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CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) - (Pt. 2)

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Uten navn.webp

Went from 20k (ish) dps to this suddenly :S Done on same target dummy as i got 20k from.
A DK tank if anyone needs to know, and i noticed it's wery slow and not using the same abilities as it used to just a couple of days ago

Added a log if it helps? View attachment 6804 2012-09-16 13.45.txt
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Ok I mainly just have a question (no logs to deal with for now yay!). First I just have to say THANK YOU for this beautiful CC. Not only is it badass ... its Tron related so I'm just in my little slice of Heaven right now :)

My question is ... Do you know what the default number of mobs for a rogue to start using Fan of Knives AoE is? I have the setting on, and it does it sometimes (I guess 4 mobs if I noticed it right last night but I was so tired), just not on every group pull in an instance. I went from Combat which was kinda dismal dps to Assassination and woooo dem numbers! So I love how CLU handles Assassination (thank you!) ... mainly just curious if theres a way to change it to AoE on 3+ instead of more? If this is simmed for the best dmg I really dont mind at all of course ... just loooove FoK :) I've looked through some settings and don't see anything really mentioned the number of mobs for AoE so yeah just wanted to ask.

Thanks again for your hard work Wulf and Storm and everyone I haven't memorized yet! Your work is always appreciated :)
View attachment 54278

Went from 20k (ish) dps to this suddenly :S Done on same target dummy as i got 20k from.
A DK tank if anyone needs to know, and i noticed it's wery slow and not using the same abilities as it used to just a couple of days ago

Added a log if it helps? View attachment 54309

U r really testing a Tanks DPS, Tank rotations are very situational ... test it as tank in a dungeon, DPS should raise a lot ...
Much of the spells depends on YOUR current health so u should really test it in it's normal situation ... not on a dummy where u never get hit

as a sidenote: Atm BloodDK saves runes for death striken if u'll get damage ... so it only applies diseases on dummies, uses hearthstrike for RP and Rune strike as RP-Dump, there's not much more dps u'll get without taking damage :)
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U r really testing a Tanks DPS, Tank rotations are very situational ... test it as tank in a dungeon, DPS should raise a lot ...
Much of the spells depends on YOUR current health so u should really test it in it's normal situation ... not on a dummy where u never get hit

as a sidenote: Atm BloodDK saves runes for death striken if u'll get damage ... so it only applies diseases on dummies, uses hearthstrike for RP and Rune strike as RP-Dump, there's not much more dps u'll get without taking damage :)

Maybe i explained in a bad way, ill try again:
On the dummy i used now and got 7k as blood is the same dummy i got 20k as blood on a couple of days ago. And i notice, that it doesn't use Death and Decay, it used to do that, and does a completely different routine. And say that for it to use 3 abilities (hypothetically speaking) would take 2,5 seconds now takes 5-6 seconds.

And the dps wasn't really why i posted, i just got it out in a wrong way. My point was, it is really slow to use abilities, different routine, and D&D is not used
Update on the bot not attacking..

It used Timmy when it was about to die, sadly he was of no help.

Not a CLU issue
1st - Downloading tiles, while doin this, CC does not kickin, HB issue
2nd - Can't generate full path, exception is thrown ... HB / Navigator Issue
Not a CLU issue
1st - Downloading tiles, while doin this, CC does not kickin, HB issue
2nd - Can't generate full path, exception is thrown ... HB / Navigator Issue

Well then my Singular must be pretty magical. Haven't had issues with it since the new HB came out. Yet every time I load up CLU it goes to the first hotspot and does this.

Log with Singular


Is the Shadow Priest still "melting faces"? It's my highest ilvl char (388 avg) and not doing so well. (About 16K on Ultraxxion).
Things I notice while doing LFR:
- Mind Flay is interrupted at 50-60% almost every time (after 1 - 1.5 secs)
- After aborting Mind Flay, he casts it again for a sec
- Devouring Plague is not up a lot
- Mind Sear is interrupted a lot (even after 40% or so, 1 sec channeling at most)
- When Mind Spike and SW:P proc, he mostly ignores it
- Standing still doing nothing a lot, every 10-15 secs for a sec or two.

No logs yet, still playing ;)
In short; is it broken or did HB break it?


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Im trying to optimize the Balance Druid CC but I have run into a issue.

