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Default Druid (Feral and Balance) by Fpsware

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It automatically shapeshifts out when I press my mount-button when im feral (bear/cat/travelform), perhaps its diffrent when u are in Moonkin-form

Has to be, since in moonkin form it throws the red message.
Maybe a bug on blizzard side then (that they forgot something).
It's the same as archeology and being in flight form (also unable to cast survey, says you're pacified).
/run print(GetCVar("autoUnshift")) it tells me 1

/script SetCVar("autoUnshift", 1) says it should unshift ??

the other CVar for druid is:
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Don't think you need a logfile for it (since there's no error printed in it).
When you are balance, and are in moonkin form, and the distance exceeds the set distance for a mount, it tries to mount.
However when in Moonkin form you can't mount anymore (it doesn't automagically shapeshifts you out of moonkin form to be able to mount)
You get a red message saying you can't mount while shapeshifted.
It does a few steps and tries again to mount, does a few more steps etc etc.

Think you should make a check for shapeshift form before mounting (at least for Balance).
I guess ferals should have the same issues.

If you insist on a log, I will see what I can do for you :)

Its a known issue with WoW, its nothing to do with the CC. The CC is not responsible for mounting, HB is. There is no way to check for this in the CC.
Im having a problem where my bot blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah ...

Read the first post! No log file. Post deleted!
In case you weren't already aware fpsware, the issues with not casting Ravage, Skull Bash and most likely a few of the other spells the bot isn't casting (such as Maul) is because the entry in Spells.bin is wrong. If you input the spell ID manually (off of WoWHead), it should cast just fine.
In case you weren't already aware fpsware, the issues with not casting Ravage, Skull Bash and most likely a few of the other spells the bot isn't casting (such as Maul) is because the entry in Spells.bin is wrong. If you input the spell ID manually (off of WoWHead), it should cast just fine.

and Rip? :D

How would I go about editing these spell ID's to fix this problem?
It looks like it's only using enrage, swipe, demo roar, and mangle in bear form. No berserk, survival instinct, frenzied regen, lacerate, bash, or skull bash.

It's only using rake, mangle, ferocious bite, tigers fury, prowl, feral charge(cat) and pounce in cat form. I even turn on off ferocious bite and turn on rip in the config and it's still not working. If it used rip, berserk, ravage, and dash, along with the listed bear form abilities above, grinding would go sooo much faster. :)

I've attached a few sample logs.


