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CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) - (Pt. 2)

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It'S a true/false condition that's right.
But no it's not onBoss / onMob condition.
In general there's a setting "Use Cooldowns" which every developer can/should use to enable / disable CDs in general.
Most of the Devs do also check if the target is worthy to use this CD (this is internally done and has no setting at all).
So it maybe seems to be a onBoss/onMob setting, but it's only a true or false

For warriors u r right, the dev (Wulf has commited the last changes but i dunno if he has done the rotations) decided to use cooldowns if the target is worthy...
this is an internal method of CLU which checks the Target for:
- CLU Setting use cooldowns == false -> target not worthy (this is necesseary for the situtation a developer forget to add the check for the use of cooldowns)
- target == null -> not worthy
- target is player AND we are in battleground -> is worthy
- target is boss or miniboss or trainingdummy -> is worthy

boss: internal bosslist
trainingdummy: internal trainingdummylist
miniboss: isElite AND myCurrentLevel+2

so in this case (if the dev is checking if the target is worthy, like done by warriors) it looks like a OnBoss condition for the user ;)

For the PVPing part there exists a Burst.OnMob and Burst.OnBoss condition

Right, some of this I understand, parts of it is chinese :P

But in the Class specifics > Common there is an option for Cooldowns, eighter OnBoss or OnMob, hence my confusion about the conditions mentioned.

From what I can see in the code at least Recklesness is on Worthy settings, still dont see how standard mobs in heroics are also "Worthy", is it becouse they are elites? If thats the reason, how do we get a workaround for this? Pretty shit to have a 5min cooldown popped the trash pack before the last boss or something :)
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Hmmm, I just updated my CLU and now when im using ArchaelogyBuddy with my monk(Windwalker) he doesnt turn the char to attack if he aggroed a mob or two, so if he aggros he just stands still and trying to do the spells he should but the only problem is that the mobs is behind him and he cant turn for some reason :O Anyone else got this problem?
Hmmm, I just updated my CLU and now when im using ArchaelogyBuddy with my monk(Windwalker) he doesnt turn the char to attack if he aggroed a mob or two, so if he aggros he just stands still and trying to do the spells he should but the only problem is that the mobs is behind him and he cant turn for some reason :O Anyone else got this problem?

is movement and targeting enabled?
Ok i undertstand two, but no 1,

You say me that i must configure Override??

This is my configuration for raid...is all correcto or maybe i must change any folder?? I dont know really how work override rotation, i dont know changes if i change pve, pve or solo

View attachment 58901

watch your email is in the SS.
- Rotation Override - to add private / testing / personal rotations

1 - Dragon Breath moved to AOE-Rotation (was placed in Single Rotation), changed condition to use the Setting "Burst on Mob Count", if u encounter the issue again, raise this setting!

2 - we've still issues with elegon and are testing this atm


Ok i undertstand two, but no 1,

You say me that i must configure Override??

This is my configuration for raid...is all correcto or maybe i must change any folder?? I dont know really how work override rotation, i dont know changes if i change pve, pve or solo
Combat spec for CLU is broken, it randomly pools energy to 100 and stops casting abilities for around 20 seconds at a time..., and when AoE is turned off in general settings, it still turns blade flurry on for no reason...
This has been happening since Combat was updated recently :(

Elegon still doesnt work for CLU, but when using singular, it works. So maybe there is something different in the Singular CC to the CLU CC that is allowing it to work on elegon? Why not check that out.

Log for dummies test with combat. The energy pooling happens towards the end of combat so check near the bottom of the Log for the energy pooling problem. As for the blade flurry problem, it was using blade flurry from the start of the fight, whenever i would turn it off, CLU would turn it back on once the 10second CD ended...


Combat spec for CLU is broken, it randomly pools energy to 100 and stops casting abilities for around 20 seconds at a time..., and when AoE is turned off in general settings, it still turns blade flurry on for no reason...
This has been happening since Combat was updated recently :(

Elegon still doesnt work for CLU, but when using singular, it works. So maybe there is something different in the Singular CC to the CLU CC that is allowing it to work on elegon? Why not check that out.

