Is it possible to get the cc to change to aqatic when moving far in water?(same as the travelform on land)
Would be nice to switch on damage due to air starvation too.
I had a moment of awe last night. My toon switched into travel form ran up to the corner of a building, switched to stealth just b4 the corner, sneaked around the corner and charged the mob on the other side. It was soo smooth and professional it looked like a veteran player, not a bot. That it worked out so nice was a fluke but it was still AWESOME! I smiled as I walked to the fridge to get another beer.
I Dont know if you guys have this problem, but the GB/fpsware CC has an issue targeting mobs higher up. I have a level 14 druid feral cat form and he tries to target the flying mobs like vultures and he cant hit them, but usually keeps trying to get them. HE follows them all around and picks up tons of aggro and then dies. it sucks.
any1 know how to fix this/having the same issue?
Hm, it keeps trying to mount while in shapeshift. IS this an HB problem or CC problem?
Any news when the updated version should get released? and I don't know if this is a CC issue or HB bug but this happens 90% of the time which causes me to die and gain no xp.
Any news when the updated version should get released? and I don't know if this is a CC issue or HB bug but this happens 90% of the time which causes me to die and gain no xp.
The Druid stoods before the mob, and could actually hit it, but for any reason the cc or hb thinkgs " that isn?t nearly enough, i have to be closer, but i?dont move a bit ...." sry for my broken english[15:29:55:262] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Twilight Scorchlord
[15:29:55:413] Activity: Pulling
[15:29:55:447] New pull target Twilight Scorchlord (81), resetting pull timer.
[15:29:55:613] Spell_C::CastSpell(5215, 0, 0xF130A21C0010ED9B, 0)
[15:29:55:654] -Prowl
[15:29:55:943] Spell_C::CastSpell(1850, 0, 0xF130A21C0010ED9B, 0)
[15:29:55:973] -Dash
[15:29:56:235] Moving closer to Twilight Scorchlord
[15:29:56:663] Activity: Moving towards Twilight Scorchlord
[15:29:57:257] Activity: Pulling
[15:29:58:458] Spell_C::CastSpell(49376, 0, 0xF130A21C0010ED9B, 0)
[15:29:58:459] -Feral Charge (Cat)
[15:29:58:480] Spell_C::CastSpell(6785, 0, 0xF130A21C0010ED9B, 0)
[15:29:58:481] -Ravage
[15:29:59:228] Spell_C::CastSpell(9005, 0, 0xF130A21C0010ED9B, 0)
[15:29:59:264] -Pounce
[15:29:59:777] New combat target Twilight Scorchlord, resetting combat timer.
[15:29:59:809] Activity: Combat
[15:30:00:670] Moving closer to Twilight Scorchlord
[15:30:15:93] Cleared POI
I posted a solution earlier (that I have used myself) but fpsware was kind enough to delete it from the thread.this is a bug in wow but I was wondering if there was a way to shift out of moonkin form before mounting up. here's a SS of what happens when the bot trys to mount when in moonkin form.