panyama, show me one raid boss that has been tanked by a non-prot specced warrior. No self-respecting tank will go into any dungeon/raid as anything but prot. And even better, you can't queue as a tank unless you are prot.
So tell me again how I'm spreading mis-information. Give me some proof that raids are tanked by warriors that aren't prot. Show me some actual kills. Until you do that, I'm not the one spreading the mis-information
When you were testing and developing this were you using the BGBot or the PvPBot?
Had some issues with the Threat based auto-targetting during a few instance boss fights such as Glubtok. It kept targetting stupid adds such as critters (rats running around) as well as many of the adds Glubtok summons that shouldn't be tanked.
Your UI does not fit on my screen as I have a wide-screen monitor.
Please see attached.
Had some issues with the Threat based auto-targetting during a few instance boss fights such as Glubtok. It kept targetting stupid adds such as critters (rats running around) as well as many of the adds Glubtok summons that shouldn't be tanked.