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Dunatank's Warrior CC - An Arms/Fury/Protection CC


New Member
Feb 15, 2011

Version: v3.0a
Technology: BehaviourTrees
Dev status: final
Release date: 19/01/2012

Version info:
v3.0a: tweaked rotations
--- Arms: implemented "Stance Dance" (please note: DO NOT ENABLE "Auto Battle Stance" if you want this to work correctly!)
--- Arms: updated rotation
--- Fury: tweaked rotation for both TG and SMF
--- Prot: "Thunderclap" priority is now as high as it should be
--- enhanced movement
--- fixed "Stack up Sunder Armor" issue
--- fixed CD usage
--- fixed pull section for levels 1-3
--- fixed "Charge" pull issues
--- updated Arms auto-specc talent setup
--- "Disable movement" is now unchecked by default
--- "Auto Battle Stance" is now unchecked by default
--- "Combat distance" is gone once and for all and has been replaced by
-> "AoE distance" which is just for add detection

v3.0: Added 1-84 leveling support (seperate rotations for each 10-level bracket)
--- [UNTESTED] fixed arena issue (when fighting the same faction)
--- added standalone PvP rotations
--- added 4.3 raid rotations
--- added "specc me" buttons (auto-speccs your toon with the talent setup this CC was built for)
-> Arms (PvP)
-> TG
-> SMF
-> Prot
--- fixed "Bloodsurge" procc misses
--- fixed Executioner buff issues
--- added selective interrupts for Hour of Twilight dungeons and raids.
--- enhanced trinket checks
--- improved movement
--- improved pull sequence (e.g. fixed "Charge - Target too close" bug)
--- increased max. combat range to 350
--- altered UI size
--- minor bug fixes

v2.2: improved facing
--- improved automatic tank targeting
--- increased possible combat distance to 99
--- new ui
--- resting
--- pull behaviour fail checks (i.e. fixed Charge "no path available" errors)

v2.1: PvP Support
--- added movement
-> MoveTo
-> Face target
--- added Pull sequence
-> Charge
-> Heroic Throw
-> Intercept
-> Shoot
-> Throw
--- added AoE-Pummel
-> auto-target casting mob
-> Pummel
-> retarget previous target
--- Interrupt at the end of casts
--- added Threat-based tank auto-targeting
--- Leaving out some Fury abilities if Colossus Smash CD < 5 sec & rage < 90
--- Leaving out Raging Blow if Bloodthirst CD is about to finish, so we don't trigger another GCD
--- No useage of Inner Rage when Heroic Strike or Cleave are currently on CD
--- added Custom Combat distance
--- Trinket usage when crowdcontroled
--- added Intercept
-> to approach target
-> to interrupt target
--- added Hamstring
--- Lowered volume on the initalization sound
--- "use sound" checkbox is back
--- fixed Vigilance spam
--- added "Force Single Target rotation" checkbox in AoE config
--- Removed boss checks for some Single Target abilities
--- Automatic use of flasks
--- Use Golemblood Potion
-> below 20% target HP
-> on Bloodlust or Heroism (and similar effects)
--- tweaked all rotations
--- fixed some spelling mistakes

v2.0: Added Arms and Fury specc
--- implemented both TG and SMF Fury rotations
--- selective interrupts will work for all speccs
--- Shouts will now be used on cooldown when in combat and on low rage
--- added Potion usage
--- added Trinket usage
-> Use on CD
-> Use below 20% target HP
Greatly extended the Config:
--- Arms:
-- Single target:
-> Use Demo Shout
-> Interrupt Casts
-> Use Victory Rush
-> Keep 2 stacks Sunder Armor active
-> Deadly Calm:
> Use on CD
> Use below 20% target HP
> Use on target enrage
-> Recklessness:
> Use on CD
> Use below 20% target HP
> Use on target enrage
-> Colossus Smash:
> Use on CD
> Use on changeable rage percent
-- AoE:
-> Use Demo Shout
-> Interrupt Casts
-> Use Victory Rush
-> Use Bladestorm
-> Use Sweeping Strikes
-> Use Recklessness
-> Use Berserker Rage
-> Use Inner Rage
-> Prioritize Cleave when Inner Rage is up
--- Fury:
--> Titan's Grip and Single-Minded Fury support
-- Single target:
-> Use Demo Shout
-> Interrupt Casts
-> Use Victory Rush
-> Keep 2 stacks Sunder Armor active
-> Deadly Calm:
> Use on CD
> Use below 20% target HP
> Use on target enrage
-> Recklessness:
> Use on CD
> Use below 20% target HP
> Use on target enrage
-> Colossus Smash:
> Use on CD
> Use on changeable rage percent
-- AoE:
-> Use Demo Shout
-> Interrupt Casts
-> Use Victory Rush
-> Use Bladestorm
-> Use Recklessness
-> Use Berserker Rage
-> Use Inner Rage
-> Prioritize Cleave when Inner Rage is up
--- Protection:
-- AoE:
-> added Challenging Shout to the config
-> added Disarm to the config

v1.1: added advanced config for Zandalari heroics and raids
--- added special interrupt/spell reflect behaviours for the following dungeons/raids:
-> Dungeons:
--> Zul'Aman
--> Zul'Gurub
-> Raids:
--> Firelands
--> Throne of the Four Winds
--> Bastion of Twilight
--> Blackwing Descent
--- will now check for "Blood Pact" before buffing "Commanding Shout"

