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Dunatank's Warrior CC - An Arms/Fury/Protection CC

But back to topic now:

Here's an updated list of the features upcoming in Dunatank's Warrior CC v2.1 BT :

  • Pull sequence (Charge/Heroic Throw)
  • Interrupt at the end of casts
  • Threat-based tank targeting
  • Leaving out some Fury abilities if Colossus Smash CD < 5 sec & rage < 90
  • Leaving out Raging Blow if Bloodthirst CD is about to finish, so we don't trigger another GCD
  • No useage of Inner Rage when Heroic Strike or Cleave are currently on CD (-> would be a dps loss, as we would waste 1 HS/CL)
  • Custom Combat distance
  • PvP Support
  • Trinket usage when crowdcontroled
  • Some PvP options (like Hamstring, etc.)
  • Lowered volume on the initalization sound
  • "use sound" checkbox is back
  • Vigilance spam fix
  • "Force Single Target rotation" checkbox in AoE config - for all of you who want pure dps.
  • Removed boss checks for some Single Target abilities.

PVP support? LOVE U GUYS!
looking forward to this, Pvp and CC movement would make this amazing. I would offer to test this but i dont now ANYTHING about warriors.
The next release will also contain:
  • Intercept usage (to approach target/as interrupt)
  • Automatic use of flasks
  • Use Golemblood Potion (below 20% target HP/on Bloodlust or Heroism [and similar effects])
The next release will also contain:
  • Intercept usage (to approach target/as interrupt)
  • Automatic use of flasks
  • Use Golemblood Potion (below 20% target HP/on Bloodlust or Heroism [and similar effects])

Very Nice, I am looking forward for this update :P
Take your time with the update, nerds! I dont mind waiting because I know it will be done seriously and very professional. :)
Before your customclass got out, my warrior was collecting dust, but now...now his shiny again!

Thanks a billion
Last night, 22k on shannox, 25k on belorac, 21k on ryolith , good work( 371 ilvl - smf )

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I was doing 20k steady on target dummy wtf! can't wait for tonights raid and see how much burst I do.. I was doing up to 50k burst on rag with other cc's.....
panyama, show me one raid boss that has been tanked by a non-prot specced warrior. No self-respecting tank will go into any dungeon/raid as anything but prot. And even better, you can't queue as a tank unless you are prot.

So tell me again how I'm spreading mis-information. Give me some proof that raids are tanked by warriors that aren't prot. Show me some actual kills. Until you do that, I'm not the one spreading the mis-information
panyama, show me one raid boss that has been tanked by a non-prot specced warrior. No self-respecting tank will go into any dungeon/raid as anything but prot. And even better, you can't queue as a tank unless you are prot.

So tell me again how I'm spreading mis-information. Give me some proof that raids are tanked by warriors that aren't prot. Show me some actual kills. Until you do that, I'm not the one spreading the mis-information

Last night in firelands we had a fury warrior tanking adds. Worked fine.
worked fine on rhyo, i had a hard time healing him. would have preferred a prot tank. but fury tanking is not completely impossible.

Oh, it's for sure doable. But I think the point everyone's making is that it's by far a handicap to tank as Fury - so why even do it when people can respec in less than 3 minutes.