Log for dummies test with combat. The energy pooling happens towards the end of combat so check near the bottom of the Log for the energy pooling problem. As for the blade flurry problem, it was using blade flurry from the start of the fight, whenever i would turn it off, CLU would turn it back on once the 10second CD ended...

having the same issues.
Combat spec for CLU is broken, it randomly pools energy to 100 and stops casting abilities for around 20 seconds at a time..., and when AoE is turned off in general settings, it still turns blade flurry on for no reason...
This has been happening since Combat was updated recently :(

Elegon still doesnt work for CLU, but when using singular, it works. So maybe there is something different in the Singular CC to the CLU CC that is allowing it to work on elegon? Why not check that out.

Log for dummies test with combat. The energy pooling happens towards the end of combat so check near the bottom of the Log for the energy pooling problem. As for the blade flurry problem, it was using blade flurry from the start of the fight, whenever i would turn it off, CLU would turn it back on once the 10second CD ended...

Until I can figure out how to update directly into the SVN here you go guys. Fixed issues with combat and Assassination.

Combat: Included use of Vanish+Ambush. Included Blade Flurry into the AoE Abilities toggle. When toggled on rupture will not be used on 2+ mobs, when toggled off it will be used (this is for encounters where there are adds but you need to ignore them)
Now Properly uses Combo Points and anticipation>
Will Refresh Rupture at 5 CPs, if rupture falls off it will not refresh again until 5 CPs or it has less than 3 CPs

Assassination: Included better Shadow Blades Logic, will now pool CPs and Energy before use


man the mage cc is horrible on raids i'll give 20 bucks usd .. 2 someone who can get it raid worthy by tonite :)
clu is great .. but when im in lfr and rasid and only doing 40k dps as fire and 40k as cold with no differnce something is wrong
Why is CLU not summoning a demon as afflication warlock and "waste" it then for the buff?

//Afflication AOE is missing, at 7mobs he's just doing the normal rota? :p
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CLU is fine, tested with my elemental shaman...works good

but on my mage it never casts Ice Barrier
is it possible to make it cast, like below 99% hp? :)
or it just should be up all time
Love CLU but I have one suggestion/request. When in guardian bear tank form would it be possible to make getting the aggro of all mobs currently pulled the number 1 priority before just fighting them? I'll run a dungeon as a bear and other players will have a greater aggro. The tank doesn't really deal with it and that's the main job of the tank.
Thanks wulf I gotta say tho do not change feral druid it is perfect doing 70-90k damage on single targets but I am numb 1 geared feral on my realm but I like this keep up the good work
man the mage cc is horrible on raids i'll give 20 bucks usd .. 2 someone who can get it raid worthy by tonite :)

Where exactly are you having problems? Saying the CC is horrible isnt very helpful.

What is your item level?
What spec(s) are you running?
Have you optimized your gear? (gems and reforges are very different for each spec and can swing dps pretty heavily)
What talent setup are you using?
Are you using any auxilary skills not inluded in the cc that would improve your dps? IE. keybinds for water elemental's freeze, trinkets, whichever level 90 talent you have chosen.

All of these things will either improve or cripple your performance and need to be taken into account when reporting issues. The more information we have the easier it is for us to assist you.

Using the fire mage cc I was very competitve on the meter in tonight's raid. Just need more info from your to better assist.
CLU is fine, tested with my elemental shaman...works good

but on my mage it never casts Ice Barrier
is it possible to make it cast, like below 99% hp? :)
or it just should be up all time

In my opinion, ice barrier in a raid environment is situational and should be used by the player to mitigate damage. Set up a keybind for it with a stop casting macro (below) and you should be able to mash it to apply ice barrier when needed. If you would like to have it hard coded at a particular health percentage I can take a look at it, however the only way it would increase your damage done is by keeping you alive.

#showtooltip Ice Barrier
/cast Ice Barrier
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