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CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) - (Pt. 2)

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@ stormchasing

for affliction lock per wulf

It needs to detect talent grimorie of scrifice and cast a pet and sacrifice it not keep spamming a pet
I have not theorycrafted on affliction yet so i am not certain someone correct me if i am wrong but should it spam haunt until you are out of shards? if not that should be fixed
It currently seems to cast soulburn when you start a fight, but it never uses the soulburn effect.

I believe that is all i have not tested it a whole lot.
When you get around to it Wulf and Storm, im down to test enhance shamans if you need a tester
Hey Wulf

Finally sat down to install and do some initial tests on the DK

It seems to me that the Blood part is ready to go pretty much. I don't know how much has been reported already and if you want logs with the major changes being done constantly to HB at the moment, but this is what I observed:

Death Strikes are aced. Seem to work as intended on my UI settings
Blood Bloil on proc is right on the money! There seems to be an issue on refreshing deseases without procs though. It does not use runes on doing a Blood Boil when timers are running out.
I am specced Roiling Blood and have it selected on the UI, but there is an issue on doing blood taps it would appear. It doesn't seem to detect the stacks and doesn't use them, so it's kinda stuck on 12 stacks constantly.
This is on the dummy, so I have nothing on the defensive cooldowns (I usually disable them anyway and do it manually)

I didn't bother to do logs yet as it was my first trial run, I think tomorrow I'll have a look at the code to see if I can spot anything to fix what I meantioned above.

but still an excellent piece of work, if you don't mind me mentioning it again :)

I need to change Tier one detection..ill do it now..it was just in the UI, this will help spread the diseases. Will release an update in a few.

ok try that....

[CLU] 3.2.5: Retrieving Talent Spec
[CLU] 3.2.5: TalentManager - numTalents 18
[CLU] 3.2.5: TalentManager - Setting DeathKnightTierOneTalent to PlagueLeech
[CLU] 3.2.5: Character Current Build: DeathKnightBlood

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Wulf, I appreciate all your effort on this... but do you ever sleep?

Just curious. :cool:

Seriously though, it's rocking with Combat Bot.
Just out of curiousity, and in no way meant to be a push for speed, but do you happen to have an ETA on an updated Balance Druid spec?

Also, tomorrows a "full maintenance" day, so I'd expect a mini-patch that will "break" HB at least a little bit
Wulf, I appreciate all your effort on this... but do you ever sleep?

Just curious. :cool:

Seriously though, it's rocking with Combat Bot.

haha, combat bot...pfft use this, I recommend 30fps (Dont use it above 15 for Druid!!!).. full credit to Weischbier


Little Update

* DeathKnight
- [x] Blood -- Blood Tap not working as intended. Fixed Tier one talent detection (should now spread diseases appropriatly for all specs)
- [x] Frost
- [ ] Unholy

* Druid
- [ ] Balance
- [x] Feral
- [x] Guardian
- [ ] Restoration

* Hunter -- Fixed a load of bugs, thanks to Harmabot and PTankadin for helping out
- [x] BeastMastery -- I have confirmed on my hunter that Arcane shot is working and cobra shot.
- [x] Marksmanship
- [x] Survival -- Problem with Explosive shot at the moment.

* Mage
- [x] Arcane
- [x] Fire
- [ ] Frost

* Monk
- [N/A] Brewmaster
- [N/A] Mistweaver
- [N/A] Windwalker

* Paladin
- [x] Holy
- [x] Protection
- [x] Retribution

* Priest
- [x] Shadow -- Is insane!! (It can play better than bennyquest and thats saying something haha)
- [ ] Discipline
- [ ] Holy

* Rogue
- [x] Assassination
- [x] Combat
- [ ] Subtlety

* Shaman
- [ ] Elemental
- [ ] Restoration
- [ ] Enhancement

* Warlock
- [x] Affliction
- [ ] Demonology
- [ ] Destruction

* Warrior
- [ ] Arms
- [x] Protection
- [x] Fury

Of course thanks to the CLU development Crew - you guys are awesome! Ama, Dagradt, Handnavi, Weischbier, Lao, Stormchasing
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So, I know this CC is in alpha but the ret rotation is currently wrong, Ret uses a priority system in 5.04 and it goes as follows:

Inq at 3 hp (refresh at 3 seconds)
Templars verdict at 5 hp
Hammer of wrath
Crusader strike
templars verdict at 3 hp

A holy power generating move should always be used before a finisher.

With cooldowns, it's pretty much the same as pre patch, pop guardian, wait 10 seconds, pop wings and go to town on there face, after that guardian and wings should be used on CD.

For AoE, divine storm should be used over TV when it will hit 2 or more mobs, crusader stike should be replaced with hammer of the righteous at 4+ mobs, and seal of truth should be swapped with seal of the righteous at 8 or more mobs.

Cheers :)

Affliction Warlock: Thanks to Stormchasing.

Edit: Temporary fix for Summon Terrorguard. It will now be popped with cooldowns on boss.
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@ stormchasing

for affliction lock per wulf

It needs to detect talent grimorie of scrifice and cast a pet and sacrifice it not keep spamming a pet
I have not theorycrafted on affliction yet so i am not certain someone correct me if i am wrong but should it spam haunt until you are out of shards? if not that should be fixed
It currently seems to cast soulburn when you start a fight, but it never uses the soulburn effect.

