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CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) - (Pt. 2)

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***** Update *****
- Talentmanager works now properly
- Warlock Affliction - Full Support of Grimoire of Supremacy, untested Support of Grimoire of Service, untested Support of Grimoire of Sacrifice
Arcane Mage feedback

Hi guys,

I have some feedback for you on arcane mage. Im by no means an expert but I can hold my on in heroics and LFR (ok so im a noob :( )

Basically my human arcane mage is opening the rotation with "everyman for himself", apart from that the dps is incredible!

Race: Human
Class: Mage
Spec: Arcane
Level: 85
Ilevel 387 ish (no set bonuses)
Forged: Mastery
HB version: latest as of 18:45 (GMT)
Botbase: Lazy Raider 2.6 (raidbot setting)
Profile: Blank template (CLU Provided)
Target: 85 dummy
CLU Debug: I couldnt workout how to paste this in sorry!

Cheers and thanks guys for this incredible CC.


Hi guys,

I have some feedback for you on arcane mage. Im by no means an expert but I can hold my on in heroics and LFR (ok so im a noob :( )

Basically my human arcane mage is opening the rotation with "everyman for himself", apart from that the dps is incredible!

Race: Human
Class: Mage
Spec: Arcane
Level: 85
Ilevel 387 ish (no set bonuses)
Forged: Mastery
HB version: latest as of 18:45 (GMT)
Botbase: Lazy Raider 2.6 (raidbot setting)
Profile: Blank template (CLU Provided)
Target: 85 dummy
CLU Debug: I couldnt workout how to paste this in sorry!

Cheers and thanks guys for this incredible CC.
I think we have a plan for future implementations of Racials skills. I don't know who's in charge of the Mage cc, but once we make changes to the Racial stuff we have planned, this should hopefully be avoided in the future.
Hello, tumatauenga1980 just updated the CLU rev to 188 and changed some warlock logic.

The Problem now is that the CC summons a pet, casts Grimoire of sacrifice as its sopose to. But after 1 mob he summons a new pet and wait 2 mins for Grimoire of sacrife CD... Please fix it? :D
thx for report, will look at it after raid
this was my last change i couldn't test before raid :D

but i'm happy that sacrificing is working, so i can look at destro and demo lock^^
No no no man, I meant use the bot to DPS the dummy and see how different it is from me playing it, got it?

Can we do that?

Choose Combat Bot, Lazyraider or Tyrael as botbase (should have one of these, the second u can get from the forum, the third ... could be a private one ... dunno) and test :)
****** Update ******

Affliction - fixed for all Grimoires
Affliction - No AOE support atm
Warlock - Demonology and Destruction not fixable atm cause we have no way to determine our current Burning Embers / Demonic Fury which are both necessary to make a working rotation for these Speccs
Choose Combat Bot, Lazyraider or Tyrael as botbase (should have one of these, the second u can get from the forum, the third ... could be a private one ... dunno) and test :)
Damnnnnnn! So I just do this, stand in front of a dummy and my toon will attack the dummy, is that it?

Thanks alot man!!!!
What is this Tyrael thing I've seen you guys mention a couple of times? I know it's some sort of bot base because you group it with LazyRaider and Combat Bot. Is this a private bot base, or something new because I'm not seeing it in my HB folders anywhere.

Damnnnnnn! So I just do this, stand in front of a dummy and my toon will attack the dummy, is that it?

Thanks alot man!!!!
Yeah, but make sure you choose a dummy that shows a level on it. The new raid dummy is level 93 and will give you some pretty crappy results. There are some 75s, 80s, and 85s I believe. Make sure you choose one of them. Anything marked "Raid" is going to be level 93 which is no bueno. Other than that, just point and shoot, then the bot will kick in and do everything else for you.
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What is this Tyrael thing I've seen you guys mention a couple of times? I know it's some sort of bot base because you group it with LazyRaider and Combat Bot. Is this a private bot base, or something new because I'm not seeing it in my HB folders anywhere.

Tyrael is a botbase I wrote. Maybe this will find a way to the forum but I'm most likely to say you guys can't handle it.


Fire mage CC

Used the bot yesterday for about 12 hours using grindbot farming : http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...embersilk-cloth-tol-barad-potion-venders.html

The CC works alright, i'll show what rotations he used mostly:

1st rotation : living bomb , fireball fireball fireball
2nd rotation: living bomb, fireball ( get proc ) fireblast ( or w/e the new spell is called he uses it ) and then pyroblast.

the single target rotations are good, he even uses counterspell and dragons breath

However what I really would like to be added is that he refreshes 'ice barrier' whenever it's down, because that would speed up the grind so much more.

He even managed to kill some ppl that attacked him in pvp, mostly cos my mage is full pvp geared with all BiS and those people were in greens lol, kinda funny to see.

and if you could make a frost CC working that would be great :p or shaman cc! still waiting on that one , since my herb/miner is a shaman :(

Noticed something on the Protection Paladin routine where he doesn't ever seem to get the consecration down (I think it's because they changed it to a targetable spell? memory fails).

Line 107:
Spell.CastSpell("Consecration", ret => Me.CurrentTarget != null && !BossList.IgnoreAoE.Contains(Unit.CurrentTargetEntry) && Me.ManaPercent > CLUSettings.Instance.Paladin.ConsecrationManaPercent && !Me.IsMoving && !Me.CurrentTarget.IsMoving && Me.IsWithinMeleeRange && Unit.EnemyUnits.Count() >= CLUSettings.Instance.Paladin.ConsecrationCount, "Consecration"),

I don't know if ClickRemoteLocation from LegacySpellManager would solve it but it looks like you target it differently with DnD on Blood DK's.
Seems to be working fine on non-boss types (elites and such in instances) can anyone else confirm it's just Boss/MiniBosses it's broken with right now?

Helpful spells still fire off when fighting bosses for me but no harmful actions are taken. Again, only on bosses.
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