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Dunatank's Warrior CC - An Arms/Fury/Protection CC

Thank you for all the suggestions for Dunatank's Warrior CC 3.0! We've discussed your input intensively - basicly, all of your ideas are going to be featured in v3.0! For those who are too lazy to go through the thread again, here's a compilation:

Having this support 1-84 (With movement) would be nice aswell, as I understand it this is not supported right now.

Gonna be in v3.0!

Support for Synapse Spring

Gonna be in v3.0!

Support for Nitro Boosts

Gonna be in v3.0!

Trinket option for (Heroism/Time Warp/Bloodlust) || also for cooldowns

2: Also trinket useage on Bloodlust/timewarp would be awesome.

Gonna be in v3.0!

a better AoE rotation, when inner rage is up and we have enough rage (90+), spam cleave. It's doing more Single Target abilities when he could cast cleave.

Will be fixed in v3.0!

1: When using this CC and you "tab" to a enemy mob while mounted it doesnt unmount and attack. It'll be nice to get a option to enable some kind of "start attacking when targetted".

This is gonna get a checkbox in v3.0 as well!
I noticed it is using deathwish in SMF while its "Do not use".

Edit; Now it doesnt, i'll keep monitoring it.
Last edited:
We're just waiting for feedback from our testers - if it's positive, we will release v2.2 within the next hour. It should perform a lot smoother.
Hi wownerds hehe hook me up tomorrow btw, but my feedba k on 2.2 or 3.0 is the following.

- use cooldowns on bloodlust/timewarp
- use trinket on bloodlust/timewarp
- more aoe tweaking since its not there yet where it can ww and cleave more
- also and i find this important: when in boss fight and adds spawn but doesnt need to be dps dont act as aoe as it still does( yes ui has force single target, but to swap everytime is annoying)
- protection better rotation to more dps(more dps is also more threat)
- smaller ui (will help if u want me to)
- dont use battleshout if not in combat when standing idle( seems rare if im say afk brb, and then batfleshout)
- remove older versions of your cc in main post
- make a svn for testers
- movement implementation would be nice then i can do other things with it too instead of lazy raider

All these might be too much to ask but makes the cc complete, if i find more usfull thing ill let you know

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Dunatank's Warrior CC v2.2 has just been released!

The changelog can be found in the first post of this thread.

A screenshot of the new widescreen UI can also be found there.
Great job with the CC guys. REP+

One thing though. While in arms mode (during BGs) I'm seeing battle shout spamming.

--> Battle Shout <--
--> Facing target <--
--> Battle Shout <--
--> Facing target <--
--> Battle Shout <--
--> Facing target <--
--> Battle Shout <--
--> Facing target <--
--> Hamstring <--
--> Facing target <--
I died.


--> Charge <--
--> Facing target <--
--> Hamstring <--
--> Facing target <--
--> Inner Rage <--
--> Slam <--
--> Facing target <--
--> Hamstring <--
--> Facing target <--
--> Battle Shout <--
--> Facing target <--
--> Battle Shout <--
--> Facing target <--
--> Battle Shout <--
--> Facing target <--
--> Battle Shout <--
--> Facing target <--
--> Battle Shout <--
--> Facing target <--
--> Battle Shout <--
--> Facing target <--
--> Battle Shout <--
--> Facing target <--
--> Battle Shout <--
--> Facing target <--
--> Battle Shout <--
--> Facing target <--
--> Battle Shout <--
--> Facing target <--
--> Battle Shout <--
--> Facing target <--
--> Hamstring <--
--> Facing target <--
--> Demoralizing Shout <--
I died.

I will post back as i find more issues. THanks for the hard work!
PvP combat is not really working.. It just casting alot of buffs and not trying to any big hits.

Arms mode:
--> Battle Shout <--
--> Inner Rage <--
--> Cleave <-- It was 1v1. Not sure why it wants to cleave.
--> Hamstring <-- woot!
--> Facing target <--
--> Rend <--
--> Facing target <--
--> Rend <-- Why rend again?
--> Facing target <--
--> Hamstring <-- again?
--> Facing target <--
--> Hamstring <-- again again?
--> Facing target <--
--> Sweeping Strikes <-- Would you just hit the guy with something that hurts!
--> Demoralizing Shout <-- Oh they are scared now!
--> Facing target <--
--> Rend <-- Fear my rending!!!!
--> Facing target <--
i died.
ive been using this cc with lazy raider and as arms ive had no problems with it in bg's. i have movement, including facing/charging disabled also for aoe (in bg's) i use the force single target option. The only thing i have noticed is it doesnt use deadly calm.
Super awesome CC man! !:D i just got one problem and that is he pops Shield Wall even if i unchecked the option :S Any solution u think??
Changed back to 2.0 as i seem to have troubles with the range as tank.
It just stands there and do nothing if im not in the right position.
Any tips for prot?
Could you add a Use Inner Rage option while AOEing in the protection section? THanks
Supported or not your сс Russian Realm?
When i started, my Warrior start spam 2 ability
--> Battle Shout <--
--> Colossus Smash <--
--> Bloodthirst <--
--> Colossus Smash <--
--> Bloodthirst <--
and more...
I play Fury warrior(TG)
Supported or not your сс Russian Realm?
When i started, my Warrior start spam 2 ability
--> Battle Shout <--
--> Colossus Smash <--
--> Bloodthirst <--
--> Colossus Smash <--
--> Bloodthirst <--
and more...
I play Fury warrior(TG)

Are you using the English client?