Hey Wulf,
Playing around with the Resto profile and couldn't understand the Rejuvenation spam. Looking at the logic here and maybe I'm wrong but:
Healer.FindRaidMember(a => true, x => x.ToUnit().InLineOfSight && !x.ToUnit().IsDead && x.HealthPercent < 95, (a, b) => (int)(a.CurrentHealth - b.CurrentHealth), "single target healing",
Spell.CastSpell("Swiftmend", a => (Buff.TargetHasBuff("Regrowth") || Buff.TargetHasBuff("Rejuvenation")), "Swiftmend (Single)"), - If they've got a current HoT then Swiftmend them.
Spell.CastSpell("Regrowth", a => !Buff.TargetHasBuff("Regrowth") && Buff.PlayerHasActiveBuff("Clearcasting"), "Regrowth (Single-Clearcasting)"), - Only Regrowth if you're clearcasting and they don't currently have Regrowth buff.
Spell.CastSpell("Rejuvenation", a => !Buff.TargetHasBuff("Rejuvenation"), "Rejuvenation (Single)"), - If they aren't Rejuvenated then Rejuvenate them.
Spell.CastSpell("Regrowth", a => !Buff.TargetHasBuff("Regrowth") && (CurrentTargetHealthPercent < (Me.IsInRaid ? 70 : 80) || !Buff.PlayerHasBuff("Harmony")), "Regrowth (single)"), - Regrowth them if they don't have Regrowth (I don't understand the next argument but maybe something to do with comparing my health to theirs) or they don't have Harmony.
Spell.CastSpell("Healing Touch", a => CurrentTargetHealthPercent < 70 && !Buff.TargetHasBuff("Wild Growth"), "Healing Touch (Single)"), - Healing Touch if they're < 70% and they don't have Wild Growth (why if they don't have WG?).
Spell.CastSpell("Nourish", a => CanNourish, "Nourish (Single)"), - I have no idea what the CanNourish check is.
Spell.CastSpell("Rejuvenation", a => true, "Rejuvenation (Single)") - And when all else fails Rejuv the bastard. Which I think is where I'm getting 90% of my activity and drains my mana in a few minutes. Perhaps CanNourish is the issue here as all the other checks seem to be reasonable.
I dunno, I wish I understood the API better and could try some stuff on my own. =\