Just a suggestion. It would be nice to have an option to use Swift flight form instead of travel form. I am not talking about flying with it, just using it like a ground mount.
Very nice CC =) Works well with the new HB .3665
And I love the CC configuration screen. simple design!
I can't think of any improvements but are you planning on improving it for low levels ferals like myself?
Can you please make it save settings per chars, individually? I have a feral and a balance druid, low and high level, and it's kind of annoying to share the same settings between them. I usually edit the CC to split the files per char name, but it's not fun to do it every time, with each update.
Thanks for a dumb answer. An answer is still an answer...
Use a separate HB folder for each character.
Thanks for a dumb answer. An answer is still an answer...