It comes too close to mobs (stands on them) and therefore can't attack them
After casting Healing Touch it runs with caster form and changes to cat before pull (should cast cat form as soon as finished healing)
Doesn't seem to use Skull Bash even though it's enabled.
Pulls from stealth (imo it should be optional, pulling without stealth takes less time)
Unnecesarily uses bear form for one add, would have killed both of them way faster as cat.
Around 10-20% of pull attempts are fail resulting in: (bot just stands like 15 yards away from target trying to attack - FF comes in handy)
Bad pull target blacklisting and finding another target.
Loading Honorbuddy settings.
Gatherbuddy Sessions: 0/0
Honorbuddy Sessions: 1/1
Shared Sessions: 0/0
Attached to WoW with ID 3204
New bot added!: Combat/Heal Bot [1.0.0]
New bot added!: Instancebuddy
New bot added!: Grind bot
New bot added!: PvP
New bot added!: Mixed
New bot added!: RaF - Combat Assist
New bot added!: Questing - Beta
Honorbuddy started!
Character is a level 80 Druid
Current zone is: Mount Hyjal
Building spell book
Adding: Feral Charge
Adding: Mangle
Adding: Swipe
Spell book built
Your spec has been detected as None
You are a level 80 Feral Druid
Loading settings ...
Loading settings from the config file...
Finished loading settings
Settings loaded
Loading C:\Users\Ja\Desktop\HB\Default Profiles\[L4G] Mt Hyjal  79-83 Twighlight Grind.xml.
Changing current profile to Mount Hyjal 79-83 Twighlight Grind
Chose Fpsware Druid(0.0.9) by Fpsware as your combat class!
Loading settings from the config file...
Finished loading settings
Settings have been updated
Changing current profile to Mount Hyjal 79-83 Twighlight Grind
Creating 'Rest' behavior
Creating 'Pull' behavior
Creating 'Heal' behavior
Creating 'Combat' behavior
Pull Max Distance set to 5
Pull Min Distance set to 3
Loading settings ...
Loading settings from the config file...
Finished loading settings
Settings have been updated with your changes
Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Twilight Flamecaller
New pull target Twilight Vanquisher (80), resetting pull timer.
New combat target Twilight Vanquisher, resetting combat timer.
- Face the target
-Bear Form
-Demoralizing Roar
-Mangle (Bear)
-Swipe (Bear)
Loading settings from the config file...
Finished loading settings
-Mangle (Bear)
New combat target Twilight Flamecaller, resetting combat timer.
-Swipe (Bear)
-Mangle (Bear)
-Swipe (Bear)
-Demoralizing Roar
-Mangle (Bear)
-Swipe (Bear)
-Mangle (Bear)
New combat target Twilight Flamecaller, resetting combat timer.
- Face the target
-Cat Form
-Savage Roar
-Mangle (Cat)
-Healing Touch
Bad pull target blacklisting and finding another target.
New pull target Twilight Flamecaller (80), resetting pull timer.
-Cat Form
Moving closer to Twilight Flamecaller
New combat target Twilight Flamecaller, resetting combat timer.
-Savage Roar
-Tiger's Fury
-Mangle (Cat)
Settings have been updated
Loading settings ...
Loading settings from the config file...
Finished loading settings
Settings have been updated with your changes
New pull target Twilight Vanquisher (80), resetting pull timer.
-Feral Charge (Cat)
-Feral Charge (Cat)
New combat target Twilight Vanquisher, resetting combat timer.
- Face the target
Moving closer to Twilight Vanquisher
-Savage Roar
-Mangle (Cat)
-Ferocious Bite
New pull target Twilight Overseer (80), resetting pull timer.
Moving closer to Twilight Overseer
We are too close, stop moving.
New combat target Twilight Overseer, resetting combat timer.
- Face the target
-Tiger's Fury
-Savage Roar
-Bear Form
-Cat Form
New pull target Twilight Flamecaller (80), resetting pull timer.
Moving closer to Twilight Flamecaller
Bad pull target blacklisting and finding another target.
New combat target Twilight Flamecaller, resetting combat timer.
-Savage Roar
-Mangle (Cat)
-Ferocious Bite
New combat target Twilight Overseer, resetting combat timer.
Moving closer to Twilight Overseer
-Bear Form
-Cat Form
-Savage Roar
-Tiger's Fury
-Mangle (Cat)
New pull target Twilight Flamecaller (80), resetting pull timer.
Moving closer to Twilight Flamecaller
-Feral Charge (Cat)
New combat target Twilight Flamecaller, resetting combat timer.
-Savage Roar
-Mangle (Cat)
New pull target Twilight Flamecaller (80), resetting pull timer.
Moving closer to Twilight Flamecaller
New combat target Twilight Flamecaller, resetting combat timer.
- Face the target
-Savage Roar
-Tiger's Fury
-Mangle (Cat)
New combat target Twilight Flamecaller, resetting combat timer.
-Mangle (Cat)
-Ferocious Bite
New pull target Twilight Flamecaller (80), resetting pull timer.
New combat target Twilight Flamecaller, resetting combat timer.
-Savage Roar
-Mangle (Cat)
-Ferocious Bite
New pull target Twilight Overseer (80), resetting pull timer.
Moving closer to Twilight Overseer
-Feral Charge (Cat)
New combat target Twilight Overseer, resetting combat timer.
- Face the target
-Tiger's Fury
-Ferocious Bite
New pull target Twilight Flamecaller (80), resetting pull timer.
Moving closer to Twilight Flamecaller
New combat target Twilight Flamecaller, resetting combat timer.
-Savage Roar
-Mangle (Cat)
New pull target Twilight Flamecaller (80), resetting pull timer.
-Feral Charge (Cat)
New combat target Twilight Flamecaller, resetting combat timer.
-Ferocious Bite
New pull target Twilight Overseer (80), resetting pull timer.
Moving closer to Twilight Overseer
New combat target Twilight Overseer, resetting combat timer.
- Face the target
-Bear Form
- Face the target
Moving closer to Twilight Overseer
-Demoralizing Roar
-Mangle (Bear)
-Cat Form
New pull target Twilight Flamecaller (80), resetting pull timer.
-Feral Charge (Cat)
-Feral Charge (Cat)
New combat target Twilight Flamecaller, resetting combat timer.
-Savage Roar
-Mangle (Cat)
-Ferocious Bite
New combat target Twilight Flamecaller, resetting combat timer.
-Tiger's Fury
-Mangle (Cat)
-Savage Roar
New pull target Twilight Flamecaller (80), resetting pull timer.
We are too close, stop moving.
New combat target Twilight Flamecaller, resetting combat timer.
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The next build of this CC is undergoing a major update to address a number of issues.
Sweet :) Good luck! And I really am amazed that you guys are doing all this stuff off-charge :P
For Worgen Druids

FPS, this has been running great for me. Keep up the good work bro.

Edit by Fpsware: Removed code.
Last edited by a moderator:
FPS, this has been running great for me. Keep up the good work bro.

Edit by Fpsware: Removed code.

Running Wild is effectively a mount; which IS supported in the latest build of HB. There is no need to edit anything in order to use Running Wild.
Here are the screenshots of the coming changes in the next build of this CC.

Druid UI 1.webp

Feral Tab
Druid UI 3.webp

Balance Tab
Druid UI 2.webp
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First of all, Great cc ! =) Im using this with feral specc, i would like to request an option i hope its not to much to ask for...
I would like to request an option to always stealth and always use cat as travelingform, no one would noticed im even farming ^^

will check in a few days, Thanks again! :)

btw Your new update looks promising !:)
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Running Wild is effectively a mount; which IS supported in the latest build of HB. There is no need to edit anything in order to use Running Wild.

Meh, the new build isn't work for me (and some other people) so I'm still using 3582.

The new changes look good. Thanks!
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