Am I correct in assuming that this CC does *not* use any damage abilities? It just stands there autoattacking and dieing in the process.
Are you serious? No log, no nothing. And that stupid accusation? One could expect more from someone with over 400 posts on this forum tbh.Am I correct in assuming that this CC does *not* use any damage abilities? It just stands there autoattacking and dieing in the process.
logging it up for you sir.
I have been using bgbot in eots this weekend, which works fine. Ive been using your CC which has not been working so fine. My toon is not using any of my spec abilities like bladestorm. Actually looking at him now he is not doing throw down or intimidating shout, enrage and certainly isnt using enraged regen, heroic throw or shattering throw. ive read the last 5 pages and the first 5 pages and a few in between so please advise if these abilities arent suppose to be used.
p.s it spams it finds titanic flask constantly
Ok. I got a solution for you without even looking at the log... Go in class config. Turn off the use flask button, enable bladestorm, and voila. All the problems you listed can be adjusted with the gui. If u see ur options didnt affect anything, just restart honorbuddy, also hes working on a new update so be patient.