Sounds like you are doing something really wrong I hit 50 by feb on my sentinal and I don't get to play a lotleveling a toon is super gay, i havent even hit 25 on my 1st toon and ive had the game since january, i feel like a jackass, i need to cancel my subscription before i waste anymore money
by really wrong you mean, not wanting to sit there and watch a 5 min dialog for every quest? I can only stand about 2 hours of questing at a time.
No srsly. We're on the last leg (I hope! /jinx)
leveling a toon is super gay, i havent even hit 25 on my 1st toon and ive had the game since january, i feel like a jackass, i need to cancel my subscription before i waste anymore money
Oh me so horneyMaybe
The first public test will be soon. So tell your friends and be prepated.
It will be legen - wait for it because there is no spoon - dary.
Not trying to be a hater, but my sub to SW:TOR ends in two months I won't be re-uping I think you missed out on my money and probably at least a few others.
The first public test will be soon. So tell your friends and be prepated.
It will be legen - wait for it because there is no spoon - dary.