Gamer's viewpoint
The game is weak
- professions and questing are as grindy as AION (korean MMO).
- game mechanics like dps and heals are not as fun as RIFT
- Auction House is as primitive, constrictive, user unfriendly and item listing limited to 50 items as AION did.
- quicker to reach max level in RIFT and WoW
- non-existent economy even in v-high pop PvE servers
- full of unlimited leveling and credits exploits, Bioware is inept at banning and detecting gold laundering accounts except direct-trade
- economy won't recover until next xpac
- player population consists of mostly rejects from WoW and other MMOs
- game is Flavor-of-the-Season, Diablo 3 will trash it flat.
- game is a just a placeholder, before people migrate back to WoW: Panda, GW2, Aion 3, Diablo 3
For SWTOR you lose the game + 2 months game card (they force you to activate a minimum subscription before you can play the game) = $87.99
All of this is based on your opinion, which means jack. The bonus quests are grindy, but there's far less grinding in SWTOR than any MMO I've played.
so true, the dude is clearly a wow fanboi, they are so scared that swtor is going to obliterate wow.
aside from the obvious skipping of tedious leveling will a swtor bot be worth anything?
i mean will farmed credits be useful?
right now the credits are worth jack cause you can't buy anything. the galactic trade network is a mess to work with.
the lack of UI enhancing addons adds to that (especially for the galactic trade network)
i actually lost intrest in the game around level 11 after my first "flashpoint".
Well, the fact that you bought a Lifetime subscription for BuddyTeam's WoW Bot pretty much proves my point that you were at least once a WoW Fanboi.
Sure, WoW is dying a slow hemorrhaging death and has antiquated graphics and each xpac is a rehash of the previous content with "higher numbers". I don't even play WoW for the fun, I bot it for the $.
But you know what, let the numbers do the talking:
Value/Demand of WoW currency > SWTOR currency
Please PM all the China Agents on this forum (and out there) and you will find out that they only want WoW gold.
I vaguely remembered that I sold 90g during WoW Vanilla @ $27 -> $0.30 per 1 gold.
Only weeks into its release and look at SWTOR -> $0.003 per 1K credits
Let's assume that 1K SWTOR credits approx 1 WoW gold. This means that WoW currency at its start was 100 times more valuable that of SWTOR.
Even a dying WoW has greater currency demand than a newly released SWTOR.
The popularity of a MMO is determined by the quantity active account subscription, but since we have no way to pry the figures from Blizzard's or Bioware's accountancy dept, we have to look the next closest statistic -> Value/Demand for the game currency.
Let's hope that you can see the logic that SWTOR is going to end up like AION, RIFT and whatnot based on just the graph of the Value/Demand for the game currency itself.
Well, the fact that you bought a Lifetime subscription for BuddyTeam's WoW Bot pretty much proves my point that you were at least once a WoW Fanboi.
Sure, WoW is dying a slow hemorrhaging death and has antiquated graphics and each xpac is a rehash of the previous content with "higher numbers". I don't even play WoW for the fun, I bot it for the $.
But you know what, let the numbers do the talking:
Value/Demand of WoW currency > SWTOR currency
Please PM all the China Agents on this forum (and out there) and you will find out that they only want WoW gold.
I vaguely remembered that I sold 90g during WoW Vanilla @ $27 -> $0.30 per 1 gold.
Only weeks into its release and look at SWTOR -> $0.003 per 1K credits
Let's assume that 1K SWTOR credits approx 1 WoW gold. This means that WoW currency at its start was 100 times more valuable that of SWTOR.
Even a dying WoW has greater currency demand than a newly released SWTOR.
The popularity of a MMO is determined by the quantity active account subscription, but since we have no way to pry the figures from Blizzard's or Bioware's accountancy dept, we have to look the next closest statistic -> Value/Demand for the game currency.
Let's hope that you can see the logic that SWTOR is going to end up like AION, RIFT and whatnot based on just the graph of the Value/Demand for the game currency itself.
Btw, what can we expect from the SWTOR bot you are releasing soon. Will it be like HonorBuddy with instance,pvp,questing,professsion support?
national weather service worldwar2 qnwf
I hope there is a lifetime sub cause anything else is a waste of time lol
Apoc has stated a limited feature set will be available at launch. From what I've read I would conjecture these would be the supported bot bases:
- Grind bot
- Quest bot
- Profession Support
- PvP bot
I'm curious how the profession support will work. If it's integrated in to the Quest bot and sends unused companions off while questing, this would be amazing.
Also, as I've said in this thread before... a LazyRaider-style bot base would be awesome sauce.
Thank you for your valued contribution to this thread.
Vmware or innerspace. Both are not free software.
I tried with vmware but failed. Vmware works with WoW but gives a black screen for swtor. Not sure why.
No idea with innerspace.