Tiniq, some of your log denotes debuff errors. Do you get the same from the regular default combat?
Please note to all, if you post logs please edit out tank selection. We don't want to ever identify any player etc so it can be identified back to you.
at DefaultCombat.Helpers.Extensions.NeedsCleanse(TorCharacter p) in c:\Users\bobtser\Desktop\BW\Routines\Default\Helpers\Extensions.cs:line 191
is debuff errors. if (d.Stacks == 0 && p.HasDebuff(d.Name))
same with
at DefaultCombat.Core.Targeting.<get_ScanTargets>b__0(Object param0) in c:\Users\bobtser\Desktop\BW\Routines\Default\Core\Targeting.cs:line 152
possibly a debuff issue, not sure if it is from rewrite or not. Debuff on my build is still somewhat questionable. Could you run stock defaultcombat through a similar test and post a log?
Please note to all, if you post logs please edit out tank selection. We don't want to ever identify any player etc so it can be identified back to you.
at DefaultCombat.Helpers.Extensions.NeedsCleanse(TorCharacter p) in c:\Users\bobtser\Desktop\BW\Routines\Default\Helpers\Extensions.cs:line 191
is debuff errors. if (d.Stacks == 0 && p.HasDebuff(d.Name))
same with
at DefaultCombat.Core.Targeting.<get_ScanTargets>b__0(Object param0) in c:\Users\bobtser\Desktop\BW\Routines\Default\Core\Targeting.cs:line 152
possibly a debuff issue, not sure if it is from rewrite or not. Debuff on my build is still somewhat questionable. Could you run stock defaultcombat through a similar test and post a log?