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CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) - (Pt. 2)

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anyone else having a problem with the lvl 90 talents and pet mend for hunters not working
Right, some of this I understand, parts of it is chinese :P

But in the Class specifics > Common there is an option for Cooldowns, eighter OnBoss or OnMob, hence my confusion about the conditions mentioned.

From what I can see in the code at least Recklesness is on Worthy settings, still dont see how standard mobs in heroics are also "Worthy", is it becouse they are elites? If thats the reason, how do we get a workaround for this? Pretty shit to have a 5min cooldown popped the trash pack before the last boss or something :)

The Common option for Cooldown is "Use Cooldowns" under general Settings, this is taken into account
The Burst.OnMob / OnBoss is never used for Warriors so ... this setting is atm obsolete - we will take a look into this how we can add it

And yes you are right, atm the mobs in Heroics should be mostly Elite and Level 92 (so they met the condition for minibosses) - maybe we have to rework this internal check or maybe we have to update the Cooldowns and split them into short ones and long ones, so that there's a viable boost for trash, and the maxdps for bosses
View attachment 58911

Ok i undertstand two, but no 1,

You say me that i must configure Override??

This is my configuration for raid...is all correcto or maybe i must change any folder?? I dont know really how work override rotation, i dont know changes if i change pve, pve or solo

1 - was a change to the code (update your CLU_),means i edited the code a lil bit to move the AOE abilities to the AOE condition, so that it now should check the the condition for flamestrike and Dragon's Breath correctly. Your settings (OnBoss is atm obsolete, OnMob is now taken into account) will / should now fire the Spells correctly.
2 - this is mostly for developers or people that are able to understand the CLU framework (incl. HB API for sure) and want to try to write their own rotations, without destroying the original one, and to make sure their own editions aren't overwritten when u update your CLU. but this is explained in the first post (or the second or third ... from Wulf^^)
man the mage cc is horrible on raids i'll give 20 bucks usd .. 2 someone who can get it raid worthy by tonite :)

No Log? damn ur report is horrible.
back to topic:
No log, no help.
No explanation - no help.
No Suggestions - no tweaks.

So u can pay 20 bucks, but all i can do atm is looking into my glassball and hope that it will tell me whats wrong.
We've some good devs around here for CLU, most of them are focussed on ONE class, sometimes on ONE specc, one of them on all speccs PVP only, two / three devs on the Core ... but noone is focussing on ALL classes && ALL Speccs, without a detailed description of what is going wrong, we can't tweak anything.

"Scorch while moving doesn't work " - THIS is by far not perfect as a description BUT this is something we can reproduce and tweak (like done yesterday)
"CC is horrible for mages" - THIS is by far nothing i can use to get informations about what is not working as intended. Your comparison between two speccs is also nothing more than ... a comparison between a man and a wife ... worthless without describing how u tested this ... Which (same) situation (MobCount, MobLevel, Gear reforged, reenchanted, regemmed, Buffs reapplied (new buffood for new specc), and so on)

My demo specc is doin more dps than my affliction specc ... is this something that someone can find the error? in normal circumstances this should not happen, but
a) i didn't optimized the gear for Affliction
b) i didn't changed the talents for the use of Affliction

with these two answers i can say ... okay ... the affliction with the same gear, but optimised for demo will never do the same damage (this is a fact! a fact i can handle)

Now ... after reading this wall of text ... think about your 20 bucks, save them, give us lil bit more details, and we will see what we can do for you.
There is a bug with Prot warriors using impending victory atm
I have it set so it uses impending victory at 80% health or below (also tried different numbers).
It will use the spell, but if it is on CD, it will continue to spam it until your above 80% health.
It wont cast any other spells except impending victory if it's on CD.
I was using this with lazyraider
Why is CLU not summoning a demon as afflication warlock and "waste" it then for the buff?

//Afflication AOE is missing, at 7mobs he's just doing the normal rota? :p

You are right, AOE is atm not supported, i'm still leveling my warlock.
For your issue with the pet i need more details.
- Which talents have u choosen (Tier 6 Talent?)
- When it didn't summons the pet? in combat, precombat, resting ... ?
My last tests with affliction (1 or 2 weeks ago) went fine with all three of the grimoire possibilities, so ... if it is not working atm, i need a log
the warlock summoned the pet if no pet is up AND the warlock hasn't the buff of the Grimoire of Sacrifice ... in combat and out of combat (combat doesn't mean the Combat Bot of HB!!!)
There is a bug with Prot warriors using impending victory atm
I have it set so it uses impending victory at 80% health or below (also tried different numbers).
It will use the spell, but if it is on CD, it will continue to spam it until your above 80% health.
It wont cast any other spells except impending victory if it's on CD.
I was using this with lazyraider

Update your CLU, should be fixed for all Speccs now, report back if it is not working!

The latest SVN contains a change that is only intended for Elegon testing.
Do not update unless you intend to test CLU for us on Elegon.

I would appreciate any success failure feedback on Elegon.

If you feel like going out of your way to help out...you could supply a log for Elegon as well as a screenshot like the one attached to this post.

you can find "TargetInfo" window in Class Config > Spell/Aura/Target Checker > TargetInfo (button)


EDIT I think i can reproduce this Elegon behaviour on the ship in deepholme..I will test and get back.
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Im not onto elegon yet, but when i did that target info check, elegon was 'false' for iswithinmeleerange
Im not onto elegon yet, but when i did that target info check, elegon was 'false' for iswithinmeleerange


update incoming....100% to work with Elegon

edit ok everyone can update....CLU will also work on the ship in deepholme :P

and do not ask what was the issue...its a derp de derp :D

update incoming....100% to work with Elegon

edit ok everyone can update....CLU will also work on the ship in deepholme :P

and do not ask what was the issue...its a derp de derp :D

Haha! Please tell me what the issue was! I've been working my ass off to try and help you fix elegon with logs :P
we also added a lil avoidance part to the last commitment

it is far from perfect and works only for some special cases, but grinding Skyshards should now work without dying :D

Every other ground effect (venom form spiders and so), will be added later, i need to collect more data bout that.

If u encounter problems with aoe attacks from elite mobs ... tell me the mob (and the attack) and i will take a look into that, if we can also avoid them
For any attack which is a ground effect and NOT working with the current solution of avoiding them, i need infos from u

Mob: Id or Name
Location: Where can i find them
Spell: Id or Name
Effect: Id or Name

i'm also happy about a wowhead link to them :)

Avoiding is only working if movement is enabled (should be clear for everyone, but i thought ... i'll tell u this)

update incoming....100% to work with Elegon

edit ok everyone can update....CLU will also work on the ship in deepholme :P

and do not ask what was the issue...its a derp de derp :D

Pulling elegon right now...and it works. Thank you wulf.
!!! Currently there is an issue with the lates Honorbuddy that causes long pauses between casting. To get around this you can use Honorbuddy version .465 if you have it. !!!!

Is that still true with .495? If so could somebody provide .465? (PM or attachment if allowed)

update incoming....100% to work with Elegon

edit ok everyone can update....CLU will also work on the ship in deepholme :P

and do not ask what was the issue...its a derp de derp :D

You are the best !
in war arms.cs you have wrong operator in execute command
fix it for the others :) it should be < but, you got > so it doesnt use it at all in burn phase

Spell.CastSpell("Execute", ret => Me.CurrentTarget != null && Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent < 20, "Execute"),
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