10 sec later, it'll then apply sunder. Not sure why, maybe because I'm missing rage? or something... I'll investigate more later.

last i check sunder option needs some debugging, if u notice sunders going up little later because if you are glyped correctly, your colossus smash should be applying them; this option is actually a dps loss... TG and SMF are equal in dps when using equal ilvl weapons, but TG definitely has higher burst because of the higher top end damage on the weaps.

After a somewhat long pause, we are proud to announce we will resume developing Dunatank's Warrior CC!

Expect a completely renewed and, of course, up to date (4.3) version of the CC within the next 10 days!

may i request that when you fix arms to work in arena, that arms have its own rotation different from the pve end... as slam is like possibly the worse thing you want to use in pvp; really not needed.
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last i check sunder option needs some debugging, if u notice sunders going up little later because if you are glyped correctly, your colossus smash should be applying them; this option is actually a dps loss... TG and SMF are equal in dps when using equal ilvl weapons, but TG definitely has higher burst because of the higher top end damage on the weaps.

Oh, yeah. I already have the Colossus Smash gylph. I guess that makes sense. I'm using 2x Osidium Cleavers (both have hit and mastery stats)... I don't think Mastery is one of the best stats for fury (haste is even better than mastery or so I hear).. the 2h ilvl 378 axe from the new 5man dungeon has Hit / Expertise, so that should be better. also, many people on the WoW forums said TG is better than SMF now...

and more importantly, welcome back, wownerds!!!