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CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) - (Pt. 2)

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found 2 issues with CLU

1. when use racials is enables, it uses "every man for himself" at the start of the fight, which is useless
2. when a DK has a controlled undead pet, the bot spams summon pet at the bossfight. this should be checked if there is already a pet and cancelled.
Can i just confirm a few things with Holy Priest
- Halo wont cast
- If you replace Shadowfiend with Mindbender it doesnt cast
- Select target that requires healing manually, doesnt do it automatically?

Many thanks and great work on the CLU

  • Removed TargetIsWorthy and replaced it with UseCooldowns() - what's this mean?...cooldowns should now be working as intended.
  • Changed Priority in Arms moved priority to CS > MS > Execute > OP
  • Paladin will no longer attempt to FoL WHILE moving.
  • Fury warrior should now execute properly.
  • Hunter addition of Disable/Enable hunter traps in the UI.
  • Fixed assasination using defensive cooldowns constantly.CLUSettings.Instance.EnableSelfHealing was missing from the Decorator. Doh!
  • Changed UnitIsControlled from using Active Auras to GetAllAuras()
  • Fix for every man for himself and Will of the Forsaken in Racials. poping a strange - and stupid - times. should now be popped if you are CC'd
  • alxaw has fixed searing totem with shaman.
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Just did a qiuck Heroic with my rogue and found 2 issues.
1. Turns Bladeflurry on and off even if there are 2+ mobs in range (idk if this is an CLU or HB issue)
2. Uses CD's on Trash (any update on this remember reading that your looking into this)


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Compiler Error: c:\Users\Artem\Desktop\Itunes\Routines\Clue\CLU\Classes\Shaman\Enhancement.cs(117,32) : error CS1660: Не удается преобразовать лямбда-выражение в тип "Styx.TreeSharp.Composite", так как он не является типом делегата
Compiler Error: c:\Users\Artem\Desktop\Itunes\Routines\Clue\CLU\Classes\Shaman\Enhancement.cs(117,72) : error CS0117: 'CLU.Base.Unit' не содержит определение для 'IsTargetWorthy'
Compiler Error: c:\Users\Artem\Desktop\Itunes\Routines\Clue\CLU\Classes\Shaman\Enhancement.cs(123,114) : error CS0117: 'CLU.Base.Unit' не содержит определение для 'IsTargetWorthy'
Compiler Error: c:\Users\Artem\Desktop\Itunes\Routines\Clue\CLU\Classes\Shaman\Enhancement.cs(150,139) : error CS0117: 'CLU.Base.Unit' не содержит определение для 'IsTargetWorthy'
Compiler Error: c:\Users\Artem\Desktop\Itunes\Routines\Clue\CLU\Classes\Shaman\Enhancement.cs(297,43) : error CS1660: Не удается преобразовать лямбда-выражение в тип "Styx.TreeSharp.Composite", так как он не является типом делегата
Compiler Error: c:\Users\Artem\Desktop\Itunes\Routines\Clue\CLU\Classes\Shaman\Enhancement.cs(297,83) : error CS0117: 'CLU.Base.Unit' не содержит определение для 'IsTargetWorthy'
do you already told us what's wrong with it? sorry i can remember about the request, but not bout the details.

Hi, thanks for you reply Stormchasing, basically what needs to be done is make CLU use CDs like Icy Veins, Alter Time, Presence of Mind and cast Evocation when the Invocation dmg buff is down.
UPDATE - Cos im in a good mood :D

  • Mage: Evocation will now work while movement enabled and in Frost spec
  • Mage: Ice Barrier added to all rotations.

  • Removed TargetIsWorthy and replaced it with UseCooldowns() - what's this mean?...cooldowns should now be working as intended.
  • Changed Priority in Arms moved priority to CS > MS > Execute > OP
  • Paladin will no longer attempt to FoL WHILE moving.
  • Fury warrior should now execute properly.
  • Hunter addition of Disable/Enable hunter traps in the UI.
  • Fixed assasination using defensive cooldowns constantly.CLUSettings.Instance.EnableSelfHealing was missing from the Decorator. Doh!
  • Changed UnitIsControlled from using Active Auras to GetAllAuras()
  • Fix for every man for himself and Will of the Forsaken in Racials. poping a strange - and stupid - times. should now be popped if you are CC'd
  • alxaw has fixed searing totem with shaman.

I just want to say, while these updates my not apply to my particular concerns with the bot, I am very glad to see your consistent responses. Thank you.
dont take this the wrong way, CLU is amazing, just curious when mistwalker support will be added for raids. I havent tried healing on my monk but from what I hear it is super OP so I am just curious. CLU is freaking awesome so I have much respect for the CLU team.

Thank you for all of your hard work.
I'll try and dig up a previous log, but for assassination as soon as the target is under 35% (dispatch execute range) the logic for envenom goes out the window and it just constantly spams dispatch. Is there a reason for this? from what I've read it's dispatch to 5cp and envenom as soon as energy permits. Then rinse repeat. Spamming dispatch without the envenom debuff is a dps loss.

Also, since tricks it's very useful to swap with other rogues/high dps - most end game raiding rogues will not glyph it which in turn costs energy to cast. If that's enabled and you have a focus target - it'll break the cc since it's spamming tricks without considering it costs energy to cast, which f's up the rotation.

If you guys want any other input with the rogue portion of the cc, let me know - I raid in a very competitive end game guild.

I'll try and dig up a previous log, but for assassination as soon as the target is under 35% (dispatch execute range) the logic for envenom goes out the window and it just constantly spams dispatch. Is there a reason for this? from what I've read it's dispatch to 5cp and envenom as soon as energy permits. Then rinse repeat. Spamming dispatch without the envenom debuff is a dps loss.

Also, since tricks it's very useful to swap with other rogues/high dps - most end game raiding rogues will not glyph it which in turn costs energy to cast. If that's enabled and you have a focus target - it'll break the cc since it's spamming tricks without considering it costs energy to cast, which f's up the rotation.

If you guys want any other input with the rogue portion of the cc, let me know - I raid in a very competitive end game guild.


Not sure about the envenom stuff but return BestTricksTarget will *now* check the buff is not on your focused target which should stop the spam. Update from SVN.
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hunter misdirection (at least on pet) not working anymore after i updated it from SVN. Is enabled in UI
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Arms warrior doesn't use Impending Victory or Victory Rush as self heal
Spell.CastSpell("Victory Rush", ret => Me.CurrentTarget != null && Me.HealthPercent < CLUSettings.Instance.Warrior.ImpendingVictoryPercent && Me.RagePercent > 10 && !WoWSpell.FromId(103840).Cooldown && !WoWSpell.FromId(34428).Cooldown, "Victory Rush or Impending Victory"),
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