maybe it is just me, just sits there when I load it up in a troll and deos nothing cept battle shout on cd
Yeah, what about you provide a logfile?doesnt work for me. the cc uses only:
--> Battle Shout <--
--> Colossus Smash <--
--> Bloodthirst <--
--> Colossus Smash <--
--> Bloodthirst <--
--> Colossus Smash <--
--> Bloodthirst <--
--> Colossus Smash <--
--> Bloodthirst <--
as fury warri. tryed with Lazyraider and combat bot. same result.
arms warri doenst work too. Any idea?
Yeah, what about you provide a logfile?
Here is a log file. the bot only does autohits and colossus smash in arms specc.
View attachment 28638
I havent seen this mentioned yet, but while I have Recklessness and Death Wish set to Do Not Use the CC still uses them from time to time. I notice this most on trash and such, especially during heroics. The instance I just witnessed (shows in the user window that it is using them) was at the end of the log around 6:30 AM.
View attachment 28762