new Decorator(
ret => Buff.PlayerHasBuff("Cat Form"),
new PrioritySelector(
Spell.CastSelfSpell("Healing Touch", ret => Me.HasMyAura("Predatory Swiftness"), "Free Healing Touch!!"),
Spell.CastSelfSpell("Barkskin", ret => Me.HealthPercent <= 80, "Barkskin"),
Spell.CastSelfSpell("Renewal", ret => Me.HealthPercent <= 60, "Renewal"),
Spell.CastSelfSpell("Might of Ursoc", ret => Me.HealthPercent <= 50, "Might of Ursoc"),
Spell.CastSelfSpell("Survival Instincts", ret => Me.HealthPercent <= 40,
"Survival Instincts"),
Item.UseBagItem("Healthstone", ret => Me.HealthPercent < 40, "Healthstone")))));
MS still not working on hunter. Trying somehow to cast using target: [CLU] 3.3.6: [Casting] Misdirection on Shao-Tien Fist, not pet or focus (tried to put pet on focus too).
Sub is fixed. Seriously wulf you are the best.UPDATE
- Feral/Gaurdian Survival cooldowns added. (UI settings soon to come) // Thanks KsuCoolCat for the prompt to put them in.
- Subetly Rogue Tricks of the Trade Spam should be fixed.
- Hunter Misderection should be fixed needs testing.
I have an issue with the monk Mistweaver portion of the cc, I have been using it for raids and instances and I notice that its not spending Chi as often as it should. Being as spending chi to heal is our primary way of getting mana back via Mana tea stacks, my monk is running out of mana while staying at full chi for more than half of the fight.
Thank you for your work, it is greatly appreciated.
- [Mage] Alter Time added to Fire, Frost, Arcane
- [Mage] Inferno Blast Added to Fire
- [Mage] Ice Lance, Inferno Blast added to Fire while Moving
- [Mage] rune_of_power added to Arcane - commented out until it can be tested at 90
- [Mage] Ice Lance, Fire Blast added to Arcane while Moving
- Addition of Flashfrozen Resin Globule trinket
Fire should be scorch/inferno blast while moving.. using ice lance outside of frost is lol
If you read the code, its actually inferno/scorch/ice lance...Ill remove the Ice lance at the end (not that it matters)...but next time how bout a thanks instead of a smart arse remark..
If you read the code, its actually inferno/scorch/ice lance...Ill remove the Ice lance at the end (not that it matters)...but next time how bout a thanks instead of a smart arse remark..
EDIT: Further to that...what if the user hasn't talented scorch?..I think Ill leave it there...
[*][Mage] Alter Time added to Fire, Frost, Arcane- [Mage] Inferno Blast Added to Fire
- [Mage] Ice Lance, Inferno Blast added to Fire while Moving
- [Mage] rune_of_power added to Arcane - commented out until it can be tested at 90
- [Mage] Ice Lance, Fire Blast added to Arcane while Moving
[*]Addition of Flashfrozen Resin Globule trinket