The CC basically casting extra on times when it should not. For example:

Druid is at 80 Solar Power, all it needs is 1 starfire to push it to 100. It starts casting 1 starfire but i guess it does not check that that 1 starfire will put it at 100, so as soon as that one is done it starts queueing another starfire when it should be using wrath. So essentially at the start f every Solar/Lunar phase it casts 1 spell of the opposite phase, which is a pretty significant DPS loss over time. It also does this when refreshing Moonfires. If I have it set to refresh a moonfire at 20 Lunar it will cast it FOLLOWING the Starfire cast (which puts it at 0 lunar making the buff t moonfire null). Is there any way to fix this, so it understands that there is a delay between the end of a cast for the Solar power to update so it does select the next spell before it should?
Well then my Singular must be pretty magical. Haven't had issues with it since the new HB came out. Yet every time I load up CLU it goes to the first hotspot and does this.

Log with Singular
you are not taking all aspects into account
try again with clu ... map data seems to be finished downloading which it wasn't as u posted your first log with CLU
you are not taking all aspects into account
try again with clu ... map data seems to be finished downloading which it wasn't as u posted your first log with CLU

Not quite hun. I've been here a few years and know how mesh downloading works. The first problem with that is I've been running this for the past 2 days, and have tried to run CLU about 6 times, 7th including today, with the new updates pushed to the SVN. When it fails to execute the CC I close it, reopen it and run with Singular and it works just fine.

Just tried it again. Same issue.
Well then my Singular must be pretty magical. Haven't had issues with it since the new HB came out. Yet every time I load up CLU it goes to the first hotspot and does this.

Log with Singular

My Log with CLU, tested with Frost DK (same as you), working fine with 3 adds, attacking and killing ... so dunno what happens on your site, but CLU is working fine for Frostdk


Not quite hun. I've been here a few years and know how mesh downloading works. The first problem with that is I've been running this for the past 2 days, and have tried to run CLU about 6 times, 7th including today, with the new updates pushed to the SVN. When it fails to execute the CC I close it, reopen it and run with Singular and it works just fine.

Just tried it again. Same issue.

Send me your profile for more testings, pm it to me, send it via skype or whatever if u don't want to have it public.
But atm i can see no issues with CLU, and no logs from CLU which leads to an error in there.
I tested with combat bot and with BGBuddy (which should be the one Botbase with the most problems) and with both CLU was attacking / defending fine.
And ... working with Singular ... sure this one was made for every botbase, while we mainly focus on raiding and rated bgs / arena, all support for other botbases is a nice to have for us, and we don't test this very much. but still ... can't find any issues with CLU so far (sorry we can only fix issues which we can reproduce, so i'll need your profile and if possible your exact talentpoints spent to have the same situation)
Here's an excerpt from my test on a 85 dummy.
Shadow Priest, ilvl 388. Mind Flaying 10-15 times in a row, over just 10 seconds.
Doing 14K dmg max.


Not sure if this is an HB issue or not, Using Holy Pally it tends to get in a buffing loop and cast a blessing until stopped.

Also Any way to have clu not record the names of people but instead log like only first couple of letters to the name?

Here is log of issue

View attachment 1128 2012-09-16 06.52.txt
Here's an excerpt from my test on a 85 dummy.
Shadow Priest, ilvl 388. Mind Flaying 10-15 times in a row, over just 10 seconds.
Doing 14K dmg max.

Check your ClassConfig, and make sure u are using the Raiding Rotation for Spriest (it is called Default) and not the leveling rotation, and report back
I'm using an edited Icecrown: Cathedral of Darkness RaF profile. It's a grind bot profile that just runs around the room until it needs to repair. The same results were found when in it's original Questing Bot form.

Unholy Blight
Anti-Magic Zone
Runic Empowerment

Dark Succor, Death Coil, Anti-Magic Shell
Tranquil Grip, Corpse Explosion, Horn of Winter

AutoEquip just so it greeds on the greens/blues.
Refreshment Detection

99% Heroic DS level gear


I'm using an edited Icecrown: Cathedral of Darkness RaF profile. It's a grind bot profile that just runs around the room until it needs to repair. The same results were found when in it's original Questing Bot form.

Unholy Blight
Anti-Magic Zone
Runic Empowerment

Dark Succor, Death Coil, Anti-Magic Shell
Tranquil Grip, Corpse Explosion, Horn of Winter

AutoEquip just so it greeds on the greens/blues.
Refreshment Detection

99% Heroic DS level gear

So ... like i said ... no issue by CLU, running smooth.
Did adjust my talent points to yours, used the same version of CLU like u, used the same profile like u ... maybe i've a lil bit different gear, but all in all running smooth

The only difference .. i run it on a german client, but that shouldn't be the fact which makes it working on my end.
I did this only to be sure it is running on all languages.

I'm very sorry, but as far as i can't reproduce the issue itself, i can't do anything to fix it (and it does not seems to be CLU related)


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