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Dunatank's Warrior CC - An Arms/Fury/Protection CC

Algamish. It's hard to tell what your DPS should be as I don't know your gear, spec, and if you are even hit/expertise capped - get Reforge Lite for making sure that's correct.

1. Could the volume level for the .wav file be reduced? I can upload a quieter version for you so it doesn't blast our ears to death.
2. Prot's dps output seems low still. It's like it's not prioritizing abilities fast enough. Another issue, is on single target - getting 3 stacks of Devastate needs a slightly higher priority. It should not over prioritize Shield Slam, but getting it up quicker would be ideal. - I noticed it sometimes has rage to use abilities, but doesn't.
3. Are you considering making so the bot will attack player targets? Would be very helpful for world pvp when getting ganked.

This CC is shaping up really good. A few tweaks and adjustments and it will be almost perfect.
Want to say nice job for Fury cc
Just a few thing that should be added:
1. Blood Fury - WoWSpell.FromId(20572) its Orc Racial and should be used like Death Wish on CD or Option for turning on
2. Option to turn on Battle Shout in Rotation for 2x bonus from T12 - its 10% more dmg for 6 sec all the time BS is up
3. Colossus Smash seems to be less prioritized (getting 4-5 hits per fight...), can you pls make it in normal rotation since its huge DPS loss.
They are in the pulse section of the cc, and cast on CD when rage < 40.

Is that a dps loss if it delays Blood Thirst? (without Tier set bonus I would imagine it would be for sure, but with it, I'm not sure).

I'm really not sure about this one.
Algamish. It's hard to tell what your DPS should be as I don't know your gear, spec, and if you are even hit/expertise capped - get Reforge Lite for making sure that's correct.

1. Could the volume level for the .wav file be reduced? I can upload a quieter version for you so it doesn't blast our ears to death.
2. Prot's dps output seems low still. It's like it's not prioritizing abilities fast enough. Another issue, is on single target - getting 3 stacks of Devastate needs a slightly higher priority. It should not over prioritize Shield Slam, but getting it up quicker would be ideal. - I noticed it sometimes has rage to use abilities, but doesn't.
3. Are you considering making so the bot will attack player targets? Would be very helpful for world pvp when getting ganked.

This CC is shaping up really good. A few tweaks and adjustments and it will be almost perfect.
Yes I realize I can not ask you or anyone else to accurately diagnose my problem without giving you exacting gear and character stats however I was more asking what settings you use to achieve your numbers in the class. For example, are you allowing interrupts or do you handle those manually? Mine was set with interrupts on, which may cause a DPS loss vs casters that cast often. I haven't tested with them off yet. Do you Colossus smash with 40+ rage or on CD? Deathwish on CD or at 20% of boss, or on enrage? etc.

I'm just looking to know how you set up the class to reach your current numbers.

Thanks again for your help! I appreciate it.
Can someone show me a best possible talent tree for tanking troll heroics or maybe raids? Thanks
Yep had 23k average, and top 29k ilvl 370 fury specc by EJ, stats bij reforge lite.
Dear sir, when those interrupts at the end of the cast are implemented, we will supply you with a test version as well ;)

Awesome work!
What did you guys decide on spell interrupts? Are you going to make so specific spells can be added to "Only Interrupt <These Spells>"? Or are you leaving that for plugins?

Looking forward to the next drop! thanks!
It would be pretty sweet if there was an option for those wearing the Apparatus of Khaz'Goroth trinket (BiS) to use it on bosses, on CD, but only upon reaching 5 Titanic Power.
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