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CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) - (Pt. 2)

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Compiling issue should be fixed (tested with Honorbuddy 2.5.6240.440 and Honorbuddy 2.5.6240.441)
For the peeps (Liferose, Skeets) with problems not attacking
try new version, i added some logging stuff where i think there could be a problem, and report back with full log

@Lowres we know DnD is working, we used the same method for Consecration, but it is no working at all.
I'll do some more tests, but it's an issue with HB (singular has had the same issue)
Still can't do anything but open HB. I can't tell what's causing it to crash. I can open it, look at it, choose a bot base, but as soon as I press any other button, it crashes and closes.


Still can't do anything but open HB. I can't tell what's causing it to crash. I can open it, look at it, choose a bot base, but as soon as I press any other button, it crashes and closes.

[21:48:51.455 N] Compiler Error: c:\Users\Mikie\Desktop\Misc Items\Honorbuddy 504\Routines\Beast Mastery\TheBeastMaster\BeastForm1.cs(12,12) : error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Combat' does not exist in the namespace 'Styx' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
[21:48:51.455 N] Compiler Error: c:\Users\Mikie\Desktop\Misc Items\Honorbuddy 504\Routines\Beast Mastery\TheBeastMaster\BeastForm1.cs(15,12) : error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Combat' does not exist in the namespace 'Styx' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
[21:48:51.455 N] Compiler Error: c:\Users\Mikie\Desktop\Misc Items\Honorbuddy 504\Routines\Beast Mastery\TheBeastMaster\BeastMaster.cs(6,12) : error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Combat' does not exist in the namespace 'Styx' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

Remove "Beast Mastery" folder from Routines and try again.
[21:48:51.455 N] Compiler Error: c:\Users\Mikie\Desktop\Misc Items\Honorbuddy 504\Routines\Beast Mastery\TheBeastMaster\BeastForm1.cs(12,12) : error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Combat' does not exist in the namespace 'Styx' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
[21:48:51.455 N] Compiler Error: c:\Users\Mikie\Desktop\Misc Items\Honorbuddy 504\Routines\Beast Mastery\TheBeastMaster\BeastForm1.cs(15,12) : error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Combat' does not exist in the namespace 'Styx' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
[21:48:51.455 N] Compiler Error: c:\Users\Mikie\Desktop\Misc Items\Honorbuddy 504\Routines\Beast Mastery\TheBeastMaster\BeastMaster.cs(6,12) : error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Combat' does not exist in the namespace 'Styx' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

Remove "Beast Mastery" folder from Routines and try again.
Ah, thanks. I didn't notice that. Seems to be working a little better now. At least now it's not crashing when I press a button. I appreciate the help.
fire mage seams to be doing fine on a dummy but im full ruthless pvp gear ill test in a lfr now if i find 1

20k dps on dummy full pvp gear i love it

20k on morchock

just spamming living bomb on warlord zon'oz View attachment warlord zen'ozz.txt

18k dps everything was fine on yosaj :S

started off at 22k dps - dropped to 16k on hagara but thats fine
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Just wanted to say CLU is working much better on my Ret Pally today than it did yesterday!

Thanks for all your hard work!
I get this:

