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CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) - (Pt. 2)

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Attached s the 100% complete and accurate Assassination Rogue CC and Subtlety Rogue CC fr 5.0.4. Could you please include this in future posts?

Changes I made to Assassination:

removed "use envenom if no buff present". this prevented energy pooling and was a DPS loss
Dropped energy pooling down to 70 from 90 to prevent capping
Added exception to vanish and preparation so that neither will be used when Steath buff is present to prevent wasted vanishes.
Added FoTF Envenom that will not pool energy and use envenom ASAP when Fury of the Destroyer is active. This will not interfere with people who don't have legendarys.
Added Rupture exception to Vendetta to ensure SnD and Rupture are up before using.
48k DPS on a target dummy at 406 ilvl

Changes i made to subtlety:

Updated hemorrhage to current state.
Pooling energy at 4 CPs waiting for 5th CP.
No lnger uses Recuperate
50k DPS on a target dummy at 406 ilvl

Could the Boomkin post and log be looked into that i posted earlier?

thanks we'll check this
on bg now don't work on war arms!
i use bgbuddy or raidbot or lazyraider on bg it write me always "CLU switching to defensive mode"
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Using this with lazy raider, feral druid. When casting savage roar it clicks the button for it, In log says casting savage roar. In game it says spell not learned. I am currently manually pressing it which is fine by me. Figured I would let you know what clu was up to.

Here is a log that should have clu casting savage roar over and over realizing its not being cast in game.


on bg now don't work on war arms!
i use bgbuddy or raidbot or lazyraider on bg it write me always "CLU switching to defensive mode"
see my signature, we do not want to have the log for fun, there are much more informations for us, than u will think
I can confirm this. Did some testing on my own, it always happens when I have 2 CP, then it wants to Savage Roar. Maybe somewhere in the code it is not allowed to use SR when you don't have 5 cp yet, so it tries and tries and tries. After about 15-20 tries, it casts Shred or Mangle.
The easy way to fix this is, when at 2 cp, manually cast Shred until 5 cp, then cast SR. SR will be up for 40 secs by then, and while SR is up, all is fine. The problem re-occurs when SR is not up and you don't have 5 cp when it wants to cast it.

I started to do this, hopefully it is fixed soon.
1st - log, this is the most important part
2nd - update CLU from SVN and test again, maybe u used an old version

My lock did solid 36k dps on raiddummy with ilvl 400, so ilvl 381 should be around 20k on dummy and something like 35-40k in a 25m raid
provide me a link to your talents
- WoW Talent Calculator - Sigrie
- Mists of Pandaria - Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft
- or any other talent calculator
include your glyphs
and maybe an anonymous armory like
- WoW Armory Worgen Warlock anonymous profile build | ArmoryX
- WoW Armory Alternative - Nameless Armory Profiles.

i can't imagine that the Affli lock is this low in dps, my tests from yesterday were done without raidbuffs (only selfbuff), with CD usage (Misery, Doomguard, Sacrifice (if skilled), Double Demon Power (if skilled), and all three combinations of the DPS-Tier gave a solid nearly same DPS, which should be much higher with raidbuffs (food,flask,int,might,mow,kings,bloodlust, and and and ...)

If u own a damager meter like Skada/Recount ... provide a log about Debuffs-Uptime
it should be something like
- Agony - 98+%
- Corruption - 96+%
- Unstable Affliction - 90+%
- Haunt - around 60% (sometimes less, sometimes more, depends on procc for fre Haunt)

Important Notice

Since we are fixing stuff nearly in realtime (post in the thread -> someone looks at it -> commit a fix), we really need these fucking logs (i know it's a pain) AND
if possible pls provide the current revision of your CLU copy.

If one or both are not provided we waste a lot of time with looking into the code for issues which where maybe fixed some hours ago.

Atm we are working on a solution for the revision thing, to include it in the log, but since we got this, we need the information from YOU to help you

Going to test this out tonight, my lock in PVE gear is 397, but im going to spec into Affliction tonight and test it out in LFR.

What tallents do you suggest and what glyphs do you suggest to max DPS? i can do the looking on my own, but if you have some you find to be better i would rather go stright to you rather than google.
this is log!
now i've post log and?
Arms is already switched to PVP, if u would use it, follow the instructions from Dagradt for PVPing, u'll need macros to switch the rotations atm.
The pvping from Dagradt ist atm not meant for automatic gameplay (in most situations it should work, but mainly u'll use clu for raiding and rateg bg/arena, manual controlling movement of your toon)
This means u HAVE TO select the target by yourself, u have to decide which rotation should be used by yourself and so on... no target ... no damage
This is why i just dont update HB unless it A. Doesnt gather herbs/ore (lol) or B. Doesnt connect to wow.

Sad faces on this breaking, guess i may have to wait to test this out.
Everything should be fine now!

If you encounter any further issues ATTACH A LOG FILE!


Fire mage just spams living bomb on ultracxion like on warlord zenozz see page 62 for info
Rogue won't toggle Blade Flurry in Dungeons, and when I activate it, it instantly cancels it.

Edit- I attached wrong log, but is now corrected.


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Will it attack back, in Gatherbuddy? My druid isn't attacking anything that attacks it at the moment ;s
Hey, is there any quick way to disable immolate? Because it's casting it 50% of the times. I know that you dont have it supported, that's why i'm "only" asking how to disable it :P

And im not attaching a log since 1. you dont have it supported, 2. i've been redirected to look at first page (supported section) once :P

EDIT: Nvm, found it : ) Just outcommented line 117 in destruction.cs and it work's like a charm : )
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Do you know what the default number of mobs for a rogue to start using Fan of Knives AoE is?

Will add a setting shortly.// Fixed

My point was, it is really slow to use abilities, different routine, and D&D is not used

Checking....Checked and everything is working correctly. Speed is awesome!, DnD is so fast its on the ground the minute its comes off cooldown..

Here's an excerpt from my test on a 85 dummy.
Shadow Priest, ilvl 388. Mind Flaying 10-15 times in a row, over just 10 seconds.
Doing 14K dmg max.

Tested with Latest HB and CLU and Lazyraider. I see no issue.

Is there any way you can add scorch to the fire mage and make it cast while moving?

[CLU] 3.3.0:  [Casting] Scorch (Moving) on Training Dummy
[CLU] 3.3.0:  [Casting] Inferno Blast with Heating Up proc on Training Dummy
[CLU] 3.3.0:  [Casting] Scorch (Moving) on Training Dummy
[CLU] 3.3.0:  [Casting] Scorch (Moving) on Training Dummy
[CLU] 3.3.0:  [Casting] Scorch (Moving) on Training Dummy
[CLU] 3.3.0:  [Casting] Living Bomb on Training Dummy
[CLU] 3.3.0:  [Casting] Scorch (Moving) on Training Dummy

Using this with lazy raider, feral druid. When casting savage roar it clicks the button for it, In log says casting savage roar..

HB issue..although the latest Update may fix these Druid issues.

Fire mage just spams living bomb on ultracxion like on warlord zenozz see page 62 for info

Possible Range issue..looking into it.

Wulf, was something done to facing target? Seems when farming ores etc. toon will just stand there and get beat on and never turn to kill? Keeps saying you must be facing target. Movement and targeting are switched on.

Loading Meshes ?

Rogue won't toggle Blade Flurry in Dungeons, and when I activate it, it instantly cancels it.

Checking...Fixed.Thanks for reporting.

Im trying to optimize the Balance Druid CC but I have run into a issue

Maybe you could try Buff.Castdebuff
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Love these live updates. Really looking forward to testing the lock spec. Thanks for this major addon.
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