Hey hey.
Here's some VERY helpful information. Check it out.
Damage per rage:
BT: 1450
RB: 1000
HS: 850
Execute: 1200
Here are the following scenarios in which heroic strike usage is ok.
Rage > 85 and you're not in execute phase.
Colossus smash and rage > 50
Incite proc (Save for Colossus smash if possible.)
Battle trance proc
It should be noted, that even though heroic strike is our least rage efficient attack, you will still be using it a lot. It generally ends up being 8-12% of my overall damage on most encounters.
General rotation:
Fill in blanks with CS > Slam > Execute > RB > Battle shout
Rage management is incredibly important here. I would highly recommend grabbing some sort of add-on that places a rage bar close to the middle of your screen. I use enraged at the moment, and I would recommend it as it’s highly customizable. You’re going to be pooling rage, which will lead to moments where you think you need to use heroic strike.. but you’re going to have to hold off using it for colossus smash.
Why do we pool rage? Colossus smash. When Colossus Smash occurs, you're going to want to shove as many abilities as possible in that 6 second window, and if possible you want to save an incite proc as well for this. If you have timers, I would HIGHLY suggest that you place Colossus Smash as one of your timers so that you know when it’s about to come up so you’re not like “Oh %***, I have no rage.”
So when Colossus Smash happens, in a perfect world it would like this:
With 2 heroic strikes thrown in.
If for some reason you do not have a slam proc, it is fine to throw in a raging blow instead.
If you’re rage starved (<50 rage), do not use heroic strike unless you have an incite proc.
The reason you want to pool rage as much as possible is that to do the entire rotation in 6 seconds it will require 120 rage without raging blow, 140 with it. That means that if you pool 80 rage for CS, you'll need to have a rage income of 40-60 over the next 6 seconds to make this work effectively. Generally you will have enough rage, as with most gear setups you probably have an average Rage Generation per Second of anywhere between 12-14, which means that in 6 seconds on average you gain 72-84 rage. Of course anyone who has actually played fury will tell you that our rage generation is not very reliable as hit-cap is not feasible nor is it even recommended even trying to hit, and a string of misses could lead to you being rage starved over this 6 second period, which is why we want to pool as much rage as possible to counteract RNG.
Effective colossus smash usage is THE most important part of this rotation.
Execute phase:
Execute is no longer our hardest hitting ability as blizzard buffed everything else and to make this easy… you’re basically only going to use execute to maintain the 25% haste buff and as an extreme rage dump.
When it’s ok to execute:
Getting stacks of executioner up to 5, or when executioner is going to expire in 2 seconds.
You want to initially get your stacks up by doing this
Rage is above 50, or the boss is going to die in the next 3 seconds and you need to empty out your rage bar.
As a filler during colossus smash, if you don’t have a slam proc, you can do BT_Execute_BT instead. (Due to rage capping you will actually do this a lot.)
You will no longer use raging blow during execute phase unless you have more than 13 mastery which after the 4.1 patch is just incredibly unlikely. Execute is more rage-efficient due to the "Adjustment" mastery/raging blow took recently, if you have more than 13 mastery go ahead and use raging blow as normal.
Keeping executioner up is your highest priority. It doesn't matter what you're doing, if it's about to run out... execute.
Generally during execute phase your rage income is high enough that your rotation will end up being BT-Exe-Bt-(slam proc?)-Bt-Exe, with very very few free GCDs.