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CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) - (Pt. 2)

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Wulf --

I'm guessing that all of the specs you have listed on the first post are for level 85 only, right? Nothing works for anything less than level 85? Just asking because I'm using CLU with a mage, and I'm arcane (which shows 5.0.4 Tested), but it keeps trying to cast a spell and is telling me I don't know that spell yet. So, would you suggest not using CLU at all until level 85?
Hey wulf

3. The Assasin Rouge is very very bad = Thanks...erm what can we do to improve it ?

If you'll allow me to , I'll add the Assassination rotation I've written for CLU. Currently, I have mine separate from the standard Assassin rotation, but I can change that.
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Hey wulf

If you'll allow me to , I'll add the Assassination rotation I've written for CLU. Currently, I have mine separate from the standard Assassin rotation, but I can change that.

PM me.

Pickpocket maybe added, its not high on the priorty yet.

@ zeldrak: There are many spells missing from honorbuddys spellmanager - Apoc is working on it - so its going to be hit and miss at this stage.
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PM me.

Pickpocket maybe added, its not high on the priorty yet.

@ zeldrak: There are many spells missing from honorbuddys spellmanager - Apoc is working on it - so its going to be hit and miss at this stage.
I see. No problem then. I'll just pick PQR back up until things settle down a little more. I'm really nervous using it, so I use it in small spurts. Just hastily waiting for HB to be fully functional again in the meantime.
Hey Wulf,

Playing around with the Resto profile and couldn't understand the Rejuvenation spam. Looking at the logic here and maybe I'm wrong but:

Healer.FindRaidMember(a => true, x => x.ToUnit().InLineOfSight && !x.ToUnit().IsDead && x.HealthPercent < 95, (a, b) => (int)(a.CurrentHealth - b.CurrentHealth), "single target healing",
Spell.CastSpell("Swiftmend", a => (Buff.TargetHasBuff("Regrowth") || Buff.TargetHasBuff("Rejuvenation")), "Swiftmend (Single)"), - If they've got a current HoT then Swiftmend them.

Spell.CastSpell("Regrowth", a => !Buff.TargetHasBuff("Regrowth") && Buff.PlayerHasActiveBuff("Clearcasting"), "Regrowth (Single-Clearcasting)"), - Only Regrowth if you're clearcasting and they don't currently have Regrowth buff.

Spell.CastSpell("Rejuvenation", a => !Buff.TargetHasBuff("Rejuvenation"), "Rejuvenation (Single)"), - If they aren't Rejuvenated then Rejuvenate them.

Spell.CastSpell("Regrowth", a => !Buff.TargetHasBuff("Regrowth") && (CurrentTargetHealthPercent < (Me.IsInRaid ? 70 : 80) || !Buff.PlayerHasBuff("Harmony")), "Regrowth (single)"), - Regrowth them if they don't have Regrowth (I don't understand the next argument but maybe something to do with comparing my health to theirs) or they don't have Harmony.

Spell.CastSpell("Healing Touch", a => CurrentTargetHealthPercent < 70 && !Buff.TargetHasBuff("Wild Growth"), "Healing Touch (Single)"), - Healing Touch if they're < 70% and they don't have Wild Growth (why if they don't have WG?).

Spell.CastSpell("Nourish", a => CanNourish, "Nourish (Single)"), - I have no idea what the CanNourish check is.

Spell.CastSpell("Rejuvenation", a => true, "Rejuvenation (Single)") - And when all else fails Rejuv the bastard. Which I think is where I'm getting 90% of my activity and drains my mana in a few minutes. Perhaps CanNourish is the issue here as all the other checks seem to be reasonable.

I dunno, I wish I understood the API better and could try some stuff on my own. =\
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@LowRes: you understand it well. I will have a look into it soon, the druids have allot of issues with missing spells.
Affliction Lock got a basic rotation implemented yesterday, feel free to test it. I'm not finished with it, cause i've written this while raiding.
Will test today.
Demo & Destro Lock gets some love in the evening.

If there's no update till i've the time to take a look into this, i'll do Sub and Assa today and will need some testers.

Enhancer will get an update in the evening

My rotations will reference to Icy Veins - World of Warcraft News and Guides, for the beginning i'll not focus on any talents, these will be done later, main focus is atm on getting all Classes updated, adjustments will be done in a second step.
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dunno if its just me but SVN seems to be abit screwed, i'm getting a nested CLU dir ie theres a CLU dir within the CLU Dir with the another copy of the files etc so now when i start HB CLU doesnt show up at all
Yep after updating the svn its not working anymore just getting the error

No routines were loaded. Please ensure there is a routine for your class before starting the bot.
Yeah, SVN no longer works, all downloads fine but CLU is no longer recognised within HB.
We are sorry, we had a lil mistake while committing, SVN fixed with revision 145,
Rogue Assassination - updated by Lao, still some work, but should work for 5m so far
Priest CC doesn't cast mind fray..
1st - log, pls if u report a bug, or a suggestion attach a log, it doesn't matter how simple the issue / suggestion is in your eyes!!! (if u'll report a perfect bugreport u'll add a detailled discription of the situation)
2nd - Class (Priest okay, could figure this out), Specc (i assume it is Shadow, but i dunno cause Priest has no Mind Fray (maybe u mean Mind Flay?)
3rd - Keep in mind we're still updating and most of the time we are fighting with HB issues and looking for possible workarounds (this burns our time while developing, cause we are all hard working in real life ... okay some of us are lazy students BUUUUT most of us having a regular job with 9 hours and we need some sleep (except the students, they sleep all the time...))

So please help us to help you by providing a lil bit more informations

And .. sorry @myLazyStudents u know how i mean it :D
Just updated from SVN of course, in Readme.txt it says version 3.1.0

There is some issues with Rogue (Combat), but probably also the other specs, i haven't looked.

Feint got changed with 5.0.4:
- No longer reduces threat, so that should be removed.
- No longer needs a target to apply it (and not need to be in melee range ofcourse)
- No longer has a cooldown, but still on GCD.

As it is now, it sometimes keep spamming Feint, even that my Feint buff already is on, it's probably because i have too much threat, and it won't help using it.
Threatinfo is broken, in one of the next releases we'll change feint to be a cooldown (damagereduction) only, without checking threat

P.S. i hope my name is Stormchasing .. if not ... i have a Multiple Personality Disorder today
I'd think the hours you guys have been putting into this project over the past few days, a Multiple Personality Disorder is the least of your problems m8 ;) with the sleep Deprivation you're suffering from!!! but tht said, no sleeping til its all fixed 100% you hear!!!!!

hahahaha only kidding! keep up the good work guys, we all appreciate all your hard work!!!!
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New Shadow Priest rotation added to SVN..its melting faces. Make sure Rotation Selector is set to Default under Class specific > Shadow Spec
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