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CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) - (Pt. 2)

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Seems to be working fine on non-boss types (elites and such in instances) can anyone else confirm it's just Boss/MiniBosses it's broken with right now?

Helpful spells still fire off when fighting bosses for me but no harmful actions are taken. Again, only on bosses.
mine wont start it says there is no rotation fitting. ill give log later raiding now
^^^^ same prob here , this just happened after the recent update to hb. i have everything svn updated . probably a simple fix when they get the time.
^^^^ same prob here , this just happened after the recent update to hb. i have everything svn updated . probably a simple fix when they get the time.

Not a hater i promise lol but if this is something they make a profit off of in any form then they need to figure out a way to constantly update HB and not quit giving updates out at 11pm their time (On Average) ya know? Great job so fr tho guys i couldnt do it lol
^^^^ same prob here , this just happened after the recent update to hb. i have everything svn updated . probably a simple fix when they get the time.

Not a hater i promise lol but if this is something they make a profit off of in any form then they need to figure out a way to constantly update HB and not quit giving updates out at 11pm their time (On Average) ya know? Great job so fr tho guys i couldnt do it lol
That would be true ( sort of) if this was subscription based and they charged it every month like 90% of the other botting companies do for alot less capability. but you pay one flat price and your good for a long time, and they also cover you for big ass patches and expansions such as mop. free of cost but just asking for some patience. they are still working on it and are providing updates that matter in more distant times rather than getting 25 updates per day for something that can be compiled into a smaller amount of updates. Im very happy with the bot , it has so much capability and it performs great!
^^^^ same prob here , this just happened after the recent update to hb. i have everything svn updated . probably a simple fix when they get the time.

yeah im sure its easy just a compilation error... still trying to get a log but raiding for another 1.5
Wulf --

I don't think CLU is reading adds right, or something strange is happening. I'm using an arcane mage, and the rotation goes decently enough until Mirror Image is cast, then when my mirror images come out, my toon starts spamming Arcane Explosion until the mirrors die off.

I don't know what you can make of this read, wulf, but maybe you and your group of coders can pull together a good Arcane rotation from this site? It's from Icy-Veins: Arcane Mage DPS Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities (WoW MoP 5.0.4) - Icy Veins
****** Update ******

Affliction - fixed for all Grimoires
Affliction - No AOE support atm
Warlock - Demonology and Destruction not fixable atm cause we have no way to determine our current Burning Embers / Demonic Fury which are both necessary to make a working rotation for these Speccs

Thanks Stormchasing! Mosly when im grinding as affliction i usually start the fight with a Haunt and then Soulburn and instant Soulswap to get all dots on the target, then finish my target off with a drain soul to get all the shards back. Is that something you are gonna implement into CLU warlock? :) I know CLU is still in early Beta stage, but im thinking for the future :P Thanks for a great CC btw!
Hrm, oddly I'm still not using any harmful actions on dungeon bosses, raid bosses, and raid elites. Seems to work ok on random dungeon mobs as long as they aren't bosses. Very strange.
I have read everyones post. Will respond in a bit. Testing latest Dev version.
I have read everyones post. Will respond in a bit. Testing latest Dev version.
not trying to be pushy at all just trying to inform... take ur time it tons of work and we love you for it!
with the last update of HB i think it fixed it for me it loaded it with no errors and running... fury and prot "warrior"
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Correct, Ensure you are using Honorbuddy v2.5.6202.429 started!
Edit: Still throwing exceptions. Something about ticks. It seems to work in some sections of instances and not in others. Like End Time works perfectly, while Well of Eternity and Hour of Twilight work partially.
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System.ApplicationException: Cannot run Tick before running Start first!
at Styx.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.()
Thanks Stormchasing! Mosly when im grinding as affliction i usually start the fight with a Haunt and then Soulburn and instant Soulswap to get all dots on the target, then finish my target off with a drain soul to get all the shards back. Is that something you are gonna implement into CLU warlock? :) I know CLU is still in early Beta stage, but im thinking for the future :P Thanks for a great CC btw!

Uhm ... no i don't want to support this atm, this is a grinding / leveling roation which i would never user while raiding.
Focus is on raiding and so all current changes to a class, i would do, are related to be effective in a raid.

Maybe i'll add this later.
atm it is supported to cast SB + SW but only on Targets which are bosses :), same for DS (this is a lil bit complicated because u get ONE shard every TWO ticks ... my non-raid-enemies never lives long enough to restore one shard if the drop below 20% and i start using DS)

So ... long story short ... maybe later after fixing the other WL speccs and adding AOE support
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