man the mage cc is horrible on raids i'll give 20 bucks usd .. 2 someone who can get it raid worthy by tonite
No Log? damn ur report is horrible.
back to topic:
No log, no help.
No explanation - no help.
No Suggestions - no tweaks.
So u can pay 20 bucks, but all i can do atm is looking into my glassball and hope that it will tell me whats wrong.
We've some good devs around here for CLU, most of them are focussed on ONE class, sometimes on ONE specc, one of them on all speccs PVP only, two / three devs on the Core ... but noone is focussing on ALL classes && ALL Speccs, without a detailed description of what is going wrong, we can't tweak anything.
"Scorch while moving doesn't work " - THIS is by far not perfect as a description BUT this is something we can reproduce and tweak (like done yesterday)
"CC is horrible for mages" - THIS is by far nothing i can use to get informations about what is not working as intended. Your comparison between two speccs is also nothing more than ... a comparison between a man and a wife ... worthless without describing how u tested this ... Which (same) situation (MobCount, MobLevel, Gear reforged, reenchanted, regemmed, Buffs reapplied (new buffood for new specc), and so on)
My demo specc is doin more dps than my affliction specc ... is this something that someone can find the error? in normal circumstances this should not happen, but
a) i didn't optimized the gear for Affliction
b) i didn't changed the talents for the use of Affliction
with these two answers i can say ... okay ... the affliction with the same gear, but optimised for demo will never do the same damage (this is a fact! a fact i can handle)
Now ... after reading this wall of text ... think about your 20 bucks, save them, give us lil bit more details, and we will see what we can do for you.