Talent Calculator - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
this one should work, Lao hasn't implemented some skills from talents as far as i know, so it shouldn't matter which specc
Use ass rogue spec as u suggested but no luck. Just moving and do nothing

Talent Calculator - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
this one should work, Lao hasn't implemented some skills from talents as far as i know, so it shouldn't matter which specc
guardians still not supported ... pls READUpdated HB and CLU - still, nothing changed for Druid guardians - no form changing. Stands still without bear form, until I change it manually
Okay, small issue! If I'm using CLU and GB2 with my druid (swift flight form) it starts casting the gather, herb or mine, and it stops too soon, so the gather doesn't finish, I guess it's a CLU issue because it doesn't happen when I'm using Singular, although I thought CLU only "activates" while in combat :S
P.s Sometimes it evens Spams BoK till OOM then soon as enough Mana to cast again it do, :-s
View attachment 53590
Seems like u have no target most of the timeUse ass rogue spec as u suggested but no luck. Just moving and do nothing![]()
Ok I appoligise, I did not realise we now have a glyph of consecration that makes it target-able. I will fix glyph detection and implement the change post haste!
Do not target an NPC when starting the bot..it will spam raid buff.
to this:// Handle shapeshift form
// Handle shapeshift form
Logs atted with combatbot and 85 raid dummy (well working).Seems like u have no target most of the time
i would say ... we've to test CLU and TargetCheck in combination with BGBuddy, cause most of them are focussing on raiding.
Rotations for pvping are mostly tested on RaidDummys.
Could u pls choose combat bot as your BotBase and test on dummy? (report back pls) to make sure assassination is working itself.
If it is dpsing on raiddummy, we need to tweak some core-functions for pvping
Yes for sure.----- EDIT -----
pls make sure u selected BGBuddy before hitting the Start-Button (i found a bug, where some settings were not changed)
When enable log feature of CLU.logs said:[BGBuddy]: Accepting battleground join in 7 seconds.
[BGBuddy]: Starting Eye of the Storm
[CLU] 3.2.5: Applying Leeching to off hand
[BGBuddy]: Moving to biggest fight
[CLU] 3.2.5: [Racial Abilitie] Blood Fury
[CLU] 3.2.5: returned null; IsInParty True; ForceTotT True
[CLU] 3.2.5: returned null; IsInParty True; ForceTotT True
[CLU] 3.2.5: returned null; IsInParty True; ForceTotT True
[CLU] 3.2.5: returned null; IsInParty True; ForceTotT True
[CLU] 3.2.5: returned null; IsInParty True; ForceTotT True
[CLU] 3.2.5: returned null; IsInParty True; ForceTotT True
[CLU] 3.2.5: returned null; IsInParty True; ForceTotT True
[CLU] 3.2.5: returned null; IsInParty True; ForceTotT True
[CLU] 3.2.5: returned null; IsInParty True; ForceTotT True
[CLU] 3.2.5: returned null; IsInParty True; ForceTotT True
[CLU] 3.2.5: returned null; IsInParty True; ForceTotT True
[CLU] 3.2.5: returned null; IsInParty True; ForceTotT True
[CLU] 3.2.5: returned null; IsInParty True; ForceTotT True
[CLU] 3.2.5: returned null; IsInParty True; ForceTotT True
[CLU] 3.2.5: returned null; IsInParty True; ForceTotT True
[CLU] 3.2.5: returned null; IsInParty True; ForceTotT True
[CLU] 3.2.5: returned null; IsInParty True; ForceTotT True
[CLU] 3.2.5: returned null; IsInParty True; ForceTotT True
[CLU] 3.2.5: returned null; IsInParty True; ForceTotT True
[CLU] 3.2.5: returned null; IsInParty True; ForceTotT True
[CLU] 3.2.5: returned null; IsInParty True; ForceTotT True
[CLU] 3.2.5: returned null; IsInParty True; ForceTotT True
[CLU] 3.2.5: returned null; IsInParty True; ForceTotT True
[CLU] 3.2.5: returned null; IsInParty True; ForceTotT True
[CLU] 3.2.5: returned null; IsInParty True; ForceTotT True
[CLU] 3.2.5: returned null; IsInParty True; ForceTotT True
[CLU] 3.2.5: returned null; IsInParty True; ForceTotT True
[CLU] 3.2.5: returned null; IsInParty True; ForceTotT True
When enable log feature of CLU.
Ass rogue with this talent. Lv 84. Bgbuddy bot base. lastest CLU rev 199.
SVN Error
Command: Update
Error: REPORT of '/svn/!svn/vcc/default': 200 OK
Error: (clu-for-honorbuddy - the Rotation CC for Combat/Raid/Lazyraider bots Powered by Felmaster technology - Google Project Hosting)
Hay wulf great work by you and your team. I don't know if ya know or not but the hunter is not healing its pet. just giving ya a heads up. thanks agian for the wonderful work.
Everyone having the error with "System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object." is Fixed.// thanks Skeetss
Extra action button click is only availble now for Fading Light..theres a bug somewhere that flooding the logs, Ill fix it soon.
Just for feedback to help you. No need update soon, take your time for other priority. Thanks for all well working you guys!Okay, for me it is now much clearer than before
U were out of range of your current target, and tried to get over there, and u were killed ... while trying to reach your target...
I think we have to adjust the targetting for pvp a lil bit