[23:46:58.185 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<Styx.CommonBot.Routines.ICombatRoutine> - Initializing
[23:46:58.486 N] Compiler Error: c:\Users\core\Desktop\HB\Routines\CLU\CLU\CLU.cs(34,12) : error CS0234: Typen eller navneomr?denavnet Combat finnes ikke i navneomr?det Styx (Kanskje du mangler en samlingsreferanse?)
[23:46:58.486 N] Compiler Error: c:\Users\core\Desktop\HB\Routines\CLU\CLU\Base\Buff.cs(19,16) : error CS0234: Typen eller navneomr?denavnet Combat finnes ikke i navneomr?det Styx (Kanskje du mangler en samlingsreferanse?)
[23:46:58.486 N] Compiler Error: c:\Users\core\Desktop\HB\Routines\CLU\CLU\Base\Item.cs(20,16) : error CS0234: Typen eller navneomr?denavnet Combat finnes ikke i navneomr?det Styx (Kanskje du mangler en samlingsreferanse?)
[23:46:58.486 N] Compiler Error: c:\Users\core\Desktop\HB\Routines\CLU\CLU\Base\Rest.cs(20,16) : error CS0234: Typen eller navneomr?denavnet Combat finnes ikke i navneomr?det Styx (Kanskje du mangler en samlingsreferanse?)
[23:46:58.486 N] Compiler Error: c:\Users\core\Desktop\HB\Routines\CLU\CLU\Base\Spell.cs(24,16) : error CS0234: Typen eller navneomr?denavnet Combat finnes ikke i navneomr?det Styx (Kanskje du mangler en samlingsreferanse?)
[23:46:58.486 N] Compiler Error: c:\Users\core\Desktop\HB\Routines\CLU\CLU\Base\Unit.cs(19,16) : error CS0234: Typen eller navneomr?denavnet Combat finnes ikke i navneomr?det Styx (Kanskje du mangler en samlingsreferanse?)
[23:46:58.486 N] Compiler Error: c:\Users\core\Desktop\HB\Routines\CLU\CLU\Classes\Shaman\Totems.cs(18,16) : error CS0234: Typen eller navneomr?denavnet Combat finnes ikke i navneomr?det Styx (Kanskje du mangler en samlingsreferanse?)
[23:46:58.486 N] Compiler Error: c:\Users\core\Desktop\HB\Routines\CLU\CLU\GUI\ConfigurationForm.cs(21,12) : error CS0234: Typen eller navneomr?denavnet Combat finnes ikke i navneomr?det Styx (Kanskje du mangler en samlingsreferanse?)
[23:46:58.486 N] Compiler Error: c:\Users\core\Desktop\HB\Routines\CLU\CLU\GUI\TargetInfo.cs(23,16) : error CS0234: Typen eller navneomr?denavnet Combat finnes ikke i navneomr?det Styx (Kanskje du mangler en samlingsreferanse?)
[23:46:58.486 N] Compiler Error: c:\Users\core\Desktop\HB\Routines\CLU\CLU\Managers\PetManager.cs(20,16) : error CS0234: Typen eller navneomr?denavnet Combat finnes ikke i navneomr?det Styx (Kanskje du mangler en samlingsreferanse?)
[23:46:58.486 N] Compiler Error: c:\Users\core\Desktop\HB\Routines\CLU\CLU\Managers\TalentManager.cs(22,16) : error CS0234: Typen eller navneomr?denavnet Combat finnes ikke i navneomr?det Styx (Kanskje du mangler en samlingsreferanse?)
[23:46:59.139 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<Styx.CommonBot.Routines.ICombatRoutine> - RoutineManager.Reload !THROTTLED!
[23:46:59.139 D] Routines were reloaded. New routine list:
[23:46:59.139 D] Singular v3 $Revision: 771 $ v2.5.6242.442

This is before loading anything, just opened bot and thats what comes up. I can use the bot, just not CLU
Using on a dk, and when i try to remove manager files, it starts telling me dk files are f***** up too, and so on

The norwegian part says : The type or namespace name 'Combat' does not exist in the namespace 'Styx' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
@ Paddy: thx, still kinda new to this, i try and read all i can but there is a lot of posting on this forum and i can't keep up with everything :P

Now i just get some error with LazyRaider, i'll try and see if i can find out how to fix that one too
still can't get self healing to work on ret pallys..instead of using word of glory or using a 3 point selfless healer flash of light, the bot used lay on hands for heals and nothing else
and yes i have self healing option turned on. what should "healing TTL delta" be set to? under the healing tab


still can't get self healing to work on ret pallys..instead of using word of glory or using a 3 point selfless healer flash of light, the bot used lay on hands for heals and nothing else
and yes i have self healing option turned on. what should "healing TTL delta" be set to? under the healing tab

Hi kathoreas, Thanks for you log :)

