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CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) - (Pt. 2)

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Im having serious problems with the new 3.3.6 (had 3.3.5 before i think or maybe 3.3.4 and it worked almost flawlessly) with Druid/Resto build! I instantly noticed that i didnt do the heals i used to and checking the logs it seems to having trouble with "Success Removed: XXX no longer a valid healableunit." and adding etc.. and i dont often heal myself! If i target another player manually it maybe starting to heal that target and sometimes the bot seems to work and then i have manually target and cast spells etc.

Innervate doesnt cast itself either as it should either.. its even trying to cast on other people! I dont really know whats the problem but ill attach the 2 latest loggs and u'll have a look.. i cannot even play a 5 man instance without serious problems :( To bad i didnt backed up my old CLU (rar:ed) cuz you cannot backroll versions?

Anyhow very grateful if u could look into this =) Awesome stuff CLU.. besides now ;)


Quick bug fix for the Frost Death Knight rotations.

As a preface, I am using this primarily with Lazy Raider.

It seems to be attempting to cast "Blood Strike" in several places. This spell does not exist and should probably be replaced with Frost Strike since that is what the label argument of CastSpell(...) is set to. Also, in the Two-Handed weapon rotation section of SingleRotation it is attempting to cast Obliterate before it has a chance to apply diseases to the target. Changing the order of lines 132 and 133 seems to remedy this.
Hey guys just a heads up noticed that Glaive Toss isn't working for BM Hunters, not to sure when it stopped working just came back to my hunter again, i swap toons alot :-)

I noticed that on line 152 you've got the code for it as Unit.CountEnnemiesInRange(Me.Location, 20) > CLUSettings.Instance.Hunter.GlaiveTossCount.
I think there should be a = in there making it >=
This will mean that as the default toss count is set to 1, glaive will again be cast on single targets if so set.
If i mistaken and its set this way for a reason just ignore me, but i hope i'm being helpful.

Misdirection isn't working anymore ether, it's getting stuck trying to cast onto the mob i'm attacking not the tank/pet, not sure if this is a clu thing or a HB problem, haven't had time to look through the code.

Thanks for all the great work
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The Common option for Cooldown is "Use Cooldowns" under general Settings, this is taken into account
The Burst.OnMob / OnBoss is never used for Warriors so ... this setting is atm obsolete - we will take a look into this how we can add it

And yes you are right, atm the mobs in Heroics should be mostly Elite and Level 92 (so they met the condition for minibosses) - maybe we have to rework this internal check or maybe we have to update the Cooldowns and split them into short ones and long ones, so that there's a viable boost for trash, and the maxdps for bosses

Yeah, that was the setting I ment, forgot that it was under the first tab and not class tab, my bad!

Alright, well the trash all the way from heroics up to raid needs to be moved away from the miniboss requirements somehow, its a huge loss not to have the big cooldowns ready for the boss.
The best thing would be to get a Use cooldowns True/False to actually work, perhaps make a custom list for the cooldowns? I dont mind the 1-2 min CDs being popped every time its ready, wether its trash or boss, but the bigger CDs Id rather have 100% controll of myself. If I know that the bossfight takes 7 minutes and the last minute is execute fase, I dont want my 5 min CDs being blown 1 minute ahead of that.

CLU is absolutely great for Fury Warriors, appart from the cooldown handling, if this where to get "fixed" it would be flawless from lvl 1 to end content raids!

Im having serious problems with the new 3.3.6 (had 3.3.5 before i think or maybe 3.3.4 and it worked almost flawlessly) with Druid/Resto build! I instantly noticed that i didnt do the heals i used to and checking the logs it seems to having trouble with "Success Removed: XXX no longer a valid healableunit." and adding etc.. and i dont often heal myself! If i target another player manually it maybe starting to heal that target and sometimes the bot seems to work and then i have manually target and cast spells etc.

Innervate doesnt cast itself either as it should either.. its even trying to cast on other people! I dont really know whats the problem but ill attach the 2 latest loggs and u'll have a look.. i cannot even play a 5 man instance without serious problems :( To bad i didnt backed up my old CLU (rar:ed) cuz you cannot backroll versions?

Anyhow very grateful if u could look into this =) Awesome stuff CLU.. besides now ;)

from your supplied logs..
[22:43:36.904 N] [LazyRaider] LazyRaider PAUSED, press LCTRL in WOW to continue

Hey, i'm trying to run a farming profile with CLU and if my target attacks me it works fine, but the CC won't initiate the combat, is this meant to be like that and if so is there a workaround? (monk - windwalker)

a mix of singular and CLU would be wonderful, cause CLU doesn't attack mobs that are in "combat" even tho they aren't tabbed....

sorry if this was asked/answer in the earlier pages, but couldn't be asked to read through 160 pages ;)
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Quick bug fix for the Frost Death Knight rotations.