v1.0: reworked the whole CC to now use BehaviourTrees
--- added welcome sound
--- added logo
--- greatly extended the config
-> 4 main tabs: General, Boss Tanking, AoE Tanking and Version
-> enable welcome sound
-> use "Demoralizing Shout" (Boss/AoE)
-> use "Victory Rush" (Boss/AoE)
-> use "Disarm" (Boss)
-> interrupt Casts (Boss/AoE)
-> etc.
-> added different percent values for "Last Stand" in Boss and AoE mode (both changeable)
--- added an extra rotation for group with more than 6 adds
--- implemented "Enraged Regeneration"
--- use Healthstone implemented (percent value changeable)
--- clear fear effects using "Berserker Rage"
--- buff Vigilance (randomly or on specific player)
--- added "Disarm"
--- avoid AFK flag
--- buffs are also applied when not in combat
--- fixed "Taunt"
--- added "Challenging Shout" to the new AoE tanking rotation
--- tweaked the rotation
--- minor bugfixes

v0.2: added config 
-> "Last Stand" percentage
-> "Commanding Shout" or "Battle Shout"
-> activate/disable "Taunt"
-> activate/disable "Shield Wall" in AoE mode
---added "Sword and Board" check
---added "Victory Rush" to AoE rotation
---fixed "Commanding Shout" spam while "Power Word: Fortitude" is up
---fixed "Detected xx adds!" spam
---fixed spelling mistakes
---fixed minor issues

v0.1: Initial release
---fixed "Defensive Stance" spam

Config screenshot:

v3.1 ALPHA config screenshot:

  • a Warrior
  • Protection: 2/2 Blood and Thunder
  • (optional): LazyRaider Bot

What this CC is based on:

How this CC will work:
  • This CC was originally designed to work with LazyRaider. As movement has been added, every other bot is supported as well!
  • Movement can be turned off to give you FULL control
  • It will detect whether you are faceing a Boss (??) mob, a normal trash mob group or masses of adds
  • It will not do anything while you're mounted
  • It will clear crowd control effects using "Berserker Rage"
  • Prot: Buff Vigilance
  • Use Healthstones
  • Use Potions
  • Use Trinkets
  • much more


  • AoE-Pummel is currently only supported in PvE contexts
  • All movement related code is still in BETA stage and needs further testing.

Every kind of feedback is appreciated! We don't care much about reading your log files. If you want to post them, do it - or just state what you'd like to see changed!

We are looking for ONE pre-release tester to complement our team! Please apply via PM, mentioning your primary speccs and the contexts you can test the CC in.

Special Thanks to:
  • Panyama - pre-release tester // v2.0 pre-release tester // v2.1 pre-release tester // v3.0 pre-release tester
  • timotyman - v2.0 logo creat0r
  • Veldz - v2.0 pre-release tester // v2.1 pre-release tester
  • Zacharybinx34 - v2.1 pre-release tester
  • xn3t0x - v2.1 pre-release tester
  • imdasandman - v3.0 pre-release tester
  • daorigin - v3.0 pre-release tester
  • Jvidia - v3.0a pre-release tester
  • royoneal213 - v3.0a pre-release tester

Support us:
If you'd like to support us, please donate.

Have fun using this CC! Please respect our owner- and authorship! All credits to others are mentioned in the CC! Only use parts from this CC when you have asked for permission beforehand!


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now i want a lvl 85 warrior!

Just looked it up for you:

You will be able to learn Commanding Shout at level 68 and be able to specc Shockwave at 69, so basicly, this CC will work from level 69 on ;)
I swear I just started leveling a warrior when I saw this tread. Hoping for some fun in a few days. Thanks for your cc dude!!!
very nice i do my second heroic with this only one question is it possible to deactivate aoe because is one add sheeped its a little bit tricky but best tank cc i've ever seen
i have been trying to test this out at dummies, it does nothing but auto attk. Do i need to go into an instance to test out or is that the only palce it will work?
i have been trying to test this out at dummies, it does nothing but auto attk. Do i need to go into an instance to test out or is that the only palce it will work?

It won't work on dummies. The CC desides whether to enter boss tanking mode or ae mode depending on how many mobs are attacking you and your party/raid.
Since many people say that he spams def stance it's simply because of this :
if (!Me.Auras.ContainsKey("Commanding Shout")) //If we don't have Commanding Shout active, we will shout. In addition, we check if we need to switch to Defensive Stance

There's no check if 'you' <the player> have defensive stance on.

Yep. I did not figure out how to check for player stances, as those are not in the .HasAura attribute.
Yep. I did not figure out how to check for player stances, as those are not in the .HasAura attribute.

Not sure if this still applies, but when I wrote my warrior CC for HB1, I used something like this:

if (!me.Shapeshift == Object_Dumping_Enumeration.WoWObjects.WoWUnit.ShapeshiftForm.DefensiveStance)
    SpellManager.CastSpell("Defensive Stance");

Hope that helps, or at least give you an idea to work with.
Not sure if this still applies, but when I wrote my warrior CC for HB1, I used something like this:

if (!me.Shapeshift == Object_Dumping_Enumeration.WoWObjects.WoWUnit.ShapeshiftForm.DefensiveStance)
    SpellManager.CastSpell("Defensive Stance");

Hope that helps, or at least give you an idea to work with.

Will try it out. Thank you :)