Retribution Paladin will only use Cooldowns to heal in combat (No Healing spells, so *Only* LoH, HoP, etc will be used). If you enable movement and are resting (out of combat), it will attempt to use Flash of Light to top you up to Full health instead of eating food. Self healing will be implemented after every other rotation is working for MoP (its not on the high priority list.)
Chose CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) 3.3.0 as your combat routine.
[CLU] 3.3.0: Attatching BotEvents
[CLU] 3.3.0: Character level: 85
[CLU] 3.3.0: Character Faction: Alliance
[CLU] 3.3.0: Character Race: Draenei
[CLU] 3.3.0: Character Mapname: TolBarad
[CLU] 3.3.0: Retrieving Talent Spec
[CLU] 3.3.0: Glyphdetection - GetNumGlyphSockets 6
[CLU] 3.3.0: Glyphdetection - Couldn't find all values to detect the Glyph in slot 1
[CLU] 3.3.0: Glyphdetection - Couldn't find all values to detect the Glyph in slot 2
[CLU] 3.3.0: Glyphdetection - Couldn't find all values to detect the Glyph in slot 3
[CLU] 3.3.0: Glyphdetection - Couldn't find all values to detect the Glyph in slot 4
[CLU] 3.3.0: Glyphdetection - Couldn't find all values to detect the Glyph in slot 5
[CLU] 3.3.0: Glyphdetection - Couldn't find all values to detect the Glyph in slot 6
[CLU] 3.3.0: Character Current Build: PaladinProtection
[CLU] 3.3.0: CreateBehaviors called.
[CLU] 3.3.0: ActiveRotation is null..retrieving.
[CLU] 3.3.0: Using Protection Paladin rotation. Character has Avenger's Shield
[CLU] 3.3.0: Found rotation: Protection Paladin
[CLU] 3.3.0: Greetings, level 85 user!
[CLU] 3.3.0: I am CLU.
[CLU] 3.3.0: I will create the perfect system for you.
[CLU] 3.3.0: I suggest we use the Protection Paladin rotation. Revision: $Rev: 315 $
[CLU] 3.3.0: as I know you have Avenger's Shield
[CLU] 3.3.0: BotBase: Combat Bot (Supported)
[CLU] 3.3.0:
Protection MoP:
[*] DamageReductionDebuff checks for Weakened Blows
[*] Removed Inqisition
[*] Added Holy Prism and Light's Hammer for AoE
[*] Suggested talent choice is Sacred Shield
[*] Added Holy Avenger for ShoR
[*] Added Divine Purpose proc to ShoR or WoG
[*] Execution Sentence on the boss for threat..I know you can use it to self heal..soon
This Rotation will:
1. Heal using Divine Protection, Lay on Hands, Divine Shield and Hand of Protection
==> Word of glory & Guardian of Ancient Kings
2. AutomaticCooldowns has:
==> UseTrinkets
==> UseRacials
==> UseEngineerGloves
==> Avenging Wrath & Lifeblood
3. Seal of Truth & Seal of Truth swapping for low mana
NOTE: PvP uses single target rotation - It's not designed for PvP use until Dagradt changes that.
[CLU] 3.3.0: You can Access CLU's Settings by clicking the CLASS CONFIG button
[CLU] 3.3.0: Let's execute the plan!
[CLU] 3.3.0: Behaviors created!
[CLU] 3.3.0: Retrieving Racial Abilities
[CLU] 3.3.0: Character Racial Abilitie: Gift of the Naaru
[CLU] 3.3.0: Character seems to be outside an Instance
[CLU] 3.3.0: Character seems to be outside an Arena
[CLU] 3.3.0: Character seems to be outside a Battleground
[CLU] 3.3.0: Character seems to be outside a Dungeon
[CLU] 3.3.0: Character HB Pull Range: 3.20000004768372
[CLU] 3.3.0: Initializing list of HealableUnits
[CLU] 3.3.0: Adding: Myself to list of Healable Units
[CLU] 3.3.0: No Healer Base Detectected
[CLU] 3.3.0: Initializing Bot Checker
[CLU] 3.3.0: [BotChecker] Combat Bot Detected. *MOVEMENT DISABLED*
[CLU] 3.3.0: Initializing Sound Player
[CLU] 3.3.0: Initializing Keybinds
Changing current profile to level 0 - 2147483647
[CLU] 3.3.0: WoWStats: Connected to the Grid
[CLU] 3.3.0: CombatLogEvents: Connected to the Grid
[CLU] 3.3.0: CombatLogEvents: Connect UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED
[CLU] 3.3.0: CombatLogEvents: Connect UNIT_SPELLCAST_INTERRUPTED
[CLU] 3.3.0: CombatLogEvents: Connect UNIT_SPELLCAST_FAILED
[CLU] 3.3.0: CombatLogEvents: Connect UNIT_SPELLCAST_FAILED_QUIET
[CLU] 3.3.0: CombatLogEvents: Connect UNIT_SPELLCAST_STOP
[CLU] 3.3.0: CombatLogEvents: Connect SPELL_MISSED
[CLU] 3.3.0: CombatLogEvents: Connect RANGE_MISSED
[CLU] 3.3.0: CombatLogEvents: Connect SWING_MISSED
[CLU] 3.3.0: CombatLogEvents: Connect PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED

any help?
Hi kathoreas, Thanks for you log :)

Retribution Paladin will only use Cooldowns to heal in combat (No Healing spells, so *Only* LoH, HoP, etc will be used). If you enable movement and are resting (out of combat), it will attempt to use Flash of Light to top you up to Full health instead of eating food. Self healing will be implemented after every other rotation is working for MoP (its not on the high priority list.)

thanks for the response.
so i set rest health to 70% and flash heal resting to 70%, yet the bot was at 35% hp full mana and would not cast flash heal. it just sat there waiting for health to regen. self healing is turned on

any idea why it's not working?
what's the lowest level that the CLU mage profile can be used?

To be honest I don't know.

The Minimum requirement for CLU to detect you would be to have the following spells:
- Arcane Blast for Arcane
- Pyroblast for Fire
- Frostbolt for Frost

Apart from that..if you don't have the spell CLU wants to cast it will just go onto one that you do have....or burst into a horrible ball of flames trying :D
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Pm'ed you page 62 is my results for fire mage used the default rotation

dummy and lfr

Id like to say it whent well
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