I believe that is all i have not tested it a whole lot.

Thanks for reporting and testing.
We put a new built up for affliction, which fixes:
- double casting
- DoT-Uptime raised significantly (thanks to Wulf for reading my mind while i was driving to work)
- Soulburn + Soul Swap

Atm the only supported Specc (dpsing tier) is this Talent Calculator - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

on my todo list is atm:
- petcall in fight
- out of fight
- buffing in fight (Dark Intent)
- Supporting Grimoire of Service (dunno if this is a viable choice, all sources i've looked at use Grimoire of Supremacy or Grimoire of Sacrfice)
- Supporting Grimoire of Sacrifice

I think i'm able to put a new release up for Affliction within the next 10 hours (atm at work), which will support the above things completely.

Note for me: Rework Talentspecc-Detection and Save TierTalent on Startup and on TalentSpecc-Change instead of checking this on Pulse

Firstly i have to say i am loving your work.

I've been playing around with the hunter rotations mainly, and for the most part they have been working like a dream, few minor problems but hey its an alpha with a HB thats not really all there.

However i got on tonight and found Cobra Shot to be spamming again.

And i'm hopping i'm not stepping on any toes here but i had a quick look through the BM rotations and found that you have a few different Cobra Shots (line 135 and line 143, as well as line 124 triggers on the Dummies when someone is in the area attacking one of the other dummies) and i wasn't sure if it was intentional to be doubling up or not. EDIT: i've just noticed that line 135 has an extra space in the spell name (" Cobra Shot") so this line would have been casting anyway, so there really is only one line casting cobra shot :-)

I've also found that Me.FocusPercent < % seams to be working again (had heard that it had stopped, not sure thou, shrug). so i've added that to the Cobra shots to stop it spamming.

As for the Survival rotation.
I've un-commented line 123 - Spell.CastSpell("Explosive Shot", ret => Buff.TargetDebuffTimeLeft("Explosive Shot").TotalSeconds <= 1, "Explosive Shot"), and it seams to be working again, casting Explosive Shot and what not
I also noticed there was nothing for the Lock and Load so i've simply added Spell.CastSpell("Explosive Shot", ret => Buff.PlayerHasActiveBuff("Lock and Load"), "Explosive Shot"), and that seams to be doing the job, not sure if you have other plans for explosive shot or not, but i though i'd let you know that HB is able to cast it again.

Thank you for all your had work and sorry if this is hard to read, i'm not the best at turning whats in my head into text.

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Frost DK:

Uses Empower rune weapon at start of fight with full runes... Does not refresh blood plague with plague strike, waits for outbreak to be off of cd.
And i'm hopping i'm not stepping on any toes here but i had a quick look through the BM rotations and found that you have a few different Cobra Shots (line 135 and line 143, as well as line 124 triggers on the Dummies when someone is in the area attacking one of the other dummies) and i wasn't sure if it was intentional to be doubling up or not. EDIT: i've just noticed that line 135 has an extra space in the spell name (" Cobra Shot") so this line would have been casting anyway, so there really is only one line casting cobra shot :-)
Type fixed, " " removed
As for the Survival rotation.
I've un-commented line 123 - Spell.CastSpell("Explosive Shot", ret => Buff.TargetDebuffTimeLeft("Explosive Shot").TotalSeconds <= 1, "Explosive Shot"), and it seams to be working again, casting Explosive Shot and what not
I also noticed there was nothing for the Lock and Load so i've simply added Spell.CastSpell("Explosive Shot", ret => Buff.PlayerHasActiveBuff("Lock and Load"), "Explosive Shot"), and that seams to be doing the job, not sure if you have other plans for explosive shot or not, but i though i'd let you know that HB is able to cast it again.
unable to determine if it is working as intended, as i never played hunter, but we'll look into this
Hi guys, great work! keep it up, just a VERY minor point, it doesnt seem to be picking up 2 and 4 piece tier sets (on warrior Fury)

[09:19:00.112 N] [CLU] 3.2.5: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2pc Tier set Bonus?: False
4pc Tier set Bonus?: False
This Rotation will:
1. Heal using Victory Rush, Enraged Regeneration
==> Rallying Cry, Healthstone
2. AutomaticCooldowns has:
==> UseTrinkets
==> UseRacials
==> UseEngineerGloves
5. Best Suited for end game raiding
NOTE: PvP uses single target rotation - It's not designed for PvP use.
Credits to
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Frost DK:

Uses Empower rune weapon at start of fight with full runes... Does not refresh blood plague with plague strike, waits for outbreak to be off of cd.

We found a dev who is looking into this, no eta yet
Hi guys, great work! keep it up, just a VERY minor point, it doesnt seem to be picking up 2 and 4 piece tier sets (on warrior Fury)

[09:19:00.112 N] [CLU] 3.2.5: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2pc Tier set Bonus?: False
4pc Tier set Bonus?: False
This Rotation will:
1. Heal using Victory Rush, Enraged Regeneration
==> Rallying Cry, Healthstone
2. AutomaticCooldowns has:
==> UseTrinkets
==> UseRacials
==> UseEngineerGloves
5. Best Suited for end game raiding
NOTE: PvP uses single target rotation - It's not designed for PvP use.
Credits to
So u had equipped these 2 or more items from this set ?
if yes, we will take a look
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