As a preface, I am using this primarily with Lazy Raider.

It seems to be attempting to cast "Blood Strike" in several places. This spell does not exist and should probably be replaced with Frost Strike since that is what the label argument of CastSpell(...) is set to. Also, in the Two-Handed weapon rotation section of SingleRotation it is attempting to cast Obliterate before it has a chance to apply diseases to the target. Changing the order of lines 132 and 133 seems to remedy this.

done, cause ths makes sence ! dunno who thought bout using Blood Strike usage in a Frost Rotation
Hey Wulf, i'm trying to run a farming profile with CLU and if my target attacks me it works fine, but the CC won't initiate the combat, is this meant to be like that and if so is there a workaround?

a mix of singular and CLU would be wonderful, cause CLU doesn't attack mobs that are in "combat" even tho they aren't tabbed....

sorry if this was asked/answer in the earlier pages, but couldn't be asked to read through 160 pages ;)

log or it never happened :D

Atm i'm testing CLU with questing, and encountered some minor bugs with targetting, but your issue wasn't there ... so i need a log and a profile for testing
Anyone already tried monk mistweaver healing?

i'm currently leveling a monk and at higher levels i want to switch to healing. Would be awesome to read through some feedback of experienced monk healers that can compare the bot performance to their own.
using 497build and last SVN update CLU and i get stuck on loading HB (initializing flypaths) when i delete CLU hb loads OK. Anyone ?
Using latest hb and latest CLU everything works fine. Just update your hb!
using 497build and last SVN update CLU and i get stuck on loading HB (initializing flypaths) when i delete CLU hb loads OK. Anyone ?
i run HB with CLU on an overheating laptop atm ... no problems so far (except the overheating which is not related to HB or CLU)
restart your HB, if not working, restart your comp, if that also not working ... give a log, maybe we can see something in there
it there a way so toon will pick targets and attack, seems my is running around until mob attacks it ?
Love this!
But since yesterday the misdirect does not work for hunters. It gets stuck trying to cast it on the mob rather than tank/pet.

[13:54:41.319 N] [CLU] 3.3.6: [Casting] Steady Shot (Improved Steady Shot) [0] on Snagtooth Pesterling
[13:54:41.320 D] [Cast] Steady Shot 56641
[13:54:41.321 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 56641, KnownIndex: 71
[13:54:41.368 D] [LuaEvents] Getting argument values for event UNIT_SPELLCAST_INTERRUPTED
[13:55:22.887 D] [LuaEvents] Getting argument values for event UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED
[13:55:22.888 D] [LuaEvents] Getting argument values for event COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED
[13:55:23.236 D] [LuaEvents] Getting argument values for event UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED
[13:55:23.236 D] [LuaEvents] Getting argument values for event COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED
[13:55:23.420 N] [CLU] 3.3.6: [Casting] Misdirection on Snagtooth Tool-Grabber
[13:55:23.421 D] [Cast] Misdirection 34477
[13:55:23.422 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 34477, KnownIndex: 62
[13:55:23.530 N] [CLU] 3.3.6: [Casting] Misdirection on Snagtooth Tool-Grabber
[13:55:23.530 D] [Cast] Misdirection 34477
[13:55:23.532 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 34477, KnownIndex: 62

Log attached. View attachment 4440 2012-10-11 15.44.txt

I have also noticed that it uses alot more Steady Shots, even with full Focus, and not dumping it thru Arcane Shot/etc. :/
using 497build and last SVN update CLU and i get stuck on loading HB (initializing flypaths) when i delete CLU hb loads OK. Anyone ?

This was happening to me for a while. It took me forever to figure out what was going on.

You're just not seeing the little routine selection window that pops up during loading. You have to choose your combat routine there, though, before loading will continue.

Just Alt+Tab until you find the little window.
i run HB with CLU on an overheating laptop atm ... no problems so far (except the overheating which is not related to HB or CLU)
restart your HB, if not working, restart your comp, if that also not working ... give a log, maybe we can see something in there

restart helped a bit,

want to ask about arms war spell priority, went from revision 599 to last 654, i noticed now some new machanic, on 599 it used to spam overpower imidiately on proc and heroic strike too when taste for blood proc.Now it want to stack it, but often stacks falls sooner and are wasted =lower dps. Anyone tested this rotation ?
even on target dummy, taste for blood reaches max 5stacks, it wont cast HS, stacks will fall... thats bad
and even on max rage its not casting HS as ragedump
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